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Resinsoul Dai - 58cm

Apr 11, 2009

    1. I love the body mold! I'm still trying to decide which head I want though :D
    2. Candy Kitten- Your girl is just stunning!

      I'm currious about using the new body with bobobie's heads as well. I have talked with Dennis and he says I can switch my pandora head onto the new body without a problem, but I'd still love to see pics of it if anyone has tried it. I just love how much more graceful this new body is!!
    3. thanks very much shastam!
    4. Two Pics of my Dai (I love her to pieces) I have more In the box opening gallery

      • x 2
    5. She's very pretty! I like the blong wig on her.

      Has anyone out there tried using the new 58cm body with the older 60 cm heads? I'm still very currious to see how that will work.
    6. I love bbb Pandora and have to have one, but after that the 60cm Resinsoul girls are so special I don't know if I will ever get done with them. Dai has a beautiful peaceful face and Dan looks great with or without horns and I also have a soft spot for Yun. Resinsoul is very addicting.
    7. I'm actually planning to put my pandora head on a 58 cm body since I just love the look of the new body, and it seems to match the slim grace of pandora's face. But I think I'll want a Resinsoul doll too once I get done with Pandora. Dennis at Bobobie says I can put pandora's head on the 58cm body, I just wonder if it will look right or not.
    8. I'm interested in getting a Rachel head on the new body and Bobobie told me they can do it, I wonder how it will look as well, does anyone happen to have both?
    9. I actually did order the body. I figure if it looks bad I can get a resinsoul head :)
      When it finally gets here I'll post a pic. I think one of my friends has rachel head. I have white and hers is natural skin, but I can try and get a pic of both for you.
    10. thanks, that would be awesome :D!
    11. I really can't wait to see how this will look. If it is a good match proportionwise I might also like a Rachel and an Ophelia as well as Pandora and the RS girls that are so wonderful. The RS body is beautiful. I don't mind a slightly larger head on a doll so maybe my problems will be solved. So many of these RS and BBB girls are coming up with the most amazing face sculpts. With a custom faceup they will all be incredible. Did anyone see the Ophelia that the faceup artist *Meee* painted recently? She looks like a princess.

    12. While I do not care for the face-up on her, the doll is very pretty. Her hands are wonderful. And she is not expensive at all!
    13. Hi, do you think SD-size dollmore shoes will fit her?
      I'm afraid they might be too big.
    14. i own a BBB Dai and she actually stands really well with and without boots. She truly is a lovely girl.
    15. I'm still waiting on my girl. How do her measurements compare other sd sized girls?
    16. I don't have a Dai but I do have a Charisma on the Bobobie body and I am wondering how she would look also..wih the new body I mean....

      Dolly Hugs

    17. Oh I am ordering this beautiful Dai very very very soon!!!

      To answer peoples questions, given I haven't found the answers in the thread thus far - her head circumference is 21 cms. That translates to 8.3 inches. So her wig size is 8/9, or 7/8 if you want a tighter fit I suppose.

      RS posted on the Dai webpage that she takes 16-18mm eyes, as well.\

      Off I go to screen-shop for wigs and eyes! :D!
    18. Does anyone know, also, if her base faceup comes with that blue maple-leaf tattoo'd on her face? I rather despise it and want a very simple face-up so I can continue to mess with it on my own. :)
    19. I don't think the tattoo is part of her default face up. I bet if you asked bobobie they may be able to do it for you though.
      Thanks for the wig info! I still wish they listed better body porportions so we could make clothes while we wait!

      Congrats on ordering a Dai, I think she's so beautiful!
    20. Finally, my grey charisma on the resinsoul 58cm body has come!! I have just one pic so far of her that shows the body and head from her box opening, but if anyone is intrested in anything praticular, just let me know and I'll get more shots!! I know I'll probably need a good nude shot of her so you can see all of her with the head, but it fits really well. No long alien neck, and its not too big!


      And one of her as she looks for the time being since I just can't resist!

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