1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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RosenLied discussion part 1

Apr 27, 2011

    1. The new Holiday Bebe has been available all day! Maybe the market is not quite as hot as it was. I want a BeBe but I don't like the faceup on this one.
    2. I think that's the problem with her, the face-up, but it's indeed strange that she's still available, even though I don't like her faceup either, she's cute... [​IMG]
    3. I like her faceup as it's soft and pretty, her outfit is not to my taste. But I already have a Bebe, and if I do get another Holiday Child to keep her company, it'll be a Miu with a natural faceup.
    4. I was surprised to see that she was still available. I put her in my cart but cancelled for the same reason as Kayjay..I already have Bebe and the outfit does nothing for me. I wonder if Bebe sculpt was not as popular as the others. Yesterday LE Peanut was available. I was so tempted but passed. She is sold. I want a basic or LE Mignon and will be patient.
    5. She is finally sold out. That is good! I was beginning to weaken!
    6. RosenLied is making a new Holiday Child Bambi!!
      She is so cute!! I love her teeth~
      Hope that basic Bambi is coming soon
      • x 1
    7. Oh Bambi is very cute isn't she? Thanks for the photo of her, hopefully they'll release her as a basic
    8. Rosen Lied said that Bambi is planning to sell on July~
      I hope they will sell some stock Bambi in Hong Kong July Doll Event~~
    9. Update New~~~
      Rosen Lied have post their new limited dress and The One doll on the web~~
      They are so lovely

      Sleeping Miu is so lovely and her dress is so beautiful.
    10. Bambi is very cute. I love the Limited dress!
    11. I didn't see them selling today. (I went to the event today)

      I'm slightly confused with the size--
      Do Holiday childs fit MSD clothes or SD clothes?
      What wigs do they wear?

    12. They are chunky MSDs so fit into some clothes made for Kaye Wiggs and Dollstown 7 and they wear an 8-9 wig. In comparison, Wednesday Child wear 'slim mini' clothes and wear a 7-8 wig.

    13. So the holiday child's head is around the same size with Volks SD dolls?
    14. I can't do comparison pics now as I've sold my Holiday Child but they share the same size wigs.
    15. thanks a lot.
      No wonder Volks Dear SD can share heads with SD bodies.
    16. Hi guys, I bought my first Rosenlied doll from OliveOil, thought I'd show her in her new dress.
      [​IMG]Nessarose by Sunrei LaChance, on Flickr
      I really love this photo, I tried using two mirrors to create the lighting, it's the first time I tried anything like it!
      She's A limited Alice style Cherry, Monday sized:)
    17. Your limited Cherry is lovely, congrats! I've recently received a ws basic Mango who is adorable, I must get round to taking photos of her for the thread. I have no idea why they aren't more popular, she's every bit as cute as my Lati girls or Pukifee, but seems to have made friends with my Ellemeno by Nicky Britt
    18. I hope I can post my Holiday's Child Miu's photo here, she arrived today from Nomyens, and wanted to share her pretty photo :)
      [​IMG]Heidi by Gigiholy, on Flickr
      • x 1
    19. Miu isdorable! I like that wig on her!
    20. Your Miu is so adorable :D