1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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RosenLied discussion part 1

Apr 27, 2011

    1. I hope you hear from them soon. Can the leg straighten? What do you think the problem is? It must be frustrating not being able to play.
    2. I think I have 2 x left leg lower leg parts, so, a left leg part on the right leg.
      That would explain why there's a gap, and I've seen this sort of things a lot with other companies.
      Technically I CAN play with her, but if they're going to get me to send parts/all of her back, it would all be too sad!
    3. Well they got back to me.
      They want me to send the entire doll back. :(
    4. Oh no, can you ask if you have a replacement leg and restring her yourself?
    5. I'm guessing they don't actually know which part is wrong otherwise I doubt they'd go through the effort or expense.
      I mean, they're going to have to pay for me to ship the doll back to them AND ship her back to me again.
      That really isn't cheap!

      You can really tell they rushed these Alice dolls out though.:(
    6. I know it's a disappointment, but at least they have good customer service, I'm sure she'll be back home in no time
    7. I've just seen the new Weds sculpt, isn't she beautiful :aheartbea And RL are offering layaway for the limited dolls!
    8. Midnite, I am sorry you have to send the doll back, but I am so happy they want to make it right. They do have excellent customer service. Will you send with head or just the body?
      I have a question...usually the Limiteds sell out within minutes. Lately they are available days later. I always thought it was collectors in Japan that bought the Limiteds. Has the trend changed?

      Kayjay, isn't Rose beautiful? I am happy with my girls or I would be tempted. I love Tuesday Harmony.
    9. Nothing has changed there, the Japanese are still buying most of the dolls! You can tell because auctions are full of Alice and the White Rabbit right now who have clearly just been shipped out.
      The thing is that honestly, the dolls just aren't that unique this time. With the exception of Rose - I'm not sure why she didn't sell out - they're not really partiularly special, and people know they won't even be able to get a good selling price putting them up on auction so no one is really bothering.
      It does happen sometimes, and from the forums I've read, I know that people here expect the LE and The One dolls to be something special to justify the extra cost.

      Plus, I don't know if this has anything to do with it but, the US$ seems to have gotten stronger lately.
      Suddenly my dolls that weren't selling at all for the longest time have started selling, because I think the prices have become affordable again. When you flip that round, it means that it's more expensive for people in Japan to buy a doll with a price in US$ than it was a few months ago. From our perspective, they've gone up in price even though nothing has changed.
      I really don't know if that has anything to do with it, but when you combine that to how simple the dolls are this time, it makes a lot of sense.

      I still don't get it with Rose though because I think she's stunning!
      I'd have been tempted, but JUST got my Cheshire Cat and now have to send her back, and splurged on a Momocolor doll yesterday so really don't have the funds!

      Back to my Cheshire Cat, I'm off to mail RosenLied now and ask them how they're going to refund the shipping costs.
      It's going to cost a LOT to send her back, and I'd rather not just have points.
    10. RosenLied got back to me again and said I'm welcome to just send back the body if I like (so keep the head and clothes here), and they'll refund the shipping by paypal.
      The reason they want her back is because, if someone made a mistake with the leg what if other mistakes were made too? They want to completely check her over for me, which definitely IS good customer service considering this is going to cost them money!
    11. That's great news midnitestar, much better than customer service at some other companies I could mention (Lati..!).

      I love Rose's outfit and shoes (Love those shoes..!) and I think she's special enough to have been snapped up. I'm looking forward to seeing the basic when/if she is released.
    12. Thanks Midnite! That makes a lot of sense why they are not selling out. I am surprised that Rose is still available. She definitely is pretty and lovely face sculpt.
      Please tell me how much is White Rabbit selling for on auction. She is my dream doll and I know I will never find her here. I am sure the price is more than I can afford.
      I love RL customer service. So often I hear about defective dolls and the companies are not so accommodating. I am glad they are paying the return shipping in dollars. Please keep us posted on this.

      Kayjay: The layaway plan won't work for you on Rose? She sure is pulling at your heart strings. I decided to pass on Harmoney. I love my 3 girls and hope to get more outfits like the SugarBaby one.
    13. I've been tempted today, but she doesn't pull on my heart strings the way my Tuesday girl did who I love and adore - I like her but I can resist if that makes sense? I think I like her outfit and shoes more than her faceup (I'm not sure about her eyebrows mostly). Whereas with my Melody I had to have her.
    14. I really really hope Rose will come as basic - why shouldn´t she? But I am also surprised she is still there (or the adorable Noah girl). I feel tempted too ... but I know I would enjoy her far more with a different face up.
    15. Midnitestar, I love your doll. Too bad about the leg, but it is best to wait AGAIN and get her fixed. Good idea to keep the head and clothes, then no worry about damage. They could always get you a new body. I know how you must fee though. I would be so pissed. I hate when things come wrong or damaged. This is wrong so they should have been more careful but we all know they will correct this. Remember when I want happy with my limited Benjamens White mohair wig? They made me a whole new one which is perfect so now I am happy. Before it always bothered me looking at that wig. It was an easier problem though.
      pso Rose is available still. I have today to decide because we leave erly tomorrow morning for Mexico. The layaway makes it so much easier and she is lovely. Kayjay, I love her eyebrows. That is one of the things I like most. See how we are all so different. I love her mouth too. Benjamen is saying he needs a girlfriend so maybe she is it. Pressure pressure.
    16. I caved in and got her - since they won´t release her in March as basic I got anxious if they will release her at all ... they will probably do so in April ^^ Ah well, at least I will get a nice dress, cool shoes and a beautiful wig this way ;)
    17. Yay!!! I am so glad someone on here got her. I can't wait to see pictures. She is beautiful. Congratulations!
    18. Congratulations!! I hope your wait isn't too long, I'm sure she'll be wonderful :sumomo:
    19. Thank you both, Oliveoil and kayjay :) It was a long fight since I normally don´t like MSDs ... (the size). But since I have a small army of Monday and Tuesday Children I always felt that at least one Wednesday Child should be included, if only just for fangirl's sake! ^^ And Rose is really beautiful. I just hope she won´t come in the same month as my Soom MD, that would be customs fees overkill ;)
    20. Ashemanu, she is gorgeous so glad someone here got her. I didn't get her and see she is now sold out. I am now in Mexco on holiday but if we hadn't been Going away I am sure I would have ordered her as well. Her face is gorgeous. I love her and now sorry I didn't get her but just could not get my self to press the button to order. I know there will always be another doll to order, there always is.