1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Rosetta-doll Discussion

Mar 17, 2012

    1. I'm in the same boat as you Shien. I have to wait a while longer since I ordered with a face up -- but I really want to see everyone's pics!
    2. Who saw Yuha? Rosetta are evil to release such a lovely head so soon! Seriously, I want him too, I like him as much as Zio if not more. My prefrence would be to wait until I have my Zio in hand before ordering another, just to be sure of qaulity and everything (I'm sure it's great, but it dosen't hurt to be careful) but i'm worried he won't be offerd again if I don't get him now. What to do...?
    3. Yup, they're sure working fast with these releases - Yuha's preorder is coming exactly a month after Zio's, and he hasn't even come home to most people yet. @_@" You could wait for a week or two, since people who ordered Zio blank have already gotten shipping notices? We might get a few reviews here before the end of the month.

      I can sit this one out, fortunately. Yuha is adorable, but I have too many dolls planned already. I'm definitely loving Rosetta's style!
    4. Oh, Yuha is so precious!:D I really like Rosetta's aesthetics - soft without sacrificing detailing. And the lips!*3*
    5. Ahhhh T^T I took a break from doa so I just discovered this company. I wish I had the chance to get Zio~ XD I love his look. But I look forward to seeing photos of him by everyone else, especially for resin comparison :D
    6. My Zio arrived today, but I haven't had time to unpack and look at him yet. ^^;;

      Maybe sometime this weekend...

      Does anybody have any bodies they want to see him on?

      I can do comparison with SD13, SDGr, SD17. I have Soom Super Gem and Ariadoll 18 as well, but they are in white skin, so it would be only good for size comparison...
    7. Congrats on the arrival! I'd love a comparison with SDGr when you have time; that's the body I'm currently considering for my Zio.

      He looks surprisingly good on the Granado WS body as well, although I don't normally go for the muscular ones. ^^;
    8. I'm actually now really hoping my DZ72cm will look good with him/match decently. I really want my Zio to be tall and lean. >.< GAH. I can't wait to see people's pictures. I'm itching with excitement.

      I love Yuha, but luckily he's a little too cute for my liking (though I really would love to just COLLECT Rosetta Dolls simply because I ADORE the style!)

      I think this company will have my soul/wallet as much as Iple and Crobi soon >.<
    9. Please people, post pictures of your heads when they arrive!

      I would love to see any comparison you can do, it's always nice to have more information! I'm interested in super gem and ariadoll comparison even if it the color doesn't match :)
    10. I would love to see any and all body comparisons, even if the resin doesn't match as it's always nice to see how the head fits on a particular body. I can't wait to see your Zios! I ordered mine blank, but he hasn't been shipped yet (not surprising, as I accidentally didn't complete my order until one of the last days of the order period, haha).
    11. My Rosetta Doll Zio [Klaus]

      He is such a gorgeous sculpt and I love him so much :aheartbea
      I finished his faceup and he's borrowing Clove's body for photos :cheer

      Klaus: First Photoshoot by Isa.Cat, on Flickr
    12. Oh my he's aboslutely stunning IsaCat! i love the face up you did for him~
    13. Wow, IsaCat, he's so handsome! I especially love how you did his lower lashes! So gorgeous!

      Finally had a chance to take my boy out tonight. I think he looks quite different in person.

      Here are some blank shots of the head, in case anyone is curious. (Apologies for the bad lighting ;;)

      Going to do his faceup now and hopefully get those comparison shots done tomorrow!
    14. Thank you, Gridbug :)

      Constance, can't wait to see the faceup!
      And I agree with the head looking different in person.

      When I first took out the blank head, I thought Rosetta sent me the wrong head :lol:
      But once I did the faceup and whipped out the camera, that's when I went, "a-ha!"
      He photographs beautifully :aheartbea
    15. Hey, IsaCat, what size eyes are you using for Klaus? He's very handsome, BTW.:3
    16. Thank you, Kimchi ^^

      Klaus is wearing 14mm eyes (SC-001 By Makoeyes)

      I think the size works pretty naturally for his sculpt.
    17. Rosetta-doll sent me a tracking number for Zio, finally, so everyone who ordered Zio with a faceup should be getting him soon. Crossing my fingers that his default faceup looks as good as it does in the company photos! >w<

      IsaCat - this is very late, but Klaus looks amazing! I love how long his eyelashes are, and how natural his faceup looks.
    18. Thank you, Shien :) will you be showing your lovely Zio as well?

      Congrats, Sune!~
    19. IsaCat - I can only post pictures of the default faceup. Sil isn't likely to get a body for a while; I don't even have his proper wig yet. (He's my first boy doll, I might be panicking a little. ^^")

      I think mine is arriving sometime next week too. Would love to see more photos and reviews as you guys get your dolls! Rosetta is such a new company, I think our feedback would really help. <3