1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Saintbloom Tiny discussion part 1

Mar 31, 2012

    1. I actually got mine yesterday! She was two days early and I wasn't ready so I just threw things on here.
    2. She's adorable :D
    3. Oh my gosh @Strawberrysscribbles

      Congrats on her arrival!! What a nice tan color, and I love her in pink.
    4. Can't tell how happy I am that Mr. SaintBloom is back. I lost a chance to get one of his girls and them he stopped making them. Now I have hope again.
      You girl is adorable, her color is beautiful and I really like the pink style. It suits her well :)
    5. @clochette Thank you! Beth is a really cute sculpt.

      @Beansproutmomo Thank you! I always wanted a tan saintbloom since I missed out on a tan doll before they discontinued their older dolls.

      @Laureleen Thank you! I hope you get a chance to get your saintbloom soon!
    6. I am still waiting for my Beth. Originally, she was supposed to arrive between the 7th and 11th, but when she didn't arrive I contacted him. Now she is supposed to have been shipped yesterday so I'm hoping she will be here next week.
    7. #687 Strawberrysscribbles, Mar 26, 2016
      Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2016
      • x 1
    8. Hello Sugar! I like your hair!
      • x 2
    9. Lovely, but I like her better in pink!
    10. Saintbloom will be selling a Sleeping Beth who has an open mouth from Apirl 18th - May 20th[​IMG]
    11. Anyone looking at ordering Beth or Sleeping Beth during the new order period? I'm really tempted by Beth...she is super cute!
    12. The new Beth heads are cute!

      @Strawberrysscribbles it's always so nice to see Sugar!
      I moved last weekend, so I'll have to display my dolls again and take new photos. I'll be sure to post a new one here. ^_^
    13. Does anybody know which new mainstream dolls have clothes which fit the girls? Any mainstream doll boys' clothes? A particular line of mattel dolls? Dolls world Today's girl? Pullip dolls taeyang? I know skinny barbie's clothes are too small and Ken clothes are too big on top and the trousers are too tight for her.
      I've come across new lines of dolls in the supermarkets and I wondered if anybody had tried them on their girls successfully.

      EDIT: there are a few new lines of Barbie dolls like the plumpy line which have appeared. Does anybody know if they fit the girls or are they not long enough for them? I am on a shoe-string budget at the moment and any pointers would be appreciated. I have difficulties sewing for such small size.
      #694 Lilla, Nov 12, 2016
      Last edited: Nov 12, 2016
    14. I'm getting a Saintbloom Charlotte hopefully next week! My first choice would have been a Betty, but I saw a Charlotte for sale and had to get her. The more I look at her the more I like her. I'm already in contact with someone to commission a dress for her but in the meantime I have some Yo-SD sized clothes left over from one of my current girls.
    15. She is lovely! Is she using a dress made for a YOSD? It suits her.
      @Hime_Takamura , is she normal skin? I love smiling sculpts, and Charlotte has a perfect happy smile. My girl is a Charlotte and I couldn't do without her.
      #696 Lilla, Nov 25, 2016
      Last edited: Nov 25, 2016
    16. She is actually using a bythe dress. I don't think they usually fit saintbloom but this one was made to be a bit lose.
    17. SaintBloom

      Saintbloom is re-releasing Charlie! It also seems like he plans on eventually re-releasing the other girls too! I can't wait for Charlotte and Betty!
    18. So glad to see they are releasing sculpts again!
      For the clothing question, I bought a 1/6 scale figure clothing set from Original Effect, and it fit the SB body very well!
      I also grabbed one of those "oil slick" Barbie skirts that comes in the little bags for a few dollars. Fit great!
      Sorry for the bad phone pic, but here is the skirt, paired with a different Barbie crop top.
    19. Is there a new website? The old Saint Bloom website is gone and I don't know where to order anymore (not that I can...) But maybe someday!