1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Sculpts you love (but will probably never get) - 2

Apr 23, 2017

    1. Soom Idealian Gluino Vampire

      He is what made me notice the hobby. I decided to go for the 1/4 sized dolls though when I found out how big he really was! Also he is really expensive! Too big and too expensive for my measly budget. I'll probably never get him, but it doesn't stop me from admiring him.
    2. MaskCat Frances.

      She is SD sized and I don't want to have anything bigger than MSDs because they are bigger and heavier but she is the first SD sized doll I imagined myself buying.
    3. Volks Hijikata and Saito...

      God they are too beautiful for words! But i cant justify over $1000 for one when I still need to buy a car haha
    4. Volks William and SOOM Dia, the dolls that are to me, the equivalent of Dollfie Dreams to nerdy, Otaku guys. I am *incredibly* attracted to these two beautiful men (well as attracted as any person can be to a doll lol) they're just my type in looks for what I look for in guys, however my doll collection is solely based out of a desire to up my cute aesthetic/image and so these two guys would be severely out of place. Also I haven't gotten to the point where I'm so desperate I'll start collecting dolls to serve as stand-in husbandos, so yeah it'd just be pointless for me to own them.

      Still adore the sculpts though, still consider them the sexiest and most handsome in the industry.
      • x 1
    5. Soom Zinc Idealian51. Sigh.
    6. Beginning to think that no one who owns a Dollzone Moment or Anson will willingly part with it. Also, while I desperately want one of Akhmel's boy dolls, she hasn't been active (that I can tell) on any of her sites in years. So the odds of being able to buy one from another pre order are slim.
    7. Soom's Captain Hook- the Ticking Crocodile. The crocodile version is just so cool, with the sharp teeth and the lizard feet. But all my dolls are tinies, and he was a limited time order. Very unlikely I'll ever get one.
    8. Doll Chateau Snowborn- I love him aesthetically, I'm totally obsessed with his sculpt... but he's too big. I can't get over how much I really feel uncomfortable with 70+cm dolls, even for arguably one of my favorite sculpts, period. As sad as it sounds, even if I found one at a crazy low price I don't know if I would buy it.

      Also Dust of Dolls Spun and Be With You Pumpkin to a lesser extent. For those it's more of a size-to-price ratio issue... My price cap for dolls is around $300, and for Yo-SDs it's even lower. I just can't justify that sort of price tag, and considering how rare both sculpts are there's not a high chance of me stumbling upon one that's drastically reduced from damage or something.
    9. Volks-Hikaru Genji. I cannot find anyone who’s selling there’s and I don’t think Volks is making another round of him :((((( he’ll always be in my dreams I suppose.
    10. Amadiz Magdalena, too pricy and hard to find but beautiful *_*
    11. Definitely Danni from Rap1993. Manon from Lillycat is another one.
    12. i absolutely love the sugerble genie but i can never get it as its not for sale no more nor will anyone ever put him on the 2nd hand market because so little of him was made T.T
    13. Volks Kaelin... :atremblin
      I don't think I'll ever get to own one- he's so rare and so pricey- but he's so beautiful and I've always had a soft spot for him. I do own a Volks F-16 who looks quite similar to Kaelin.
    14. I've wanted a Migidoll Yuri from the moment I saw him, but trying to find him now has been super difficult (part of why I'm working towards Marketplace access here; instagram was not proving very fruitful).
    15. Sweetgale Cyril :pout:
    16. Iplehouse Dexter is so handsome but I don’t know if I could ever do a doll like that justice?? I feel like he’d only have one outfit and I’d never use him which would be a big waste... still really like him <3
    17. Souldoll Shiva and PlasticMoon/Foolbot's Mr. Kitty. I was a little too late on the rerelease of Shiva by a couple of months... So sad. I'm hopeful that there's at least a better chance I can find one second hand now though. Mr. Kitty though... I've loved that little doll since before I really knew about the hobby. It doesn't look like the artist is going to make dolls anymore since they've been on hiatus for so long. I don't even know how many of Mr. Kitty were actually made.
    18. Minimee's or other 'real people' style dolls, I've never had one so maybe this would change but it just feels so limiting, I'd rather buy a nice hot toys or etc.
    19. At the moment, I guess it would be Iplehouse Stella and Loongsoul Helian Rongying. They're my dream sculpts for the older versions of my main characters' children, but I am still not sold on the idea of keeping MSD and SD versions of the same character at different ages. Apart from space considerations, I'm not too eager to get another Iplehouse body (one badly posing JID is already enough).
    20. Anything from Little Rebel. I adore every one of these sculpts (and to a lesser extent, Youpla dolls too) but I can't see myself owning one.