1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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SD size Doll Houses?

Mar 11, 2010

    1. That sounds AWESOME!! Ages back in The Shed (a magazine here in NZ, filled with things for blokes to do in their shed) had instructions on how to make a tardis to house a gamemachine, it was pretty cool looking.

      I have only just found this thread, and it is so cool! I am tempted to make one of those corner room boxes for Andi, my only SD at the moment. All my little ones have rooms to themselves, and Andi has to just sort of sit on top of them heh. So hopefully I will manage that at some point, but it depends on where I would want to put it really. We have a spare room at the moment, but a friend of mine might be moving into it in the future, so I don't want to make anything that I will have to put into storage :)
    2. BUmpety bump.
    3. So, the person who moved into our spare room has moved out, and in like a month I finish the layaway I am paying off which means we don't need someone else to move in, so I will hopefully be able to make a room-set for Andi to hang out in. I just shudder to think what will happen when I get my other bigger dolls! (The layaway is on a MNF, and I have two other big dolls planned XD) But I am thinking of just doing something with a floor and two walls, kinda like this:

      (Obviously I will make one a LOT bigger than this - this one was for my tinies!)
    4. MissCarrion, you too!
      Our roommate moved out end of December and I'm still organizing and moving furniture in the spare room :D Finally came up with a sketch of what I want my SD dollhouse to look like (and measure). Now to do a clean draft to send to said ex-roommate, to see how much her step dad would make it for me for and figure out when to have it made :D I'm so excited :D
      I'm just thinking though, I might have to get rid of my big shelf unit to make more room in here for the house, BUT that means I can put the house for the tinies on top of a half-shelf unit (sort of eye level), and get 2-3 skinnier shelf units that would be easier to place in the room.
      Good luck with your spare room adventures :D Mine is still a work in progress :D
    5. Any update with this thread?
    6. I don't have one... I have plans, but nothing I can show. Maybe some others do?
    7. There's a fairly big thread about making dollhouses in the Sewing and Crafting section if anyone is interested:
      That thread for sure has SD scale houses in it towards the end. I also made an SD size collapsible room box for my girl, which I posted in that thread or you can also check out my blog link in my sig. I process blogged it and there should be finished pics up. Anyway I'd love to see more rooms, so get building people! XD
    8. I have this wicked cool doll house that my husband won for me in a silent auction at the first BJD Expo. It was made by the organizer's husband from reclaimed materials. The thing is HUGE. Two stories, and taller than my husband. It is mostly a facade right now, I want to build out the back eventually and put it on a spinning dais so it will be easier to take photos in both sides.

      Here it is all decorated for Christmas a couple of years ago. My Bermann and an SD13 girl are out front.


      And a not so great shot of my SD10 Kun in the doorway.

      • x 1
    9. I'm really tempted to make apartment-esque lodgings using a shelving unit, but it's time that's stopping me - and the £££S! It would be cool to have different rooms reflecting different personalities...
    10. FunnyLori, that house is awesome! The size always stuns me when I realize that's a 70cm doll sitting out front!
    11. That is a crazy awesome find FunnyLori, I can't imagine how huge that must be! O: