1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Seeing Something You Made Being Sold

Aug 25, 2011

    1. I agree with Poetic. And as someone who makes things for sale, it is understandable that tastes change.
      Once you've sold or gifted something - it is no longer yours to decide what to do with. The new owner
      has complete right to do with it as they please. That is whether it is doll, clothing, car, whatever.
      Like Poetic, I don't worry about it once it has been sold/gifted.
      Robyn_in_WA :)
    2. There used to be a "free clothes" thread here once and somebody was asking for a free wig. I was just curious about the size they wore and asked in the thread. Ever since then they pestered me for a free wig so I gifted them a new unused Leekeworld wig as long as they pay for shipping. (The awful part was they were reluctant to pay and kept asking me when I would ship even though they didn't give me an address and eventually I had to point out that they agreed to pay for shipping and I would need an address since they weren't so forthcoming...) Not even a couple of weeks later I see them selling it on the marketplace.

      Now I understand that when I gift someone a gift for free that it is there's to do whatever they want with but it really irkes me because there was a stipulation on this "free clothes" thread that if you don't need the wig, eyes, clothes, etc anymore then you can't sell it and you're supposed to re-gift it.

      If I sell something to somebody then I don't mind seeing it resold. But if I gift something to someone it really bothers me to see it not re-gifted but sold (and I don't mean a free gift I force on somebody I mean one where they bug you for...)
    3. I may initially have pangs of upset at seeing something I worked hard on as a gift in a swap being sold or given away but at the end of the day it is the receiver's choice what to do with whatever I made since I made it for them.

      Honestly I am thinking the seller of your friends item chose to list the item as free because they didn't want your friend thinking that they're trying to make a profit or 'flip' the item. Or they may think because they didn't pay for it that they couldn't put a price on it for someone else to buy if that makes sense.

      Has your friend asked them about it? Maybe they would both feel much happier if they talked about it. :)
    4. I'd feel a little twinge on either side -- as giver or receiver. But really I believe it is best to let things keep moving around, to bring pleasure to new people, if they are just not fitting in where they are, for whatever reason.
    5. I'm really interested to see opinions on this!! I've made a few things for sale, and it wouldn't bother me really. If the person paid me for the item, and no longer uses it, then they are free to sell or give it on! Same goes for a swap, because I would have received something in return from them, so effectively was 'paid' for my work.

      On the other hand... I do feel kinda bad selling things on that I received for free :XD: I got a gorgeous outfit from a very talented seamstress when I bought a doll from her. She said I was free to sell it if I didn't use it... I'd rather give it away but I don't want to devalue her work!! If I receive smaller free gifts I won't use when I purchase something else from someone (wigs/eyes/etc) I tend to gift them on when I sell something.
    6. Honestly, that is just rude. Pestering someone for a free gift is incredibly tacky and cheap. And then to sell it right after! No. No no no. I'm happy to give away things for free to my friends when I no longer need them, or to include a small gift with something I'm selling, but you're clearly much kinder than me! :D

      I have been given gifts by friends, which I was always very grateful for. If it turned out I no longer needed them and they were taking up too much space in my small room, I would gift them out to other people, or maybe put them up on the MP here with the recipient paying only shipping. It's not fair to make a profit on the kindness of others.

      The only thing I would make an exception for is event heads when the owner has spent more money than normal in order to qualify for the free head, but they should never be really expensive. $40-100 should be the price range I think, depending on company, desirability, faceup etc.
    7. I have kind of opposite experience... I made clothes in gift-swap, and afterwards the doll who got the gifts was sold. :,D I really doesn't disturb me, but it's kinda funny.
    8. I like including gift receipts for store-bought items because I want my recipient to get exactly what she wants. When it comes to stuff I've made, I keep the same mentality. I can't exactly give them a gift receipt, but if my recipient wants to sell it for money towards something else, it sounds legit to me.
    9. I guess once it's made and given on to someone else it's out of your hands what happens to it. Things in this hobby get sold, swapped, recycled, it almost always all moves on to someone else in the end.
    10. It's all good unless I gave it to them for free in the first place.
    11. I don't really have a problem with this... except I've seen things I've made get relisted at a markup! It only makes me mad because I didn't charge that price in the first place. ^^;
    12. I have made jewellery and clothes for BJD's that I've sold or given to others, and seen them for sale/giving later. Honestly, once that item leaves my hands and goes to a new owner, it's theirs to do what they wish with it. If they want to sell it later, great! Give it away or trade it? Their prerogative. I'm not going to take offense to it at all. :)
    13. I would honestly be pretty offended and hurt if I saw someone selling it for a profit and I had given it to them for free. That's just wrong, to me -- profiting from someone else's work without their permission. But just seeing it be given away... well, I would feel a pang of disappointment that they didn't like it, but it's perfectly understandable.
    14. The way I see it: if a person chooses to sell/swap/give it away for free, all three options could be potentially insulting if the creator of the item reads too much into it. We don't know why an owner sells something, unless we ask specifically.

      I try not to take things too personal. An owner isn't out to hurt my feelings when she sells an item I made and so I do not want to 'insult' her intentions (for a lack of a better word), by acting like she did. Once an item leaves my hands, it's up to the new owner to decide what to do with it.