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Sharing A Body?

Apr 9, 2007

    1. My Sch.A and Tohya share my Lion's body with him. They will get their own bodies eventually but I'm picky in what I what and the bodies I want them on are hard to come by.
    2. i have a couple like this but not as a permenate things. just till i stop getting soomed. :sweat:
    3. My littlfee currently shares her body with a pukisha face. Shes posessed, so it works with the story I made up for her. :sweat
      I don't think I'd ever really want a body for the pukisha face. It's a nice change from cute and sweet, but then I get bored and can change back. I like having options. Besides, I can't really afford a whole nuther LTF body, so I don't really mind body sharing.
    4. It's a natural solution to me. I have this hang-up over material accumulation (if I'm not careful I just periodically throw things out), so I automatically set a number limit on how many sd size bodies I could stand having around. I'll have one msd in addition to that since they're easy to stow on a shelf. Any heads I 'must' have in addition to that will need to suit one of the bodies I already have.
    5. I happen to have two heads sharing a body at the moment but that was purely because I couldn't afford an entire doll, just the head. Currently my floating Yuu head is on my DZ Wing's body but one day when I can afford it, I'll buy him his own body so my Wing can have his back! It wouldn't work for them to share permenantly as the body, even though there's nothing that special or altered about it, just screams as my Wing's body and I just couldn't imagine it as belonging to my Yuu head if that makes sense? XD
    6. too laze for changing the heads...also it is hard for me to tread it as a whole doll. no matter what it is still "a head without body" eveni connect it to a body...
    7. I can't do it either. The heads stay in a box until I have bodies for them! I don't care for ahanging heads, it's a pain in some cases. If I had interchangeable faceplates I think that might be a different story. But none of my dolls are like that.
    8. I tried sharing a body when I got my first doll, a Luts/CP El Special. I figured I could just switch the two heads between the one body. Ha! That lasted all of two or three months, before I broke down and bought the second head a body.

      I really like having complete dolls, overall. I don't do anything with floating heads - they just sit there until I get them a body.
    9. I have 4 floating heads and I hate having to interchange them. It can be frustrating at times and some of the heads don't match ANY of the bodies I have :(
    10. Interesting thread here. I am just now dealing with swapping around 2 heads with one body. It really made me feel uncomfortable and sad, in a way. I had to swap out my June, my first bjd, to create my new Leaf, a Juri05. So I definitely need to get another body. Just don't feel good about the head swapping thing!
    11. I now have three Minifee heads sharing one Dollzone body (and more on the way), and two Delf heads sharing an Fdoll body. I do intend to eventually get them all bodies of their own. It's possible, though, that I may end up with some characters that ONLY share bodies. The heads are more important to me than bodies, and as long as the body matches the character and the dolls don't need to be in stories together, I'm fine with them sharing.
    12. cool thread! I love hearing everyones answers.

      I only own 1 doll that came with two "heads" - note that I'm not counting my pukis which have a slew of faceplates, I *love* fairyland for how easy they make sharing a body - (one open eyes, one half closed) and it's worked for a while now, I swap them every so often... but I love twins so the probability of me eventually breaking down and buying him an extra body is great. :doh
      I have the same thing with two Beyla heads coming in and I already have plans to buy 2 bodies. :lol:

      Oh, crumbs. I forgot about my anthros! I have one tiny piggy with a sleeping head. I don't think I'd buy him an extra body (not that its possible anyhow). I haven't used the sleeping head that much... but it came for free and it's cute so I'll keep it. My Alice came with a winking head that I knew I'd never use. It was pretty, but with her delicate ears I'd hate to be swapping heads very often. I'm a total clutz!! so I sold that head. :)
    13. i don't own any dolls yet but i know that once i buy a doll that head belongs to that body, no other doll. I couldn't just give one head the body this day and this head the other. It would just not be right to me for some reason. They are their own person and should not share bodies in my opinion.

      On the other hand it would seem different to me if you get one head a new body and gave the old body to another doll. That i MIGHT consider doing but prolly wont do.
    14. I do that for Nayo&Lye, probably won't with the other heads though since they all have special markings and such.
      I planning to get them their own bodies eventually though (including Lye).
    15. Well, eventually heads exceed bodies, always ended with floating heads.
      It's weird.. They have to share bodies, but I hate it.
      Floating heads are not like a 'One Doll', so I start searching bodies again..
    16. I've got 5 floating heads and sometimes I do swap them around.

      I don't like changing heads... It's not easy and I'm kinda lazy anyway. Plus. like others, it makes me a bit sad to have a head I love without a body, even it it's not all the time.

      But I have many dolls already and it seem crazy to have bodies for them all... But... but... agh. If I had more room and money, I'd prefer to have them all have bodies!
    17. I had an old version Luts delf head before. I expected that he was share the body with another when he arrived home.
      After one year, the head still here, and had not been put on. I think it has problem that exchange the head needs time and technique, so I sold out the head afterwards.
      Therefore, I am not seeking head instead of full doll now.
    18. When I got my first doll, I received a free event head. I had always planned on eventually getting Oracle her own body, but it took longer to get the money saved. My two girls (Laila and Oracle) shared a body for over 7 months while I saved up money to get Oracle her own body. Then I got the body, by doing an equal trade of goods with my friend who moved to Japan and was upgrading her female from a BBB body to an AOD on.
    19. Right now I have a whole doll and one head..So once in a while they have to share XD;
    20. I have 2 heads sharing one body, but if there is enough place, I'd like to have one body-one head. But my room is too small, so... T_T