1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Should She Worry What Her Friends Think About Her Having Dolls?

Apr 7, 2012

    1. I was about 24 when the thought occurred to me not-to-give-a-crap about other peoples opinions about what I like. The dolls are the same way, they make me happy. That's what counts. If other people don't like them, think they are creepy, think it's childish, a waist of money or what have you, the only thing I have to say to that is; To each their own and that it's not their place to judge.
    2. I'm sensitive and quite insecure, so when I joined this hobby, I kind of believed I would have a hard time dealing with criticism. I don't. Fact is that most negative comments come from people I don't even know, so why would I care? And the remarks made by people I DO know come from those who've said much worse things to me.

      Maybe I'm desensitized, but I chose to enjoy my hobby, regardless of what other people think and do.
    3. I do care in the sense that I don't undress my dolls in public and flash unsuspecting bystanders with naked doll breasts and doll penis. I label my gallery threads and online blog posts properly so people are warned of any doll nudity, gore or other mature stuff they may not wish to see. I do care about the positive reactions I get. Not that I go out of my way to get them, but I appreciate it when I get them.
      Other than that don't spend much time thinking about what others may think in a negative sense and I enjoy my hobby.
    4. I really and truly don't care. I don't post pictures on DoA all that often, and there are some dolls that I haven't posted here at all. I buy these dolls for me, not for anyone else. Of course, it's very nice and appreciated when people comment that they like my dolls; but, ultimately, it won't hinder my enjoyment of the hobby any less if my dolls are not liked.

      As far as taking dolls out in public - I rarely do it. When I do, it's usually to the park for a photo shoot, or to the coffee lounge for some fun pictures. People do look, but, that's expected since I'm out in public doing something most people don't see everyday (taking pictures of an interesting looking doll).

      The funnest comment I heard about my dolls was during the last photo shoot at the park. A little girl asked her mother - "Why is that lady taking pictures of a Barbie?". Made me smile :)
    5. I admit I'm affected by what others think of me, to a certain point. I wouldn't go out in public with a doll unless it was a doll meet or convention. I don't talk to anyone about my dolls in real life; it's just something I don't think anyone I know would be interested in. I don't enjoy being noticed, standing out, or getting any sort of public attention (both negative and positive) so I choose not to show off what I know most people would consider to be a colossal waste of time and money. Despite all of this, I still enjoy BJDs, even though I'm not as open about it as other people. :>
    6. It's so easy to see the doll community as neurotic, needy, anxious, low self esteem people because of all the threads about angst over friends and family not liking dolls, giving them crud for spending so much on a doll, about wanting confirmation that their dolls are up to snuff from other users, about being embarrassed for being in the hobby, etc, etc. It's refreshing to see that there are plenty of people who give evidence against this stereotype. I'm sure the prevalence of those negative feelings are not nearly as large as it seems to be. Count me in as someone who doesn't give a flying pig what other people think *high five*
    7. For me, I don't really care whether people like or dislike my dolls, since they're mine, and whether they like/ dislike them will ever change how I feel about them. However, I'll still feel happy if people compliment them. I've yet to meet people say anything bad about my dolls, but if there are people like that, I think I'll still feel offended, like how parents would if people talk badly about their kids.
    8. Well, I bought my dolls for me and no one else. I don't really care about anyone else's thoughts. I'm not gonna get into a huff over someone thoughts about me/my dolls. That's their business.

      You don't like my doll? Don't look at it.
    9. I mostly can relate. Occasionally I'll get pissy if someone insults my dolls or me for having them but mainly I just don't give a damn. I like dolls. I'm not asking everyone to as well. Expecting everyone to support me would be like asking everyone to be a musical theatre major or a vegetarian like I am. To each their own and who the hell cares?
    10. Other people's reactions don't trouble me, especially if they're unsolicited opinions. Of course, I'd take friends/family more seriously than strangers, but the bottom line is, I bought my dolls for myself and my own enjoyment, and I won't let anyone's uncalled-for negative opinion spoil it. I don't need external affirmation in my hobbies.

      On the other hand, I'm quite reserved in my hobbies and not in the habit of blathering about them -- they've always been something for my private enjoyment more than anything else. I'm quite a private person, so it's only close, good friends who get to see my dolls. And I don't take them out and about unless I'm off to a meet-up or purposefully do a photoshoot.

      Sometimes I wish I was more open about my dolls... but I'm doing pretty well with this hobby as it is. *shrug*
    11. Do I care? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Just depends.

      In the dolly friend area... I'd like a few friends I can be dolly with. I'm a very social person so when I can't find people into the same things as myself that's just unfortunate. In that regard, I care. I want people to talk to about dolls. DoA fills the gap. I'm also into tats and piercings, so I like to talk to people about that as well. But it's the same with anything I love; I want to share, I want to see, I want to explore and it's more fun with friends.

      Do I ultimately care what people think of my dolls? No. I love what I love. Some people have shoe collections, I have a doll collection. It's not embarrassing to me. I don't feel the need to show everyone or take my dolls around town. I can see how this hobby may strike someone as odd but I don't mind. I'm odd myself!
    12. I don't think anyone really knows about my interest in dolls. Sure, my parents know I have one but they think he's the first and last one. They have no idea how deep my interest in the hobby is. :| I only keep it a secret because I don't want to hear comments about me "throwing money away on stupid things." As for people calling me creepy or sad for owning dolls? Apparently, people will look down on you for having ANY hobbies, so why bother caring? :lol:
    13. I have always had hobbies my friends haven't quite understood. Luckily my friends are real friends in the sense that they don't judge me by my hobbies alone :D So I don't really care if someone is not into my dolls the way I am. But luckily I do have few friends who became doll lovers after I introduced it to them, and that was great! But to be honest, if I didn't have any doll-loving friends I wouldn't mind.
    14. I don't care, life is to short to ponder on things which could affect your happiness.:truffle
    15. I dont care really. I talk a lot about my doll with a friend of mine who doesnt care about dolls and I dont think she minds it, at least I hope she'll tell me if she feels that Im talking too much about the doll n_n

      She has actually mentioning once about maybe wanting her own doll(as long as it's small like mine) so maybe Im talking too much hehe. But there's been one thing bringing us clooser together due to my doll hobby; face up/make up. She's always had a big interest in make up(while Ive never really cared) and Ive listened to her babbling about it a lot, now Ive taken a slightly interest in that too when I see it as inspiration for doll face up :)
    16. Ok the answer is no I don't care. It does make me smile when someone enjoys them, but mostly it's because I like to make contact with another person. My hope for my life is one of peace and joy, that is my hope for others too, so to that end I find not getting drama filled or swept away is a good idea. This way my dolls are for me, they make me smile. I like simple things.
    17. 'Be who you are and say what you feel... because those who mind... don't matter and those that matter... don't mind." Dr. Seuss.
      Problem solved.
    18. Love Dr Suess :)
    19. Hmm I think for the most part I don't mind other people's opinions, my parents had never really approved of them. However I think they're absolutely beautiful and wish others would see that too. :(
    20. Honestly I like taking my dolls out in public and I took them to a con called Nakakon and that was fun, unfortunately my grandma is embarrassed when I take my dolls out wherever we go but oh well :)