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SIO2 Doll

Apr 28, 2017

    1. I think Sio2 might rerun him and Hanshuang at some point. I asked her and she didn't give a definitive answer about no more reruns. Just that she is focusing on the new doll for this year.
    2. Ah really? I didnt know she had the plans to no longer pre-order it or at least not in the near future. :(
    3. @keiosk well Taolu and the other heads that are available in stock right now were extras from the preorder that she ran late last year. And when those heads first appeared in 2017 she said there would be no repeat preorder. So I'm not giving up on Little Prince and Hanshuang just yet... And hey, you're Pinoy!
    4. I just got a little prince head second hand recently ; u ; he’s so precious but finding him a suitable body is tougher than I thought!
    5. AHHHHH lets really hope for the best! And wow, kababayan! Are you part of the ManikaManila as well? :D

      Oh gosh really? Why was it difficult to fine a body for him dear? :ablink:
      #185 keiosk, Mar 30, 2019
      Last edited by a moderator: Mar 31, 2019
    6. Any chance anyone know if Loongsoul 69cm body will fit Taolu head? Or if the white resin will match? I'm on the fence of buying the one because of the body/resin match.
    7. @keiosk he is such a soft faced sculpt,but his neck hole is quite large! So all the larger bodies that would fit him are very muscular and , in my opinion, look a little strange with his face! Hopefully he has a body soon though, I’ve got a couple in mind, I just need to settle on one and save for it.
    8. @keiosk yes, I'm on ManikaManila. Have only joined one meet so far though, and I ddn't have any dolls to bring with me yet.

      I bought an in-stock normal skin Taolu head, and it should be on its way this month. Now I'm scared I won't be able to find a body to match him/her, both in terms of resin match and body size. :(
    9. @fionvarre normal skin might be a bit easier than their white! And a good face up can make a lot of normal skins match. They seem to be quite big heads though! Hopefully it’s easier if she s a girl, but for boys it seems there are only super muscular options, for the most part, or small, young boy looking, no in between. I’m hoping the new Granado doll body, the supermodel body I think it’s called, has the right neck size, that one looks slim enough and not overly muscular.
    10. Hello, I just bought an in-stock cold dew head :D does anyone know if she can go on a dollshe 26f body or a soom supergem body? I know that it says both bodies have a 10cm neck circumference but I was wondering if it would look ok in terms of proportion. :)
    11. Got a shipping notice on my Cold Dew. So excited! x_x except the expected delivery is on Monday and I will be at work.....

      Gotta work for the doll money.... don't have a body yet....
    12. I also got a shipping notice for my two. I ordered at the very end of the pre-order, so I am happy to see they are coming home!
    13. My HanLu arrived today! Gosh, I've been getting lucky with my doll heads, like they just zoom through international really fast lately. Glad, I don't have to spend my work day distracted about the safety of my doll (haven't had package theft yet, but I am a paranoid type)

      The head feels very fresh off the workbench with lots of resin smell and a little bit of dust and for some reason a rando hunk of eye putty was stuck on the corner of my box?

      The size of the head is similar to my Iplehouse Chris who I put on a HID woman body. Hanlu absolutely does not fit on the HID woman body.

      Makoeyes 12mm with 6mm iris fits nice, but she looks a bit sleepy. I have some 12mm eyes with 4mm irises which I like on my Iplehouse, but I think since Han Lu's eyes are drooper, 4mm iris just give her a weird expression. I have some 5mm iris 10mm eyes, the iris looks good but it fits gappy. So I guess this means I am gonna try 12mm eyes with 5mm iris. I have been eyeing SOULinaBoxdolls on etsy.

      I don't have many girl bodies to test on, but compared to the bodies I've got. 9cm works in that it doesn't look gappy in back or anything since SIO2's neckhole doesn't flare out much but visually, I think it is like juuuusssttttt a smidge on the thin side. It's definitely in that "can fudge it with long wig" range though. 10cm looks better.

      Now to think about bodies....
      #193 zekarmisama, Apr 5, 2019
      Last edited: Apr 5, 2019
    14. @zekarmisama I'll be waiting for your feedback on different bodies! I actually impulse bought all the heads except Sue since Sio2 said that she might not run another preorder period for them anymore... At least not until all her new projects launch
    15. BJDivas had an in-stock Dollshe 26F girl, so I sent an e-mail about layaway for that. That escalated quickly... :chomp:

      I was originally going to pair her with my David Kuncci, but the David head is too slender next to her. So I think I'm gonna pair her with Pygmalion Robin instead who is also on the 28M body.

      Of the bodies I have on hand, she looks nicest on the Angel of Dream boy body (I mean I definitely had a super stingy idea to just make a heavily padded bra and use a boy body instead lol), but that makes her look too short for what I want.

      [​IMG]pygmalion robin on 28M and sio2 cold dew on aod boy body by Kaxen6, on Flickr
      • x 1
    16. After a bit of a tense morning where I thought they would be delivered a state away, my Taolu and Bailu heads are here! I think someone will temporarily lose their body while I play around with eyes and wigs. :D Bailu has the most detailed teeth, holy smokes.
    17. Face-upped my gal. No wig yet. I ordered some fibers and they were too dark for what I wanted for her and now I ordered yet more fibers. I'm gonna be making so many blonde wigs.... And ordered some Soulinaboxdolls eyes for her. But that's gonna be a month long wait.

      [​IMG]SIO2 Hanlu/Cold Dew by Kaxen6, on Flickr

      My camera thinks she is too pale and not focusing well on her.... I may have been a bit excessive on her nose lol
    18. Oooh! She looks really good!
    19. My White Dew head on an Impldoll 64cm Star body:

      [​IMG]Amazon by Ashemanu, auf Flickr
      • x 4
    20. Anyone here hybrided a Taolu head with a feeple 65 body? Im considering it!