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Soom Faery Legend "Nenad" Discussion

Jun 28, 2010

    1. Maybe if they become popular enough perhaps more eyes will pop up. It is such a tiny size, I already lost a pair of 8mm awhile back (I believe to the vacuum cleaner) so it isn't very popular to make for it :(

      And yes, I am tempted to get both outfits as well. I might go with the weekly though, I like how it suits her form better. I can't decide yet. I do know I will be ordering her as soon as I do though :)
    2. Nope, 6mm is hard, pity the Limwha Sarah owners. But both Captured in Glass and Hands Glass do 8mm just off the top of my head.

      Yearg, I wish I had the money to do her right now, but I just put Aphan on layaway last week. I've learned my lesson because of soom already. Only one doll on layaway at a time!

      I don't think she really looks that disproportionate though, I know quite a few people with similar body shape. I wonder if they will let us get the older heads on the new body?
    3. darn I am on the fence with her... I would love a faery doll... there's layaway right? mmmm I even have barbie patterns of faerie dresses that looks better than the sac she's wearing over at soom

      argh what to do what to do...

      ah darn they ave layaway fees now? darn
    4. I think she's adorable, but I won't be getting her as she is Soom mini Gem size, and I had one of those and never played with her at all.
    5. Mystic eyes do urethane eyes in 8mm (and smaller in fact), they can be ordered without pupil and can be sparkly :) Gonna cost you, though...
    6. What about Shelly's eyes? She is doing custom orders for a bunch of glass ones--though now that I think on it I'm not sure it went as small as 8mm.

      I am overall pretty excited about this faery line. However, now that I have seen Victorianwinter's fairies, this seems a little underwhelming O_O I think I would have liked a lot more dramatic colors, faceup, costume, and fairy parts. Does she even have pointy ears? Overall, I love the direction Soom is going with this. I'm sure another fairy will come along (possibly a snow/winter fairy) that will capture my heart sure enough!
    7. It looks like she does have pointy ears (I did some major zooming in on the picture to find out!) but they're not as big as I would have liked.
      The problem I have with VictorianWinter's dolls (even though I absolutely adore them) is simply that they're not limited. ^_^;;
      I've talked about this occasionally before so won't go into it again, but I just have real problems bonding with non limiteds and generally end up selling them.
      Plus the thing with basics is, they always get pushed into the "buy later when I have money" category, but there are always limiteds that get in the way!
      Either way, I actually see both as very different dolls and would have loved both had the limited thing not been an issue!

      I'm hoping for a red and gold fairy (fire perhaps?), something in dark blues (water maybe), something with lots of glitter and silver (snow fairy!), something pink (flower fairy), something black and purple (dark fairy) and so on!
      Red and gold fairy could be tan. Black and purple dark fairy could be grey... and so on!
    8. Is it sad I like her biweekly clothes more than the 'default'? And it's not just the pocket book. She's just too cute and the perfect size for something I had in mind for a while.
      My friend and I are planning on both ordering her (as well as me getting some extra wigs and eyes because my Nocturne is going to be switched around to a new character). It won't be until the 8th when we both get paychecks but I am seriously looking forward to her since she is basically a barbie doll sized thing.
    9. I like the biweekly clothes better too!
      But I also like the wristband and headband from the default outfit, so I just ended up getting both. ^_^;;

      I can see excessive numbers of Barbie dolls being bought by me in the near future xD
    10. Oh, I really really love her! I love her face, it looks like a little Breccia.
    11. here are the photos of the body, with the wings..... :kitty2
      I ended up ordering her in layway right now... will be my first soom, my first of this size, my first layaway :?
      just couldn't resist, I also wish to see more and more faery in the future, with more colours options... :aheartbea
    12. Hmmm, she really does have a much smaller bust than the previous mini gems, but her the basic design of her body is so much more detailed! They did a lovely job with her! :D
    13. What I'm wondering is, with this really tiny bust they've given her, I wonder if Barbie clothes are just going to sag on her now?
    14. I'm really hoping I can get a few things sold so that I can get this lovely. I'm sure there will be other releases that I'm going to want too, but I don't think I can pass on this one. I just love her face. I also really like the new body. The only thing that kept me from ordering an elf Uyoo was her awkward body. Somehow it just looked messy. Now it's just as smooth and well proportioned as the Super Gems but tiny and portable! I may be in the minority here, but I think the small bust is nice. I wish they gave a large bust option for other everyone who wants one, but I get sick of every doll having huge boobs. I like a little variety.

      Have you looked at LeekeWorld? They have several colors of glass pupil-less eyes in 8mm. There are also a red and a dark blue glittery no pupil. (pages 3, 4 & 5) http://www.leekeworld.com/En/Product/p_list.asp?B_catalog_num=23&M_catalog_num=86 Shipping is murder, but maybe you could find someone to do a group order with.
    15. She is so precious, and her teeth! That seems to be my weakness with these dolls. I will buy her, probably later in her order period as I have a payment left on Leira, but she will be mine, oh yes she will be mine. *evil cackle*
    16. Oh! Thanks for that!
      I did check Leeke earlier but all the ones I clicked on only went as small as 12mm so I just assumed they didn't go smaller than that.
      Turns out a lot of them do! Will have a search around there, thank you!

      I actually think you're the majority with the smaller bust thing here!
      Few people seem to like the bigger bust.
      I actually think that there aren't ENOUGH big breasted dolls around. Most dolls are small to medium in my opinion (though you have to realize this comes with a person who's just naturally huge so my perception is perhaps a tad warped xD)
      I don't even want a HUUUUUGE bust on this little fairy. Just a nice medium like the old Mini Gems had.
      So I hope they change the next doll! It would be nice for them all to have slightly different bodies anyway for variation!
    17. She is such a pretty little fairy! Those wings are amazing and she has such a sweet face too, very Breccia-like. <3 I don't think she's for me though . . . I do like the look of the redesigned body, but dangit, I was hoping for more poseability. Having so many 1/6 Dollfies and Obitsus, I don't think I could go back to the Barbie-like posability that I was used to before! Ah welll, its for the best I guess, since Soom's probably gonna get me with the tinies this month anyway. >.<

      I look forward to seeing this beauty in the galleries here, congrats to everyone who will be getting her! :D
    18. If they did bust options that would be awesome! Especially since I can see me needing more than one fairy in my house, and I like everyone to be different. I guess my thing is that I really dislike the way most companies seem to sculpt the bust so unnaturally like it's in a weird pushup bra or just perfect half circles. It's like so many of them are sculpted by people who have never seen real boobs. Now if they did something like the large bust Unoas or maybe the large Iplehouse girls I would be a happy, happy camper. :D Especially if they do a soft purple or green resin! (I hope you're reading this Soom!!)
    19. lunaria1 - Thanks for posting that link! I was wishing I could see body pictures and I didn't see those yesterday. The smaller bust is really disappointing. Barbie clothes were already a little loose in the bust, so I'm afraid they will sag on her now. The new body might fit better into Momoko or Volks' WtG tops now...? She has bigger thighs and I don't remember the old MG's upper legs being at that angle. I don't like her body line as much now and I still prefer the old hands.

      I'm not familiar with Soom's other MDs but I just assumed the wings attached by magnets. There are actually little holes in her back! :o

      I'm thrilled with her pricing! $273 isn't a huge price increase for a limited head, limited feet, and resin wings.

      When I looked last night the bi-weekly outfit wasn't there! I really like it a lot better and I think it suits her so much more than the default dress.

      I'm still going to pass on her. I'm not thrilled with her as a fairy; I really wanted something brightly colored and fantastical. Her face doesn't grab me, either. I'm not worried because I know there will be more in the future, so I'll keep waiting expectantly! :lol:
    20. I've seen holes in Monzo's back, if I can well recall... for his wings.
      I don't know what to think about her bust. I guess I love it this way, as I can't really well imagine a very busty fairy. but I know it's some kind of limit of mine... I guess that for me fairies are still the one you can see in Disney's first "Fantasia" (1940).
      I love also the natural look. I don't know if I would buy an unconventional resin colour - even if I easily can imagine colourful wings, and fantastic body blushing or tattoos :doh