1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Soom Idealian 51 Discussion

Mar 4, 2011

    1. Wait, is Zak and Hyperion the same face sculpt? I can't tell (I'm faceblind) but I always thought they were different sculpts. Was I tricked by a different face-up on the same face?
    2. No, they are different sculpts. Soom is pretty good about keeping a name with a sculpt.
    3. So I didn't fail. Go me!

      It wouldn't be the first time I failed to recognize a sculpt. The worst was when I was at a local meet and saw a doll I thought was gorgeous. I asked the owner what sculpt it was only to find out that it was not only a sculpt I owned (Angel Toast Crow), I had actually brought that doll with me to the meet and he was sitting next me to the whole time.
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    4. In your defense, a different faceup can make a doll look totally different!
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    5. True enough.
    6. Idealian only releases one 51 a year, right? I guess I'll be waiting a long time for them to do another one that I actually like (and hopefully it's not full set only).
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    7. There were five ID51 releases in 2011, three in 2012, two in 2014, one in 2016, one in 2017 and one in 2018. I didn't count the centaur releases as the human version was also offered. Some of those years were very quiet on all releases. I believe this is the first full set ID51!

      Soom does listen to customer requests so be sure to let them know what you want on the Q&A board! They might still release just the doll with or shortly after the full set.
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    8. Tawny Elf Hyperon. Sooooo tempting. The outfit is beautifully done, too. But, I have another doll in mind for my
      summer doll money. Now, if he had an extra fanged head....yes. :wiggle
    9. The outfit is beautiful but not something that I'd use. He's gorgeous but I'm thinking I'm safe from him if they release him as just the doll as I've been eyeballing another doll. I have to use some restraint with my dolly spending considering how much I've already spent this year and the amount of face-ups I need to get done. My wallet is weeping softly in a corner already.
    10. I asked about non full set release on the Q&A.

      Their response: "We have release plan for the ID51 in this year, but unfortunately nothing has been decided for the details now."

      So maybe they have yet to do a normal idealian 51 release this year? If they get to it.
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    11. That's a more positive response than they usually give. Usually they just say they'll pass the suggestion on to the design team.
    12. I generally run like hell from military uniforms, but the Little Admiral fullset calls to mind Napoleon Bonaparte, who doesn't freak me out the way modern dictators do. If I had the money I would be seriously tempted, especially considering Hyperon's slightly pointy ears.
    13. Ugh i love Hyperon but I sadly do not want that fullset
    14. Im the opposite, I love the oufit, hat and boots, just not the doll himself (Love hyperon, but not in that size)

      I wish they sold them separately. They always sold them separately so Im not sure why this sudden bundle

      The navy suit for ID75 sold quick, so maybe that is why, and make it an incentive to get the ID51. Plus it seems the ID51's are one per person, because I cant check how many sold since I cant increase the amount
    15. Why I didn’t know about it that year?…………
    16. I'm intrigued by this line and I'm happy it looks like Soom is still making them (albeit slowly!). Have they ever done a free choice event for the 51s? I would love the chance to order Zinc~
    17. I would be tempted be a 51 free choice
    18. There has never been a free choice event for ID51. There have only been two for ID72&Megagem. There were "rules" for what was included in a free choice event Since Soom seems to have changed policies and I don't expect to see another free choice event. If you want a particular doll, send a message to Soom on the Q&A board. You will get a vague response but they do tally the requests!
    19. Yes, I concur about the request thing. Soom reps were at either Dollism Buffalo or DollNorth (I can't remember which), and during the Q&A part of their panel I asked if they were ever going to bring back/have a FE for the Azur merbody. At that time, they said they had no plans to re-release that body. Fast forward a couple of years and they released a new version of him. I didn't buy simply because I purchased a completely different doll (DC Clemans) to be the mer character I needed when I thought he would be out of my reach.

      If Soom were to do a FE and Hyperon ID51 was up and available in either grey or tanned, my wallet could be in serious trouble. I still kick myself for not jumping on the last order for him but Soom was doing a FE for the tinies at pretty much the same time and Azur was listed. I was waiting to hear back from them on whether or not the mer body was available (it wasn't) and the order period for the Hyperon closed before I heard back. My wallet was super happy about that as I bought nothing.

      And I totally forgot to post this here. I got Sancire (London Steam Engine Rider) back from the face-up artist this week. I'm so happy with how he turned out. He looks completely different to me from Ondraeden (London the Moor) even though they're the exact same sculpt/resin colour. This is Sancire with his husband, Liroshan (Granado Lucifer 53).
      [​IMG]Liroshan & Sancire by ID Locke, on Flickr
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    20. The ID51 free choice is coming, I am interested in getting the centaur, since I didn't find body measurements, I asked SOOM, that makes sense right? However I got this reply:
      I am in complete shock.
      Does anyone have body measurements of ID 51 centaur? Please send help TvT
      #720 tiyama, May 7, 2021
      Last edited: May 7, 2021