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Soom Idealian 72cm - Galway the Fortunate!

Jul 13, 2011

    1. Hehe - no problem! :)
      Can't wait until tomorrow, not because I think I will get him, but I love new doll releases!^^
    2. Thanks for the comparison Dear!!!
      PS is in your avi Akira?
    3. YES! :lol: I first watched this 19 years ago now...and it's still a classic! :D
    4. I actually quite like him, even with the eye shape. Maybe soom were going for a tired look? He looks quite sleepy to me lol xD
      ID72 is way too big for me but I hope they will release something like this for the 51 line. Soom makes a lot of wonderful guy sculpts ^^ Look forward to seeing more pictures!
    5. I think he is gorgeous and very manly...that is what I like about him. His eyes have true realism about them. How do I justify a 4th IDealian.......how?????

      This guy is definately our 72cm, they said they were working on a new 72cm for us this summer...the last couple of ID releases were 51cm, even Zinc......so this must be him!!!!!
    6. I need that suit!!!!!!!
    7. Huh. This guy could grow on me, I think. ^_^

      At first glance (looking at the mid-length shot/teaser), the hooded, blockish shape to the eyes kinda turned me off, especially since it's paired with that Branonesque super-real chin and jawline. But now that I'm looking at the close-up pic, the eyes don't seem nearly as freaky. They're more...unusual. And like others mentioned, the look is VERY anime. (Have I ever mentioned that I LOVE anime? I have all of the Gorgeous Carat manga, too, Jisatsu. LOL :sweat)

      I do like the fact that from the nose down, the sculpt is very reminiscent of Branon/Hyperon. Gluino was stunning (and an almost-buy for me), but I've been dying to see another guy with Branon's jawline and cheekbones. Maybe we'll see more 'manly' men down the road...?

      Anywho - I probably won't get him since he's not grabbing me by the throat, and anyway, I have absolutely no $ at the moment. That said, I can't wait to see what others do with this boy! I'd love to see him with different face-ups, wigs, etc. Hmm, maybe I'll do a mock-up on Photoshop - red luscious lips, some smoky coloration and liner around the eyes, arching eyebrows that are fuller and darker... Mmmmmmm.... :drool

      EDIT: I'd bet money he's a 72-er.
    8. Carmen I think since he is Special Order maybe the suit and wig will be sold seperate like the other Special Orders...*crosses fingers * If this is the case, I will be buying the suit/wig as soon as it is on sale and waiting on the doll till next week, just in case suit sells out first!!!!
    9. *crosses fingers with the Carmens* I'm such a sucker for a hot dandy. LOL! If the suit goes on sale separately, I just might nab it for my mom as a birthday present...with borrowing rights. *smiles deviously*
    10. This guy is entrancing. Its like Soom knew I needed a handsome man with deep-set eyes and full lips. Its not fair! Its a shame hes just a Special Order though, so no bells and whistles.. Oh well~ I'll just have to live with it.
    11. OK, Here is a challange for you photoshoppers! I would LOVE to see how he would look with some facial hair (kinda Tedros style). I have no clue how to work that kind of computer magic, LOL. I think I love him, but kinda not sure about his boyishness? Hoping some wiskers will do the trick:wiggle
      Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!
    12. I second that! The character slot I need to fill is actually a a pretty scruffy guy, so that would be great~
    13. mmm...is very a hansome guy but looking at him he's remind me an EID Arvid hehee something in his face, I don't nkow...
      I like him but I think my wallet is safe this time uff!!
    14. You're right Carmen (lol), I just noticed he's Special Order, so I won't hesitate to grab the suit if separate, since I'm a sucker for well dressed guys
    15. Here's him with a 45 second Tedros stache and chin thing XD
    16. Man oh man..I do hope he is 72 so I don't have to cry about not having the money for him. ^^; I loooove his face but 72 is just too big when it comes to these massive dolls. Dolly sitting smexy Hyperon has taught me that much.

      Oooh..thanks for the photoshop kaourika! He'd look pretty darn nice with some fuzz I think..
    17. I actually thought the eyes were quite nice when I first saw him. I do agree that it would be nice to see more realistically-sized eyes. I've been wanting that from the hobby since day 1. I know that usually bjds have larger eyes, but some are just too large that clash with the rest of the face. I love the anime-styled and realistic dolls, but I usually don't like a mix between super-realism and anime.
    18. I've been waiting for the new 72 Idealian and I think he's it. ;) I like his manliness and even though his eyes are heavy (which you could have modded if it really bothered you) I still find him to be a very rugged, yet refined, man. I'm not one for effeminate boys and I was crushed to find that London was only 51cm. Fingers crossed I'll be able to get him and his nice suit. ;)
    19. I may not get the Soom faceup this time around though.....it's boring and his bottom lip is only 1/2 painted. I guess they were in a hurry? LOL
    20. YAI!!I got it right!!!

      UHM..looking to the mock up i notice now that his nose is quite similiar to York one..meh..he's not just my cup of tea..but finger crossed that all people that find interesting him will be able to get him,also if he is in the SO section then probably wigs and outift will be put on sale separately,that means more chance for whom interested in the costume only to grab it easily ^^