1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Soom Idealian: Hyperon - Dhampir

Dec 20, 2010

    1. Yesterday my bronze Hyperon arrived, he is so wonderful! But I'm a little surprised, because I always thought Idealian 72 do have fingerprints. My Hyperon doesn't. And the eye mechanism doesn't work because the eye muscle doesn't fit into the tiny carvings, it seems to be a little wider than the eye muscle. Is this normal with the Idealians?
    2. Extremely small details like finger prints are probably lost as many working molds are made from the master. I have never had luck with the eye holders. When I got Gluino, I got one eye to work. The second eye would not. I think I tried briefly again when I got Hyperon, but quickly gave up!

      Congratulations on your wonderful boy!
      • x 1
    3. Thank you, Nancy. It's a little sad the finger prints got lost after using the master mold too often, but no real problem at all. His body and face mold is so perfect and handsome. The eye mechanism seemed to be good idea, maybe they should work on this in the future. At the moment I have other eyes for him, no Soom, so it's quite ok. Can't wait to do his faceup, I already love him so much!
    4. congratulations sadomina!!! :D hyperon is such a drool worthy scuplt!! XD my eye holders worked just fine, but my boy doesn't have any finger prints either. that would have been so cool! can't wait to see the face up u give him! <3
    5. I think the eye holders are designed for Soom eyes.
    6. Yes, Soom eyes attach great in the eye muscles, it's just that the eye muscle doesn't keep connected with the eyeholes and always fall out the sockets :sweat
    7. I use the eyeholders and putty both, honestly. The eyeholders are great for those fiddly little adjustments, especially with these guys' itty bitty sockets. ^^;
    8. Ohh!!! The new Hyperon (aka Lucifer) looks so gorgeous. :aeyepop: And the face up this time suits him perfectly. Now I really want to order him but have to resist. :whee:
    9. I felt it in my guts xD the April's release had to be Hyperon. I feel you, Hallowie orz
      Is it just me or is his face rounder/more delicate looking? Or maybe it's just the face up..
    10. Im new to this thread SD size, Soom, and Hyperon, I ordered him in NS and my first face-up for a doll. I hope they don't make him too delicate... He is "lucifer" after all.
    11. >>Tsuyu: I guess it's because of the face up that makes his face more delicate and a bit rounder.
      I have the Hyperon Romantic ver. His face's shape is like this too. But I prefer his Lucifer's face up better. Sooo handsome...

      >>Serdtse: Congratulation!!!! Please share his photos here when he's arrived. :D
      • x 3
    12. Congratulations on your Hyperon, Serdtse! So lucky for getting him, please share photos~

      Your Hyperon is absolutely gorgeous, Hallowie! It probably is the face up after all
    13. Thank you guys :) Hallowie your Hyperon is gorgeous:love Tsuyu I'm very excited and I can't wait to get him home and spam photos of him.., how long does Soom take to ship if PIF?
    14. Soom usually ships PIF dolls in 2.5 to 3 months. If it's longer than 100 days you get a credit to points.
      • x 1
    15. Does Soom can release other Hyperon this year? Or is it too much to ask? :pout:
    16. Soom has another Hyperon up! Dragon warrior in CW.
      • x 1
    17. [​IMG]
      • x 1
    18. Good news!! But I prefer Hyperon with normal head, in normal skin. I will wait for this.

      Will it ever Soom will release a more human Hyperon, like Zak One Fine Day?
