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Soom Idealian - Photon Angel of Death

Sep 27, 2010

    1. Who's the female doll?
    2. OMG sooooom.... aww.... I wish he woll have a bone body... or a haggard body where you can see the bones really good or somthing else very special...
      but I think he will just have a skull faceplate and skull hands and the rest will be like he other Idealians.... but I might be wrong an Soom will do a new thing! If he is all boned... I need him :aheartbea

      I think the girl in his arms might be Deneb?!
      Looks like her... I think
    3. "Erlikon said: If he has gray skin and a courageous face, I can't resist)"
      I too think so))) And really hope that as such he will!!
    4. Me three...I'm a sucker for grey skin...and skulls

      Damn you SOOM
    5. yes soom...now you've got my attention again ;). The way the teaser is set up as reminds me of Phantom of the Opera. But a full skeleton doll...oh man... is it a good thing or bad thing that I can't afford another doll now *_*.
    6. If he was a SOLID SKELETON, that would be enough to make me buy a boy doll. Quite seriously.
      But I very much doubt it!

      Either way, it's all so very phantom of the opera-ish to me and I love it!
    7. That's exactly what I said the moment I saw him! lol
    8. Hmm he looks more like the grim reaper then the angel of death to me (IMHO angel of death needs to be more epic LOL),
      Id like one of his skeleton hands for my Ark (who actually IS angel of death XD), two were definitely too much.

      I hope hard I dont like his face T_T

      I had to laught at the name, I dunno why but "photon" made me think of radiograph LOL (I just had quick picture of him having radiograph eyes LOL)
    9. just wonder what's hiding under the mark >.<
    10. Very very cool, but way too scary for me to have lying - or worse, standing - around the house!

      And I believe the girl is a Soom Dia, judging from her profile.
    11. Gees, two more days and no additional teaser pics!!!! Not fair!! Not fair I say!!! :)
    12. lool soom always amused us with ridicolous names (but gorgeous dolls) :XD:
    13. I would totally wake my husband up with this thing. :thumbup

      I also second everybody's complaints about the wait. It's gonna be a long week.
    14. LOL, to those worrying about the whole timing around Xmas thing - ghost of xmases past, anyone? ; )
    15. I've only started nosing about Soom dolls. I give them props for their concepts. As others have mentioned, I suspect there's a hot human form in there somewhere. Alas, Halloween doesn't mean the same thing to other countries that it does here. They probably weren't even thinking about it.
    16. LOL! I think they're hoping it will boost sales, and believe me, doll companies know about any sort of theme to sell dolls, there are several halloween themed dolls floating about right now--my faves are still the rerelease of the Zuzu Delf set from Luts, cute! ^ ^

      I think I'm going to withhold all judgements. We've had two 'meh' IDs for me and one 'hommina', so the odds are in my favor, but if Soom has my number, it's going to be a choice between hommina and a nice Christmas at this rate, as I'm entering into the 'no fly zone' part of the year for dolls...

    17. I think I'm with Nidi on this. Deneb, yes? Or... Dia? Someone?

      All: OMG, I just read through this page and was cracking up. GOD I love Soomers. We've got everything from PopTart and Skeletor, to Cat's mini-skullies and the ghost of Christmas Past. If this were a bar, I'd buy a round for how much fun this page has been!

      Heidipay: Holding out for a nonhommina, just for you!
    18. I agree, I saw grim reaper immediately, in fact I kinda was checking the background for his scythe. My BF collects grim reaper stuff and sales start on my "B" Day. I guess this will be a must have!
      I never saw the Soom bus coming 'till it hit me.:doh Now I'm a goner......... It is fitting I was bit by the vampire and now the angel of death will be the one to take me under~
    19. Yeah, the skeletor thought cracked me up ;) plus my ex-boyfriend had a cat named photon, Haha... Creepy, that I will think of that every time I look at him if I'm soomed by the human faceplate.