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Soom Idealian - Photon Angel of Death

Sep 27, 2010

    1. I keep thinking of Wormwood: Gentleman Corpse....however this boy seems too buff and unlikely to drink beer or smoke...considering I've been debating on a Wormwood mod, I'm tempted by this boy for more the how Mr. Wormwood sees himself.
    2. Yeah Grim Reaper seems more fitting then Angel of Death, but I really want to see what this guy looks like underneath.
    3. I'm fairly sure the girl is a SG, not a MA, since the MA girls are, well, gigantic. They tower over my SG crew. Since the IDs are in between those sizes, I'd think the MA girls would still be a bit big beside them -- they do have 8cm or so on the IDs, I think. The whole 'big imposing dude' look would get a bit lost if the girl was big enough that she looked like he might drop her any moment. ;)
    4. They posted a pic with his human face... and I have no money. -___- I'm gonna shoot myself.
    5. Very interesting. I can't tell for the life (or death) of me what color skin he is. Maybe very light gray??? His face is prettier than I was expecting~ not sure yet if I luv him. Need more pictures before I am sold.
    6. here he is


      i was expecting something different, he's nice but my fav is still Gluino <.<
    7. Yes I too have to stick to Gluino *nodnod*
      ah well, lets see how the other pics of him look like.
    8. * phew * What a relief to see that face. I'm so glad I'm still preferring my Gluino.
      However I have to say the whole concept is really interesting. I love those bony hands... And outfit.

      And btw, has anyone thought about that skull and hands going with the massive resin body that is the IDealian? I'm wondering how's the match's gonna be.
    9. Well, that's... not what I was expecting. It almost looks like the head is too small for the neck, but for a pretty boy, he is a very pretty boy. I'm still looking forward to see the complete doll.
    10. He's so handsome !!!!!! I'm falling in love now.
    11. his mouth looks like sabik ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    12. My first thought was he looks like Sabik too. I'm glad he's not a "must have" for me.
    13. I like his face toooo much T_T
    14. So , If you select face type or face blushing they are calling it the "Reaper" face. Now I am keeping fingers crossed for a scythe with another fabulous Soom costume!
      I agree with the head looking too small. Hope it is just that photo. He looks like he could be Glluino's brother. I was hoping for more of a Branon face shape. Something VERY masculine. Maybe the next ID, "Please Soom"
    15. I kinda like the human face! He'd need a different face up, but I see alot of potential. I also agree with the Sabik comments.
    16. Yeah he does kind of look like he could be Gluino's brother.
    17. He does look like Sabik. I like him!
    18. He has the same face as Gluino, I thought?
    19. ***heavy sigh*** no money!!!!
    20. *pines* If I could, I would in a heartbeat. It's just not in the cards. He reminds me of Sabik also, but almost like he has a teensy bit of Euclase around the eyes. Truly beautiful. I am more and more impressed with the things they are doing with this series. It's a shame I can't afford to bring more of them home.