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Soom Jan MDs: Taco and Dolomi

Dec 30, 2010

    1. I' not allowed to buy more dolls but...fantasy parts and outfits are still fine xD I'm really hoping that one of them is going to be WS and that their dragon feet are awesome, because my incoming Minette might need them.
    2. OR Vesuvia purple!?!
    3. I wonder if I can take myself seriously if I said:

      -Adjusts monocle-
      "Oh yes, why yesterday I ordered a SOOM Taco...."


      -fit of giggles-

      In all seriousness, it seems that SOOM is really big on the closed/half-closed eyes lately, haven't they? I hope there is a more open-eyed version! Can't wait to see what the fantasy parts are :D
    4. Well...dragon or deer... Can I just say how much I hate Soom. I mean seriouly. Can't they PLEASE just take a frakkin month off or something... The last, I think four dolls I've bought have all been Soom! Syen, three Rosette girls, and I'm in too deep buying the bunny boy! AND I'm piecing together dolls of theirs I missed out on

      I just can't buy any more! I mean really!
    5. I feel your pain Chehime, and not just sympathy-wise.
      After seeing this single picture I'm almost crying because I feel
      the way I did when Afi came out, love at first sight! I've put off
      buying other dolls because I HAD to wait and see what the TG's
      were going to be and now I know why. Ugh, I just hope I don't
      love the other one too.

      edit: It seems safe to say that if there is a dreaming/sleeping
      head that it means there will be two heads.
    6. At first I thought baby antelope or reindeer lolz but week xmas is over =x
      will they come in sleepy/closed eyes only or with open eyes too?
    7. I thought soom has discontinuing the MD line this year.... I hope it's not a dragon.... I can't afford one if it is *cries*
    8. Actually I think someone said that Soom had no plans to stop the Monthly Dolls. And I mean why would they? They make all their money with them.

      But that aside I DO think Taco and Dolomi (anyone else want to call it Dolomite?) will be baby dragons. Last year I was really hoping for a baby Sphaler but I LOVE Nephilin so baby Nephilins would be so cool!
    9. I kind of want Taco just because of his name... :sweat
    10. No I believe Soom was only ending the 2010 realm etc. (?)
      but obviously there is a 2011 MD....and I'm glad Soom is wise
      to continue releasing the tinies!
    11. These are so cute! I think they gotta be dragons, what with the wintery white theme and all.
    12. I believe its a mini dragons, its has Nephelin's horns.
      I'm in deep trouble now, love everything I see so far..

    13. Gahhh >.< so cute!
      It is the same 'I hope they are cute/ I hope I don't like them' mixed feelings here XD
      Deaming eyes are one of my weaknesses *__*
      I am hoping one comes in white skin and I can get some cool fantasy parts for my syen >.<
    14. So perhaps they are baby Nephelin's if they are dragons?
      But that should mean tiny wings too then? Unless they
      are tiny Sphaler's? Just read Nephelin's story and there's
      no mentioning of children. But I guess they don't have to
      belong to a previous doll or story.
      I'm curious when these will be released, a lot of companies
      take off a few days for new years but Soom hasn't mentioned
      a holiday break yet, if so then a Monday release probably isn't
      likely? Yeah I'm feeling very impatient. I need to know if I'll
      want both babies and can't get the other doll I've been pining
      over the past 2 weeks. Ahhhhh such difficult decisions XD
    15. There will definitely be 1 white skin and 1 color skin (so far it looks like grey to me).
    16. Well, they aren't supposed to be children as much as little spirits, correct? And it's true they don't always look exactly like the adults, I mean Breccia was a fox and Appini and Shonki were kitties, but it's the same general idea. So it looks like these are the themed tinies that would go with Nephelin, not the themed tinies that would go with Shoshon, as those are the only two dolls from this year that are missing tinies.

      And of course, since the MD year has always started in February, we have no idea if we'll ever see Shoshon tinies, if they will release the last set of 2010 tinies in February and then start their 2011 year in March, or if they might even do the last 2010 tinies and the first 2011 MD both in February...Soom's never been quite this behind before, although they got close with some of the 2008 and early 2009 releases. :) Amber, January MD who was sold only in February 2009, I'm lookin' at you girl! :D

    17. What I really "need" is another tan TG and I was hoping
      for little reinelk's.....if the one they show isn't GS but WS
      then there's a chance the other will be tan. Or at least that's
      my hope since I already have 2 GS TG's and 2 CW TG's...
      so I need another Tan to even the group...right? XD
      But it does look like GS the more I stare at him/her. So cute.

      edit: good points heidipay. I guess I'm stuck in 09' still
      when the belief was that they were tiny versions of the SG MDs.
      Oh well!
    18. Oh my! It certainly does look like coloured resin there. I love how this one looks in the snow though, so cute!

      Definitely not going to be getting any though, I think I've hit a doll saturation point! (Also I've been Soomed 3 times this year and can not afford any more xD).

      I'm putting in my guess for them being tiny dragons! The horns don't look at all like a woodland creature and the bluish grey skin certainly does make me think of a dragon. Definitely interested to see how they turn out though!

      (I was also hoping that Soom would stop with the MDs this year. Since I got Soomed the first time, I'm tempted so often it's a touch and go situation at the beginning of each month D:.)
    19. His horns look like Nephelin's, ^_^, soom just sent my Nephelin out, I think she maybe wants a young brother, I will have one.

      Only one question, what is the color of him?..it looks like blue...I want blue, that would be great, I am waiting now!
    20. I like what I see so far, but those horns remind me of tentacles. XD I think there's something going on with the skin too, just overall lovely. Especially the faceup!