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Soom MD February 2010 - Breccia Moon Wish

Feb 23, 2010

    1. She reminds me a lot of Topaz.. the face I mean.

      I had a HUGE freak out when I noticed she was up.. just cause bad day and FINALLY getting some info from Soom was a great surprise! Feel like I've been waiting FOREVER to find out what they were doing next.

      Now I'm actually looking at her though.. I really like the face, cause I liked Topaz and couldn't get her.
      If she is some kind of bat, that would be amazing... but I can only see fox right now.

      More than anything, I'm actually quite disappointed to see what looks like WS (most of you know I was hoping for some more fabulous colours) and what looks like a lot of BROWN which I've said I want to see less of. Too much brown Soom.

      So we'll see! I like her a lot, but I'm kind of feeling like it's more of the same perhaps?
      Time will tell!
    2. Her ears really reminds me of fennec wolvies.
      Let's see what soom will show us next days ^_^
    3. This girl should be character in [World Beyond] story that happen after the god's war
      in the place calls "Pella"
    4. Awesome !!!!!!!
      So surprised, SOOM !!

      I try to guess all the time about MD doll for this month.
      Because I knew the story until Chalco only.
      I think this will staring new era of Soom story ^^

      She so cute, I like the ear very much.
      And I think she look like Topaz too !!! :D
    5. I adore the wig!! and it looks like a hint of a pupil in the eyes though still blue, I think it makes her look even sweeter in the face. :)
    6. :o oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my GOSH that face is to die for! I pined secretly for Galena and was sad that I missed out, but this girl...oh how this girl can make up for that! She is absolutely beautiful! I don't even care what the rest of her looks like...I'm getting that head!...D=<
    7. I adore the wig too.. shame it's BROWN (I really don't like brown xD) but I know it'll have to be mine either way!:)
    8. To me it looks more red, like ginger. I actually really like her coloring.
      It fits together IMO better than some of the past girls, at least it isn't
      another blonde wig XD
      And I'm completely dying inside...why must I be poor & love Soom MD's?
    9. I'm going to get PUNCHED here I just know it.. xD

      But I'd rather have a blonde wig! xD
      I just like blonde hair. If you're going to have a natural hair coloured doll, blonde is the only way to go... MAYBE black depending.. but not natural black, JET black.
      I know we've had loads of blonde wigs up to now but, the majority of them have been quite simple blonde wigs. It's weird that when we get FABULOUS wigs (like Topaz and possibly this one), they're never blonde!

      Oh well.. Soom clearly hates me and wants to make everything natural and neutral forever so, of course they make the fabulous wigs not blonde xDDDD

      I'm very sick and high on cold meds by the way so excuse the INSANITY xDDD
    10. Awww so sorry you aren't feeling well!! Hope you get better real soon!
      No punching here XD Not sure why Soom is sort of playing it safe
      in the wig color choices....or why they like browns/grays for
      blushing....but I loooove her and I'm having a dolly breakdown..
      I didn't get Chalco, but even that won't make it possible for me
      to get her, it would take a miracle.
    11. Well, my theory is that it's Japan's fault. xDD
      I don't just mean wigs, but Soom playing it safe in general.

      Overall, Japan prefers things cuter. Most popular MDs of 2008 were Topaz and Io.
      On the other side of the pond, the west often prefers things to be a little darker. Sard and Beryl were the most popular. (this is up to Heliot and Amber who sold loads all over!)
      Last year Soom opens a store in Japan, and their Japanese fan base has definitely grown immensely.
      Soom wants to continue selling to the west, but they also want to continue selling in Japan so that their venture to put a store their doesn't fail and so on.

      Essentially, by releasing very dark insane dolls, they run the risk of alienating the Japanese fan base. By playing it safe and going neutral, the Japanese customers will be happy, and the Westerners will still be happy on the whole because I THINK they customize more than the Japanese, so if the fullset is brown and neutral and they want insane, they just do it themselves.

      I mean it's all just my flu-ridden ramblings... xD

      Now what I would LOVE to see here.. and would probably die.. is for this girl to be in TWO resin colours.
      She could be WS, as shown here.. and then they could do her in RED skin or something if she's actually a fox.
      I mean, we don't know that she's just going to be WS... they might be keeping something amazing secret from us xD

      Oh and I'd kill for her to be MSD sized.. I really would. I'm dreaming of the impossible but, well.. it would be amazing xD
    12. My guess is that she isn't going to have a fantasy skin color...
      Soom has (as of 09') shown the teasers with the fantasy skin.

      For me CW skin means I can try for a split or get no
      sanding/blushing because I have Cass on the way, and CW
      means no outrageous starting price that makes it even harder
      to scrape up money for her:sweat
      If she is a Fox please let her claws be prettier than Chroms.
      More elegant, if possible.
    13. Yeah I know.. I'm just trying to cheer myself up that I really wanted to see some fantasy coloured resin this year.. a LOT of it! xD
    14. There's always hope for this year! I think a lot of us were surprised
      to have so many Gray/Tan options last year, so maybe Soom will
      go down the more fantasy skin path...the babies are a great way
      for them to test the waters as has been said before XD
    15. well I am soomed again, she will be my new girl when she is released, dont know yet if I want to go for the fullset.
    16. Here comes the broken record.. I WISH Soom offered "parts only" blushing!!
      I will NOT pay for whole body/part blushing without getting seam sanding too
      and that just makes the price way too high. But I really love her ears, I could
      manage blushing her fingers like that if I decided to, but not the ears.
      And paying for someone else to do it costs even more*_*
      I know why Soom doesn't offer the option, to avoid further mistakes
      of sending the wrong parts, but I think time-wise it would be really
      helpful to them for those of us who don't want/need full blushing.
    17. midnite, I was wondering if you know how many dolls more or less does Soom sell in Japan only? And maybe wolrdwide?
      I'd like to know how representative our waiting rooms are.
      Any plans for excessive questioning of the Soom store lady? :D
    18. True.
      So far I am almost 100% sure I want to get her, and I checked my monies and if I don't buy clothes and attent meetups and other fun stuff, I will be able to buy her on layaway, lol.

      If Soom doesn't make her a bat, I will.
      I already got in mind how I want her to look. I have a wig lying here, which is black with a straight bang/fringe and I am going to give it to her.

      Now I am only curious how her fantasy feet will be. If she has any.
    19. i TOTALLY agree!!!
      I don't see myself getting another full doll right now, but at the moment I know I'd definitely like those hands and maybe some other bits and bobs.
      Basically what I do not need is the body, which is the most expensive part of the doll overall.
      However, I will almost ALWAYS want the blushing on those fantasy parts. I cannot imagine me not wanting it. AND I generaly don't like Soom's resin unsanded, plus its icky getting blushing without sanding because paint in seams = bad.
      So I'd have to find someone to take a sanded, blushed body! Let's face it, that really isn't going to happen!!!
      For those of us who just want the fantasy parts, it would be SO great to be able to get JUST them painted.

      Right now I'm kind of afraid that I really might want everything she has to offer except her body!
      I can't justify another WS Super Gem.. but I CAN justify it if she shares a body with my Titania.
      Time to do some maths xD
    20. She has a lovly face ^_^
      Must say I'm much relieved she's not a tiny lol