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[Soom MD/March] Shonki & Appini Bestia Animo!

Mar 22, 2010

    1. Someone was talking about a resin fox tail. I can't really see them doing a bushy resin tail, I think it would tip a teenie gem over.

      Big ears and paws up against in a big pot (I think gardening pot too) makes the face look even smaller. Puki prices would be great ( a break at least) 150.00 or so but I really would like a teenie gem if my wallet can take it.

    2. Not necessarily, as most anthros have big resin tails and don't have that problem. If it's hollow, that wouldn't be a problem. Breccia didn't, however, and had the giant furry tail that was part of her full set.

      Need more pictures!
    3. I'm not too sure which one I would prefer, honestly. I adore Breccia's tail, but I wouldn't mind a resin one, either.
    4. Could anybody photoshop the white open eyed face black? I don't have the skills but it would be very interesting :aheartbea
    5. Alright, now they've done it! This is it, I'm not sure I can stay away this time!:XD:
    6. Everytime I go back and look, I die from the cute. I really love their faces, and I want to see the outfits. I seriously believe this years dolls will take on a more asian mythical feel from what I gathered in the new story. If that's the case I'm super Soomed because I love the asian mythology.
    7. I'm going to at least get the white open eye head unless it has fangs or something hidden by the paw, which I don't think it does.

      Somone was talking about how they didn't want the human ears on the white oe head but you could always sand them off.
    8. Head and ears maybe. Not quite sure if I want the paws yet. I want to see the tail. I wonder if it's an attachment or a part of the outfit like breccia's. and also for the tail: Resin or fur?
    9. oh god, not baby foxes. My wallet is still recovering from my last doll purchase! xD So far I really really like the white one, but I'll have to wait and see other pictures of her( assuming it's a her) before really making up my mind. I wanna see their legs and if they have a tail. Though that cute little pudgy face is going to be hard to refuse!
    10. Just read the second part of the story. Who else thinks that Shonki & Appini are "small positive"? The description surely fits them, doesn't it:
      - Element: wood
      - Aether: small positive
      - Season: spring
      - Direction: east
      - Air: wind
      - Moment: morningtide
      - Nature: green vegetation
      I'm really curious of their background story!
    11. I think the animal parts will be generic enough that they can be cats/foxs/wolves with just a paint job.

      I do hope they ARE NOT Pukifee/Lati/ size so I can buy those outfits for my little ones.
    12. I realise that "bestia animo" has its own meaning in Italian, but has anyone else thought they might have used it also because of the style. As soon as I saw the picture of face and outfit design it reminded me strongly of Japanese anime, and the name is so similar. Makes me think they will be wearing kimonos and be purposely more anime styled - huge eyes, smaller features, etc. Maybe this would be why they don't look specifically one animal at the moment, because it is the style rather than the breed they're going for. They are only "bestia" after all - animals, type unspecified.
    13. Oooo! I may organize a split for these cuties... I so want those ears... and the sleepy head... maybe the paws....
      ::waits for more pictures::
    14. Pfft, the more I look at Appini the more I think I'll be Soomed no matter what. I really hope she has a great mouth and ankle joints on those paws (if not, I'll have to trade for/buy Hati/Skoll paws)! I'll probably sell the extra head, too, if she comes with one. And if I end up not liking the face but liking the paws, I'll probably buy her anyway and sell/split/trade off the head(s) to get a different MD head that I like (maybe Yrie?).

      But guuuhh, from what I can see, she's so perfect. >w< Exactly the right eye shape, adorable oversized paws... I'm gonna make my girl a little kitten, and when Milo wears her paws he'll be a wolf pup. <3
    15. Oh, and I think it's easy to deduce from the story who's next. Breccia is "thaw", maybe Shonki & Appini are "spring", then there is "summer", "monsoon", "autumn" and "winter", right?
    16. Well if they are baby foxes then it might mean Soom has changed the
      order in which MDs were released in 09'.....it could also mean that
      next months MD might be a black resin male fox...maybe Soom
      is releasing whole families of MD's this year :D:sweat
      And it would make more sense for their black resin SG to be male
      since they seem to sell better than the girls. All IMO, but it's fun
      to speculate:)
    17. It could be nice, but next month will probably be something new. And then teenies for the new SG doll the month after that.

      I would rather see six different variations anyway (rather than four if they do teenies and then two SG variations of the teenies on top of that). If they do another fox that will be a bit much for me I think, even if it is in the black resin.

      Black resin might be nice on something else SG though, or even a different unique fantasy color.

      I want more pictures of these little ones to see if I like the black resin at all. I can't really see it very well in the one picture they have of him.
    18. I sort of hope not only because it will throw things off...
      unless Soom is releasing the babies after the SG's, which
      would make sense if these are in fact baby Breccia's.
      Otherwise next months SG (if there is one) won't have
      a mini version.
    19. GYYYAHHH I've been praying to the soom gods for tiny foxies and YAY here they are! I'm getting soomed for the first time this month, and I'm so excited!!
    20. It's funny, looking at them today after a night's sleep, I'm not nearly as excited about them as I was yesterday.
      Hmmm... They're just not fabulous enough I think!!

      I mean, I LOVE the black resin, that was a great move on Soom's part, but overall they're just so natural and subtle. I think subtle describes them quite well.
      I on the other hand like anything but subtle! ::laughs::
      My favourite tinies from last year for example, just the way they were done up rather than the actual sculpt, were the fishies! I loved the bright pink and blue hair.. the transparent blue and pink fantasy parts. The eyes were glittery, the makeup was more colourful, and the outfits were just amazing. I think I was hoping for more dolls along these lines, but even stronger with their use of colours and fantasy clothes.

      What we have here is, just looking at Appini, natural makeup. Fantasy parts that are so lightly painted they hardly look painted at all. No fancy resin parts (though we haven't seen the full doll yet). Very natural looking clothes in what appears to be a simple pattern, not sparkly.
      Overall, s/he seems quite realistic (as realistic as such a thing can be anyway xD)
      I do approve of those eyes though, yay for sparkles!

      This is all an issue in how they're done them up though.
      I think the original doll is well done, the execution is just all wrong for me - as a person who generally always gets fullsets, the way Soom do up their doll is very important to me.
      We'll see what happens when the full pictures come out, but it looks like this might be the first time I don't get anything close to a fullset!

      I think my overall lack of excitement is because yesterday I was SO thrilled they were doing black resin, I didn't really notice anything else!
      Today, when I think about it, they're VERY childlike and the thing I always liked about Soom's teeny MDs was that they WEREN'T childlike - none of my dolls are children.
      Though this all could be the way they've pictured them to make them look VERY tiny! xD

      I also, the more I look at it, don't like the closed eye head much at all, which is throwing me off completely!
      I know I'd adore the black resin otherwise, but right now the white skin is getting the best head so, it's hard to judge.
      As long as Shonki gets an OE head too, I think it's very unlikely I won't be getting this one though xD