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[Soom MD/November] Pyrol and Minette - The Magic Horn

Oct 28, 2010

    1. Okay, I've tried paypal and paying via credit card and neither of them have been successful. I have the funds to pay for Minette on my CC, but paypal keeps rejecting it and says my card issuer has declined the payment.

      I'm really not sure what to do now :(
    2. Enky: Are you using firefox? I usually have to use IE to do the paypal payment for soom it doesn't work in firefox browser.
    3. Thanks for your help Aree <3. I ended up having to send it manually anyway, but my payment is now sent :3
    4. Man, I really can't decide on Minette. I had just about decided not to get her (I want to save up for the special lottery/sale Soom is holding soon), but then I played around a bit in GIMP.

      Minette with slightly elongated legs (no other changes, human Minette shown for scale).

      It bugs me that Soom got so close, but fell so far. With Epidos, it made sense that the body was short because a bigger one would have used up so much more resin. With Minette/Pyrol, all they need are legs that are as long as any other hoofed teeny released so far, and they'd be perfect :doh

      Ah well, I think I'll wait and see how the Nov 9 sale goes, and decide on the teenytaur based on that.
    5. I'm considering what to do..
      I love the unicenta body and face, but I really like the human face better D: So what I'm considering is to buy a Minette human and later try to see if I can find the unicenta body secondhand, or buy some hooves for her... But... but.. AGH X_X
    6. Hmm, well it seems my ordering issue was related to Firefox.
      Checked my status on Soom and there were two orders- the failed initial order and the successful second order. I was able to cancel the unpaid order without any issue (there's a small button at the bottom of the frame). So you might want to check your order status if you had trouble!
    7. I've actually been avoiding the last few MDs because there is no way I could afford them (save an odd wig lol) but Minette is really REALLY cute. Her human form ... the unicenta isn't my thing really. The only thing that is really stopping me from ordering her is the price - she seems rather expensive for just a human doll. However, saying that, the other tinies are more than that and they come with fantasy parts. Arr ... SOOM, why must you do this to me? I try so hard to avoid you lol
    8. I really want a unicenta, and I just adore the lowered eyelids... But ouch, talk about expensive! And it looks like I'm not the only one who thought that their horsey part seemed too small for their human parts! :lol: What to do...
    9. I officially ordered my Centaur baby Minette just then :D . My money is sad, but I am happy :)
    10. Sorry, can someone tell how long these cuties will be on sale for? I would like to order one in a week when I get paid, will they still be available then? I haven't ordered a Soom monthly doll before so I wasn't sure if they are available the whole month or until they sell out or what. Thanks!
    11. According to soom:
      * Ordering period : From Nov. 2nd. to Nov.23rd.2010.
      * This period could be closed earlier then noticed time.
      (and that's the 23rd Korean time, so don't wait till the last minute)
    12. Wow. She just looks so much better here. :( If the pony body looked like that they'd be bought and paid for by now.
    13. If he looked like that, it wouldn't even be a question...I'd have ordered him in a heartbeat. The legs would still have been slightly shorter than Kkotmu, but much closer and therefore workable.

      Ah, well.
    14. Maybe the problem wasn't the extra resin that they didn't want to add. Maybe it was a balance issue, like maybe with the longer legs they fell over a lot or kept kicking like the other hooved babies to. Maybe they had to make them short for stability reasons. Just a thought. :)
    15. At first glace, I didn't like their short little legs either. But they grew on me. I think they look adorable now! :) I agree with Astolat, it was probably a stability issue. Either that, or they just thought it was cute, too.
    16. I'm perfectly fine with their legs as is. Honestly I like them better this way than if they were longer. I'd worry about them breaking/stability/etc.

      I guess to each his own. :XD:
    17. I'm still thinking if I should order or not. :/ I do love the human girls tough...
    18. I'm in the same boat. I thought I was save until I saw the adorable human head :sweat. I think I can't let this one pass (even my fiance likes her).

      *EDIT* I just ordered Minette in human form + face-up. I'm really surprised of myself, because usually I prefer to order my dolls without face-up, but Soom did a perfect job on Minette IMO :).
      I paid full, but I suppose I will be not in the "before x-mas" shipping list :sweat.
    19. i'm having such a hard time deciding >.< i said i wouldn't buy her but i keep going to Soom and looking Minette, but with so much else going on i just don't see a way to buy her.... so conflicted >.<
    20. Babyelf, I don't think Soom have announced that the first 50 of each MD have been sold : ) I asked them if they would be announcing when the first 50 of each were sold, and they confirmed that they would be. Soom also said they would be contacting those who were in the first shipping batch to let them know they would be getting their dolls before christmas.