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Soom :: [MD/Oct] Alk & Yrie - Birdie windie

Oct 21, 2009

    1. Oh, what if they have little magnetic birdie tail feathers?! I would DIE :D
    2. Not really? I just want to know how much work must go into molding such a small birdy foot. xD And I am basically assuming as well! :3

      Yay for Sphaler ears! I'm hoping for those now! I think that would work with the adorable winged arms! <3

      Birdy tails...x.x That would just make me leap on them so quickly!

      Little tail feathers would be really cute too, and they just did tails with Bygg and Beyla so it wouldn't be hard to do it again as they already have the 'magnet in butt' thing sorted out! xD
    4. I actually think thier little birdy feet (if they are birdy feet) will be very different from the big ones we've seen... Like how chroms huge wolf feet were so different from hati and skools feet...imagine chubby little bird feet...all round and chubby ^_^

      Edit - awwww! tail feathers!?!?!?!? Salmon...you are genious!
    5. They chibified them. xD Chibified birdy feet? I love that. Add in transparent resin and birdy tails and I just think I died a little from the overwhelming amount of cute. xD
    6. I really want transparentyness but I dont think we are gona get it :(
      I think they are gona go transparent crazy with the next lot of tinies ^_^
    7. Hmm.. maybe my imagination sucks today but I can't think of a way in which chubby bird feet would look good! I really want almost exact replicas of the big bird feet just, smaller!
      I much prefer mature looking dolls, and none of my tinies are children, at least not as young as they're supposed to be!
      I think chubbiness in any way would make them childlike and ruin the potential maturity they have right now. But that could just be because I CANNOT imagine chubby birdie feet! xDD
    8. sooo I just showed my bf ... and do you know what he said "yeah shes pretty cool" ...for those of you who dont know my bf that means "wow awesome! I approve!" lol and then he asked how much but not in a angry way in a *sigh* i see she really wants I better try get her 1...
      squeeee :D

      Edit - I can :D Want me to draw a piccy of what I expect ??
    9. Yeah...now that I think about it, I can't think about how that would look! O.o It sounds cute, but what would that look like? Fatty little rounded bird feet? You can do it with paws, but if they want all the pretty claws and all...that'd be...odd... (I haven't slept all night so I'm tired, don't mind me and my train of thought and how it lacks).

      Oh soom, whatever you do, it better look good. xD

      Oh, lucky, lucky~!
    10. Goodness!!! Just a teaser and I'm already hooked!!! Love this one!!!
      I love Soom MD tinies! Besides of the wonderful features Soom always creates, their faces have such delicate and sweet lines!
      Also, I LOVE wings :P
    11. I almost feel bad for suggesting the fact that tail feathers would be absolutely AMAZING, because now I'll be disapointed if they don't.... but those wings are still the cutest thing...

      I've never been Soomed before... I've always really loved their stuff.. but this time around... I think it's finally happened! :D
    12. Dear baby jebus, I think I've finally been SOOMED. .___.;;
      I wouldn't be if that darn face wasn't so sweet and natural looking. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE SOOM FACES THAT I WAS ABLE TO RESIST (I blame Cass, you pretty face you... <3)?!

      I can't wait for more pictures~!
    13. She's really cute, but a tan doll would be wonderful, would make me crazy waiting to see Galena too. When I think of chibi feet, it makes me think of Henson Muppet bird feet.
    14. Well glot and glati soomed me... I've been watching the limited ever since, ...was soomed again with Cass but couldn't get her so I've been waiting for a soom limited that I would adore as much as cass... I loved bygg and beyla but not to the level as cass I'll admit...but that teaser pic has got me as excited as when I saw Cass.... So who knows! hopefully the birdies will help me get over Cass ;)

      look at the sweet lil face! squeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!
    15. Well....

      Glot :: Soomed
      Cuprit :: Soomed
      Eliv :: Soomed
      Bygg :: Soomed
      Alk/Yrie/both :: Soomed

    16. Ohh what a cutie!! ;_; Too bad I won't be able to order one of them :( Not enough moniez -___-;;
    17. Well I think my mum may lend me the money as I will need to pay with decembers pay check :S I dont think my bf will have enough bless him :(

      just so I know, when are we expecting the rest of the pics? :D
    18. oh! she is lovely. She makes me happy just to look at. :aheartbea But... I think I'm still going to hold out for the Earth tinies... but this is just the first pic, oh dear, oh dear.

      And those are green sparkly eyes, not silver like Amber's.... so sweet!
    19. Hmmm.. my guess would be Friday or at the latest Monday.
      Generally they used to leave a few days gap between teaser and release date.
      But if I'm remembering correctly, the last couple of months they've been releasing the dolls FAST without waiting as long. So MAYBE tomorrow.

      My guess is Friday though.
      I was sure they'd release the teaser today too so, hopefully I'm right about this too!
      Do NOT want to wait until Monday!
    20. This gets me thinking about Galena (I've been waiting for her since he beginning!) and I don't think she'll have jointed wing arms, but maybe feathery arms like how they did with Cass, only not scales. I'm so excited!