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SOOM Mega-Gem General Discussion

Oct 6, 2011

    1. Thnx a lot! I think, I should try some clothes for SID before purchase any. I compared measurements for SID and MG and MG seems to be bigger in chest and has longer arms. I was afraid clothes to be too tight on Phonolus.
      p.s. how do you link user in post? sorry for such strange question - I do have some misunderstanding with website interface
    2. Here is a link to my Flickr album with pics of my Monzo. Most all the clothing he is pictured in is sized for Iple SID. There are a couple of shots of him in Iple EID clothing, but it runs too big on him most times.
      Soom Dolls
      The leather jacket he is wearing here is Iple SID and the sleeve length is fine.
      [​IMG]Being Blake by wizgerg3, on Flickr
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    3. @JinCIncy
      what a lovely guy!!
      I will try SID - clothes is very good fitting. I like your Monzo 'historical' style costumes - is it custom order or made by official company?
      Also today I was lucky to buy custom-made shirt for my MG - I am happy (even more than I am happy about new clothes for me)))
    4. Some of the historical clothes he is pictured wearing are from Iplehouse. Some of them were made by my friend Robyn at Period Threads.
    5. Some new pictures of my Tenebris :love

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    6. @Bren - Yes! I'm hoping to perhaps buy his head this year if all goes well. I already have a body for him thankfully. I'm quite keen to take photos of the two together. I'd love to have a Bastet doll too, though I am partial to the Pipos sculpt rather than the Soom one. Your dolls sound fantastic! Would you mind sharing a photo?
      I love what you've done with Anubis' vest! :)

      @edelveizzz - He looks gorgeous! :D Like he's calmly surveying his domain.
      • x 1
    7. @Quiet and Insane

      How excited that you got the head. It may take time but the end result it's so worth it, no?

      I only have a photo of both heads together that are in that role of servants to Anubis for that moment. I edited them a little so hopefully it will be okay.


      and then dressed more conventionally.

      @edelveizzz I love your Tenebris. He looks great!!!!
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    8. Oh @Bren, they're so beautiful! :D Thank you for sharing!
      • x 1
    9. What experience do you have with blush on MG bodies? I mean, how long it stays good looking. I wanted to order body blushing for my Phonolus, but previous owner did no recommended to do it as it didn't stayed on the body for a long time because of its size((
    10. I think it depends more on how you handle and dress them.
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    11. @edelveizzz - While I can't speak for Soom's blushing, I completely blushed my MG guy and have never had issues with him chipping or damaging his blushing. He mostly hangs around either in long cloaks or just underpants depending on the season, and I do handle him frequently.
    12. Thanks for feedback!! I think it worth trying. His sculpt is so attractive - blushing is 'must have' :drool
    13. So I come with a couple questions. I acquired a Frankenstein doll body that had its thigh's modded to the Phonolus fantasy thighs. I have his full legs too but I'm not really keen on his beasty legs/feet. What other soom fantasy legs could work with the fantasy thigh joints since I'm looking for other options for trying to figure out what to do with the body in general. Any help on this would be great!

      I'm also assuming the super gem legs won't work with the joint in general which looks to be a very limited selection of mega gem fantasy parts.
    14. Hmm, not sure to be honest. Though Super gem legs definitely won't work because they're too narrow at the knees. You'd have to mod them all over again.
    15. I was afraid of that but I did see a super gem at a point using the same legs as Phonolus when I was going through their website limited to try and figure out what exactly my choices are for fantasy parts. I only really saw like 4 types of fantasy legs. Bat/gargoyle, hooves, crocodile, and the beast/wolf feet. So I'm guessing thats my only options unless even the main thigh joint part doesn't even work for getting different legs.

      Which is why I came here asking lol I wouldn't be able to remod as the current one actually works rather well for the sizing. Anything smaller would be too small I think. So if anyone has any of those legs and the Phonolus mega gem legs (basically the full legs) with the other mega gem legs. A test would be great!
    16. Hello !
      I'm not sure to be in the good place but 2 years ago I find a Soom Phonulus in second hand.
      Today I receive the phonolus paws but they didn't fit on the legs....(color too)
      That's normal ?


      #478 demonslawa, Mar 3, 2020
      Last edited: Mar 3, 2020
    17. Hey there,
      I don’t have a Soom mega gem anymore but I do own the phonolus fantasy legs set. (To eventually mod to another body).

      The phonolus fantasy legs came with there own thigh set to attach to the mega gem body. So you don’t use the human mega gem thighs. They won’t work with the fantasy parts from the knee down.

      I can take pictures of the full fantasy phonolus parts if you wish.
    18. @demonslawa

      Power and weakness is right. You can't use the human legs to attatch the paws. Also It looks like you have different skin shades.

      Like my Anubis. His body is Bronze ( There's also different shades of Bronze) but his hands are the other color that I can't remember at the moment what they are called. I always get them confused. I bought the hands to dye black for my Anubis project.


      Edited to add: The hands are in tawny color. Just checked for you.