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Soom Monthly Doll February (Aquarius) the Third Land: MA Deneb - Planet Spirit

Feb 14, 2008

    1. Her outfit reminds me of Fran from FFXII.. :D
    2. Wow, just saw this. She's an incredible doll, but that price, even with the layaway, is much too much for me right now. I really like her, though I'm just not sure what I would do with an 80cm warrioress towering over my other two 60cms. XD
    3. When they release her in normal skin tone, I am getting her, I gotta have this amazon queen in my home, but I would sell someone just to have her, it would be worth it...I know..
    4. I ordered Tan Deneb and promised myself that I wouldn't get her in Normal tone unless she were an Elf. She is really expensive and I had to sell a doll to pay for half of her. So when (if ever) she comes as an Elf, I will get her.
    5. I don't think Vega and Deneb are that manly...
    6. Mxiong- I so envy you, please post pics of her, I want her in this shade too, but I just can't not at that price:(, I told hubby her sword is so awesome reminds me of the PS3 game he has Heavenly Sword, the chick with the sword looks similar to it.
    7. too gorgeous to be true !! :ablink::sigh:horror: yet too costy !! no wait - damn the price I want her !!!
    8. Wow! That's a big strapping warrior princess, all right. :fangirl: They're definitely getting better with these Mecha Maidens as they go along. Vega's face just screamed "leftover boy sculpt slapped onto bigtitty Video-Game Chick body".... but Deneb looks more like a woman to me. At least, she's getting there. I still think she looks like Spinel after a lilbit o' surgery, but since Spinel is a beauty and a half, I fail to see the problem with it. ^^ (And she's definitely related to the entire Soom clan, with those pufflips. XD)

      And ZOWIE, what a fullset. The nails, the ludicrous outfit, the punitive shoes, the chains, the rings, the earrings, the excellently futuregirl makeup-- wow! Over the top & back again. Huzzah to you, Soom.
    9. danang! *joins the thread full of catcalls*

      if ever a warrior woman could come struting into this house a la BJD, it is this Xena mecha woman.
    10. Soom released the first picture of Deneb in normal skin: http://www.dollsoom.com/shop/step1.php?number=2965 Looks very beautiful, I like her alot. Soom is also releasing a new Mecha man Rex (no pictures yet), but that's another story and might need a thread of it's own.
    11. WOW! She is beautiful, and I want that ring she has on her finger and I can't wait to see the rest of her outfit!
    12. deneb is very tempting, and i can't wait to see the new guy, too. i really like the mecha angels.....
    13. I absolutely agree and second your words !! :clover :aheartbea :D
    14. This is strange. This is the first time I have like a normal skin version more than the tan. Hope to see more of her around.
    15. They have complete pictures up of her in natural skin. What a beauty! I think I like her better in natural than in tan, also. ^^
    16. Oh man, she's got spunk I can tell you that.

      (Bring a gun on your wedding in case the groom said 'no' :lol:)
    17. I still think she's a little too masculine for my taste, but she's very beautiful. AND a very original concept and fun story, so...if they soften her face up just a tad, I'll be doomed.XD
    18. Now that I see her in NS skin she looks a lot like Tomb Raider:D
    19. That gun hidden in her wedding dress was a nice suprise, yeah in case the groom got cold feet or his ex- girlfriend shows up come out shootin:lol:
    20. Well I thought about it...and fangirled but yes I have bought the normal skin Deneb.
      I´m planning to turn her into a guy though haha

      His name will be Sadao Shinji [last/first]...and this is what he should look like:


      Whaaaa can't wait to get him!! <33
