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Soom Monthly Doll February (Aquarius) the Third Land: MA Deneb - Planet Spirit

Feb 14, 2008

    1. :oSabriell I can't wait to see him/her when you do your wonderful makeup skills I know Deneb will be drool worthy:)
    2. Nice idea Sabriel!! she definitely looks awesome as a boy also 0_0
    3. Aww thanks a lot hun!! I can't wait to see him for myself either X3
      I'm sure he'll blow me away!

      ^w^ yes, everytime I looked at her, "him" come through more and more!
      And I like the proportions of the body better...and the heels make me go mad XDD
    4. I think Deneb looks quite awesome in her outfit, hehe, *undercover cop thing*
      The outfit is great also--But she looks a little manly to me :o
    5. Have they sent out the Tan Deneb yet? It's been about a month since I ordered and I have heard nothing. I'm getting a bit worried.
    6. I received mine a couple of days ago, is gorgeous!!!
      I need to take some pictures.

    7. Here are some pictures of Deneb wearing the Vegas outfit.
      I need to take more pictures of her with her warrior outfit. She is really pretty her body is amazing, the tan color is amazing and she poses great.



    8. Wow, she's so pretty... why hasn't mine arrived yet? :(
    9. I have to tell you she is really heavy and is HUGE.

    10. Wow, she is stunning! :aheartbea :love :aheartbea Congratulations on your new girl, ponygery!

      I'd like to get Deneb next month, but I'm a little bit worried about her size and how she would fit in with my collection.

      I hope you will take more pics - push me off the fence please :lol:
    11. I am new here, and I have totally fallen for the Mecha Angels. Love all of their faces. I would love to have Deneb and Rex... If anyone can point me in the direction of more owner photos of any of the Mechas. I need more! Their size is intimidating though, and I am still waiting for my first SD size BJD - (Hazy) - not sure if I can go bigger. :)
    12. deneb is beautiful, and i love the tan skin. your pics make me sad that i did not get her! i do love my vega, though, and think they would have looked good together. yes, she is big and heavy, so i bought a small baby stroller to take vega to a doll meetup. i did post some vega pics with domuya fin and elfdoll lydia as comparison in the gallery some months ago, and there is a pic of vega being held by someone at a meet up at the morikomi festival in florida in feb- you can get a good idea of size with someone to compare her to!
    13. :DPonygery- She is so beautiful and I can only imagine the weight she is with her being so tall, would love to see more of these Amazon Women!
    14. I will try to find time and take more pictures of her with her defaults outfit, but I can tell you that she is so heavy is almost like carrying a toddler around.

    15. I would love to see more pictures!! She looked fantastic in her promos, and I am really curious to see her in real life. :D:aheartbea
    16. YOSH Tseng has finally arrived, and dang he is gorgeous!
      I haven't fully finished his removal boobjob, but it'll do for now ^w^

      Faceup by me, and Deneb really is a beautiful doll, and her/his face is so stunning!!

      So anyways here is Tseng [Sadao Shinji], Tseng is his nickname and Sadao Shinji [last/first] his real name



      More can be found HERE

    17. *jawdrop* Oh -wow-. Massive levels of wow. He looks beyond amazing.

      Even though my Deneb is going to stay femme, I am seriously wishing you weren't all booked up!
    18. Sabriell Love her as a boy! WOW! However, mine would probably remain a girl. Thank you for sharing the photos!

    19. Thank you both so very much for the sweet words!
      Shinji just blows me away XDD
      His stare is so intense, that he really is a huge character already.
      I hope to see more Deneb's around <33

    20. :loveSabriell you are AWESOME!! Just look at that hunk of a man! I'm waiting for him to move or something, he looks so real!