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Soom Monthly Doll Jan 2010: Chalco - Forest King

Jan 22, 2010

    1. ...fudge.
      These RL photos have officially sold me on this most de-lish hunk of tan resin- darn those muscular manly thighs of doom! *headmonitor*

      midnitestar7, thanks for sharing you totally rock! =D

      Also, may I share your photos of Chalco on my blog (not to lure un-assuming on lookers into this endless pit-o doom of course*cough*)? Will credit for sure. ^^

    2. Of course! Not a problem at all, go right ahead!:)

      Muscular manly thighs of doom pretty much sums him up!
      I was like WOAAAAAHHH that is a MAN xD
    3. Thanks midnite! That's NS, right?

    4. It's tan!:)
      As I mentioned, the tan shows up beautifully with the flash, but not as much without in these shots.
      This isn't so much the fault of the colour of him, but more that the store put a big white piece of fabric behind him which was reflecting all the light and making him REALLY brightly lit.
      He's a really nice colour of tan, but if he's overlit, he just ends up looking NS!
    5. Wow thanks for sharing these piccies..imo he don't looks so tanned,but i like him anyway.
    6. midnitestar7

      Thank you! Wow does he have some serious man thighs. These pictures are so much better because the official ones were just too dark. Some closeups of his face are just pretty, but I just can't decide if I want to get him. Really strange, since I can decide if I like a mold or not, and move on. He's really got me perplexed!

      Is he a light tan? I've never seen a tan in person so I'm curious. Thanks again!
    7. !!! I recall you saying something about the photos in flash. Some of the first photos looked tanned and the others looked VERY similar to the what I assume are the NS photos on the Chalco order page so I was confused. Do you recall if he's the same colour as Afi? thanks again :)
    8. you are a goddess midnite! thank you for the pics!

      He has such meaty thighs with the linuus legs! I wonder how the juncture from hip to thigh looks. I assume its the same hip part?
    9. wah, many thanks midnitestar7 :D I am so looking forward to seeing Chalco in the flesh now, those photos are fantastic, and just *love* those legs (the flipped 'skirt' photo was highly amusing, btw ;) )
    10. It would be very interesting to know that infact :)
    11. Tanned, hoofed, big boy.... craaaaaaaaaaaaaap why am i in the process of moving... -shakes fist at Soom- :(:x....damn it.
    12. Thank you midnitestar so much for the photos! His thighs are like, WHOA!!! I am so glad I sprung for the tan.
    13. midnite, thank you for the pictures. :) his parts look massive O_O.
    14. Midnitestar7: Holy crap, thank you soooo much for those pictures, you are a friend to us al!. It has utterly SEALED THE DEAL for me, I knew I wanted him, but there's always that hesitation with Soom's MD's that they're misrepresenting their product (although it seems to have cooled down since Sphaler), but after seeing those pictures, ohgod, he is GORGEOUS. <3<3<3<3<3
    15. Infact the hooves its are sooo massive i love it!
    16. Wow, those photos are amazing. Now that I've seen RL pictures of him, I can't stop thinking what an amazing girl he'd make. It's a good thing I'm not overly fond of horns and hooves, or else I might find myself being suckered in!

      Thanks for the pictures!
    17. I Luuuurve his thighs! I mean, I love everything else about him as well (that face!), but his thighs are soooo nice :D So sexy XD
    18. Lol, thanks Midnitestar for the pics! It didn't sell me because I cannot afford him right now but if I could, I'd definitely go for split parts and those Mighty Thighs of Doom!!! :) (... and the hooves and the horns that are way beyond cool.)

      They're so huge... do you guys think they could fit a EID guy? They appear to be so much bigger than regular SG thigh parts...
    19. aw crud. Now I'm going to have to get him. *sighs and throws him fullset on layaway*
    20. Excited to put my own Chalco on a long layaway soon. All I have to say is
      Soom and Jin Lee are awesome. TY. And for anyone who hasn't already, be
      sure to get the newest Haute Doll magazine with the soom article!!
      I feel so bad for all the soon to be Soomed who fall in love with the
      MDs they show in there....

      I'm getting him in tan for two reasons: he's amazing in tan (Xtra special!)
      AND because I already have chrom...But one thing I've noticed with my chrom
      that's really really worrying me is that his pe**s completely gets in the way
      and has left horrible marks on his legs!!!:...( To be honest I didn't care
      about the scratches because I can just sand/buff him eventually...but
      what can I do when this happens on Chalco?? My only solutions are to
      wrap up his "part" and to make some sort of thigh warmers :lol:

      Thank you midnitestar7 for the pics!! I was wondering,
      after seeing how massive his thighs are, how much room between
      his thighs is there?? It looks really snug, which obviously worries
      me even more.