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Soom Monthly Doll Jan 2010: Chalco - Forest King

Jan 22, 2010

    1. I am so excited to see his full face. He reminds me a bit of Vega (boy). Which is good because I am hoping for a masculine looking boy. *Crosses Fingers*
    2. O_o a Crow? That's odd....
    3. What makes you think he's a crow? I'm not seeing the connection...
    4. I thought he was a crow at first too, but I guess the general descision is that it is a skull mask.
    5. The mask, the black hair and the black feather mantle. They are usually an attributes of a crow. + It would make sense for him to be a bird as well, since he's married to Galena. And well, of the top of my head I can come up with couple of legends where the Crow is the king of the forest, though... most of these legends come from the far-far north. And yes, there the Crow is the archenemy of the wolf.

      Gash, I feel kind of stupid now for not getting it earlier. >_<
    6. I have a (silly me) question for everyone: I don't remember seeing where it says that Galena is Married to Chalco, (the Soom site cuts off the page turner button on the "MD story" on my computer even if I enlarge the page so I can't get past the 1st page anymore) is that where it is?
    7. Crap. He's gorgeous. Why Soom?????
      ladyroselie it says Chalco is married to Galena
      on her Soom order page.

    8. Thank you! I saw Galena and decided she wasn't for me so I didn't look at her page too closely.
    9. Oh goodness... if he IS a crow, I'm screwed. I'm going to have to sell my organs.

      Please no crow for me.... at least no animal parts LOL
    11. :eusa_prayI hope he is so butt ugly that I won't change my plans, oh please let him be so ugly that my computer monitor will crash at the sight of him...........:sweat
    12. I wouldn't think they'd do another clawed one so soon. (Sphaler, Galena, and now Chalco?) Crow makes sense, but I'd think they'd do either more paws, or another hoovie.
    13. Yes, please!!! Please be completely unappealing that just looking at the site of him makes me want to cringe in terror...oh please, oh please, oh please...
    14. I loveeee his skull helmet. Though to me it looks like he has actual black resin shoulder armor...which would be AWESOME! I also hope he comes in NS or WS. The crow idea looks like it fits but I want big male Amber hooves!
      Too bad they don't leave us with 2 teaser pictures :(
    15. He looks amazing :) I'm so sad I don't have the money....
    16. The crow-idea is incredible, I love ravens and crows. :aheartbea
      BUT don't you think it's kind of odd for crow to be tanned? Brown crow? ._.
    17. I hate to wait for new picture I want to see picture of him now :...(
      I want to see if he will be a doll to get or not ;)
    18. i'd have to say hoof if only becuase the big ones tend to follow the smaller ones, so what small one does he 'rule?' ai and Afi so he HAS to be simalar to them.

      And darn it if i'm Soomed again...(my one girl does need a BF/mate) ACK!
    19. if they are doing a crow then the wings are black so.. a tan doll with black trimings...(wing tips, wig, outfit) makes tota sense.
    20. A raven/crow certainly would be an interesting concept. Though in some legends, the raven/crow and the wolf work together, just as they can in nature.