1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Soom Monthly Doll January (Capricorn) the Third Land: Amber - Pure Spirit Part II

Feb 8, 2009

    1. im in a split for her hooves/waist tail too. (and eventually the human body)

      im guessing since everything about amber seems to be bigger, maybe it will be a lose fit? i dont know much about modding but maybe some apoxie (sp?) could easily fix that.

      edit: lol sorry for basically just repeating what you said. i misread your post. i need to go to bed. i cant talk or think straight
    2. I think her faun waist should fit fine on any Super gem girl, but since each of them are a separate mold, there might be small variances.

      (My understanding is that they need to make a new mold after a certain number of casts. The molds always vary a tiny bit. So Beryl might have a few millimeter different sized waist, etc. They're probably just saying that they don't know if it will work to cover their bases. But its late at night and I don't really know all that much about it...)

      I'm still trying to pick colors for my Amber... its going to be really fun. She'll kind of be the opposite of my Topaz :D
    3. I can't seem to find the links to the Soom store photos. Especially the ones with Heliot. Someone said Amber is in the store, so I'm hoping perhaps someone took photos of Amber and posted them online somewhere?

      Amber is so magical!
    4. I've never dealt with the pearl transparent resin before, and I was wondering if there was any reason that it could be weaker than the resin we're used to in dolls. I'm guessing not since the feet would be a pretty bad place for weaker resin but I just thought I'd ask anyway.
    5. I've never dealt with it either, but i remember someone asking the same thing in the topaz thread (that i stalked for a while XD) that pure resin is clear to begin with, so theoretically its stronger since not as much color is added to alter the mix. Although, the hooves and such are the pearly transparent, not topaz' clearish, but i'm not sure how much difference it'll make.

      i agree that the hooves especially would be a particularly bad place for weak resin though ^^;
    6. so when the site says the order period ends the 16th... do they mean the 16th our time or theirs? ^^;; this seems like a silly question but I'm on the brink of cracking and I need to beg my mom to help me pay for her so I want to know for sure how much time I have left >.<
    7. They mean their time... good luck. :)
    8. It's confusing. :sweat It's supposed to be their time, which means at the end of business hours in Korea on that date. However, and this is no guarantee of anything, I've seen them keep MD sales open until the end of business, East Coast time, in the US on the same date, which would be late-night/early-morning of the next day Korean time.

      Now what does this mean? Nothing, except that if you wait too long, she won't be available anymore and you'll join the ranks of people who will stalk the site waiting to see a cancellation, which means one doll would be put on sale again until someone bought her (this does happen, but it'll be more rarely now, I suspect, with the 25% restocking fee they've implemented).

      If you're in any doubt, order her tonight and let Soom know you'll need a couple of days to make the first payment, they're understanding about this sort of thing. Then if you can't get the money together, your girl will become one of those cancelled orders someone else would snap up. Ah, irony. ;)

    9. thanks for the info guys =) I just ordered her and and will pay soon (hopefully) I'm so exited now ^^
    10. She's all sold out. No more Soom monthlies. :( Even though I only bought two of them, I feel a little bit sad.

      Wonder what Soom will come up with next after it finishes shipping out all the monthlies...
    11. Well, there were Soom monthlies before the Zodiac dolls, so it stands to reason there'll be more of them after :] just not Zodiac anymore. I can't wait to see what they do now X3

      And...congratz to everyone who got an Amber! Looking at the waitlist, she was quite popular o.o
    12. Does anyone know who did splits on here and where they are at just in case someone doesn't want parts?
    13. all of the splits can be found in the market place under large dolls :)
    14. Woah, hey guys! Amber Alert! I just went by Soom to make a payment and there's an Amber available! Someone must have cancelled their order, so if you missed out on her and want her, now's your chance! I hope somebody gets her who really wanted her.
    15. is it bad that I kind of freak and check the split I'm in to see if it wasn't the split amber...? 8D -is to paranoid-
    16. LOL, no I checked my order page too to make sure I didn't accidentally hit a wrong button and cancel her out!
    17. Looks like theres another Amber currently available~
    18. there a amber back in stock at the site O.o
    19. Ooooh I wonder who got her :D