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SOOM Monthly Doll July (Cancer) the Third Land: Bix - Fateful Night

Jul 15, 2008

    1. Oh, LOL - there are some great theories about what part of the shadow is what...

      When I first saw the pic I was seeing a female, but after some extensive playing around in photoshop I wasn't able to match any girl bodies with it....I dunno...those eyes still look female to me :sweat

      And I'm actually starting to think that this whole pic is photoshopped together from different parts. One for body, and at least one other for the head/claws...heh^^

    2. That looks almost right. I can't wait until they release the actual pic... How long is it normally on the teaser before we get to actually see it??
    3. Hmmm, I want to see what this doll is dammit!

      Also, it looks female, and I'm hoping it is... because that means Soom is NOT going in boy/girl order and Leo could be a male and Virgo a female!!! :D
    4. Maybe Tan girl, but who knows if that is a boy he has some huge boobies then:lol:
    5. Giant Claw. holy D: ....

      I can't even tell what gender it is, because I don't think that purple area is the chest. It has to be a shoulder, or some side portion, else the whole thing would be so out of proportion. After all, doll eyes are not the size of their chests, I do believe. Maybe he/she's leaning...or something... or the whole thing is severely photoshopped.

      Though the eyebrow does like thick, from what we can see....

    6. m'gosh, do you know any other doll company that generates this kind of obsessive speculation, including visual analysis? :abambi:
    7. I also want to know!! How long do these agonizing teasers normally last?
    8. .... must have. doll. with. claw. Ooooh i hope its a boy i hope its a boy, i want a dangerous clawed demon! *mad cackles* At the same time, i kinda hope its not, coz im broke and probably wont be able to afford him, which would be gutting
    9. I just noticed that what I believe is the chest area, looks quite similar to the angle and shape of Spinel in my profile picture:


      ... but hard to tell really. Lol. Wonder if Soom are giggling over there.
    10. So.. these monthly dolls are Zodiac related? O_O Awesome! I can't wait to see what Scorpio(mee~) looks like, if they do one.

      But.. isn't July, Leo? Not Cancer?

      Gah..I love Soom. T-T
    11. If the protrusions then are not bewbs, but are actually the doll's right shoulder then the claw pictured must be on the end of the left arm.
    12. Cancer begins on the latter of June and goes until Mid-Late July. Then it's Leo.

      Months aren't precise on their zodiac signs, they all share another month
    13. I also agree it is the LEFT arm, the thumb is facing up, it would be logical as if you were looking out and blocking the sun with your left arm, the thumb is on the inside.

      Which would make the right shoulder the supposed 'boob' people are seeing.
      If you look on the picture in #59 the black and white one, you'll see the chest part is actually rather flat, whereas the shoulder guard is very bulky. I also saw the boobage you all are seeing at first, but that picture clarified it.

      Which means, it's either male or androgynous.. Those SuperGemSuperBoobs are pretty noticable, and me sees none of it.

      As for the eyes, I don't really know. They probably did not make a new face sculpt though, I think this because of their current workload with Beryl, Sard, and Onyx they probably wouldn't have a lot of time.

      Ohwell, so much for tiny jointed crab, eh?
    14. If he is a zodiac doll, I think I could totally not be crushed with not owning him. I would want to wait for my own star sign, Saggitarius.
    15. I'm pretty much convinced it's a man then. Now I'm wondering if he has two matching claws on both arms or....left claw & right hand combo or....large left claw & small right claw combo? And what about his feet? Or does he even have feet?
    16. >.> I wish it not a breath taking boy, because it might go into layaway, but i must wait until Leo, since i'm also getting vega...like soon >.> and gavin to many lovelys in one month dang it!
    17. [​IMG]

      Now my eyes have finally resolved on it.
    18. AHA D:

      that looks right now, in proportion and whatnot. I'm betting on a guy, curse you SOOM and your awesome-ness *waves fist*
    19. My take is that he will be a male, one claw hand with one regular hand (but they will probably threw in a spare hand for you to exchange....) Legs will be regular, the tail will be part of the optional armor......

      AACCKKKKK, I really want to see the whole thing now ;_;
    20. OMG...
      Cancer is coming...my sign
      Really depends on how the doll looks this time, if I really then want to get !!
      boy or girl doesn't really matter to me.. (thought if a girl would attract me so to get it)
      he/she should looks fabulous, already from the picture..
      waiting for more pictures for judgment time..