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Soom Monthly doll March (Pisces) the Third Land: MA Vega - Last Song

Mar 6, 2008

    1. Woooow what a sexy and hot merman xD I want him!!!!!!!
    2. I'm dying for the outfit; anybody ordering it that wants to let me split that part, let me know!
    3. he is wonderfull :)

      I like the idea of having ocean elf , and human parts :)

      to bad I have no money.
    4. i actually wish this Vega was a female but it's good that he's not a woman otherwise i would be seriously tempted to get it!
    5. I really hope more companies put out "ocean elves." I adore this Vega boy, but too big, too big.

      I wish a company would try a jointed mermaid tail like Godwana's (sp?) wonderful creations.
    6. What, you mean Mer-dude is NOT the technical term? :lol:

      Excellent, thanks so much. That kind of what I'd thought it meant-- logic has been restored. ^^ So I'll just have to hope that my fit of indecision outlasts the supply. Time to consult the old standby never-fail oracle of the ages: the Magic 8-Ball.

      Ravnsnvart, :celebrate!! Oh boy! Congratulations! This, I cannot WAIT to see. (Blue sparkly merman in business suit trying to inflitrate Merrill Lynch and bring us all down from the inside. "They'll NEVER notice me in here...")
    7. I like Vega as a woman but I think she(he?)would look great as a man too.
      But alas, I can only see the face. Terrible internet connection:x
      Is there somewhere else where I can see the new body?
      I would really like to see the fishy vega boy. But I might just have to wait until someone gets one and starts posting pics.
      Gorgeous from what I can see though.
    8. I - I cannot believe it but Soom disregarded my question about a normal skin Vega but apparently answered everybody else's. :evil: Should I wait a couple more days until they reply or just bother them again? I think I should do the latter. :x

      *sigh* Altho I love the white skin Vega male, I'd like him to be in normal skin so he can pair up better with my Sabik...But if they dont plan to release him in normal skin, then I'll have to think hard and long about this Last song version which is pretty but not really the image I was looking for....:|
    9. I also cannot believe Soom disregarded your question. Soom normally reply in one business day. I think it may be clogged with spam. You should bother them again.
    10. I ordered one too... But without options.
      And I don't thank you, who reminded me it was possible to buy on layaway. ;)
    11. Aaah why SOOM? Whyyyy?! First Sabik... and now a drop dead sexy merman:aheartbea... and I don't have the money for him. It's breaking my heart >_____< :...( I wish he would last till I get the money. >_____<
      haha and Vega really is better in male. :D ( I didn't like her face at first o.o)
    12. I love Vega so much more as a man. Congrats to all those who are getting him! You are owning a real gem! :aheartbea
    13. omg... I really really want him as a sexy bf for Acheron >.>he's PERFECT for her!!!

      curse my lack of money!!! =(
    14. Thank you for understanding. ^^

      Well, I was too busy to bother them, but they did answer and apologized for the late response. They're uncertain about a normal skin Vega, but I'd like one in the future. I hope I'm not the only one who thinks this way! If more of ask, maybe it will be possible? Here's to hope~ :3
    15. Mr. Merman is mine!!
      The Magic 8-Ball has finally spoken! And the size of my tax-return actually agreed with it. :sweat

      So I says to Soom, I says, "Make me one with everything." All the blushing, painting, hair, eyes, bells, whistles, baubles, frills, trimmings, and sparkles on top. Merry Fishmas to me.

      Now I just have to see how long he takes to swim/ship out here, so I have time to take out a wall or two & make room for him...

      ... and conjure up a name...
    16. YAY!!! Merry Fishmas Ms. Nemesis! :sumomo:
    17. Oh~ I can't wait to see your merman! *_______*

      From what I've heard, Soom ships within a month. (Mine was on layaway, so when I finished paying, he shipped the next day ) He'll probably be at your place before you can take down a wall or too. :lol:

      Congrats congrats~
    18. I can't wait to see him, congrats to everyone that got it, spam away!!
    19. Day 11 of estimated 30... must be patient!

      Uhm, Jenny... if the Mr Merman really has to swim all the way home, it might take awhile, but darn, I bet there will be no complaining about his muscles! :drool

      Think I might name mine Njord after the norse God of the sea. Sadly, to cut back a bit on my senceless moneyspending, I order the McFish menu without frills and and trimmings, but he's still got bells and whistles with sparkles on top :) Now, body paint is also an outfit!
    20. Hehe-- yes, that fancy blue body-blushing they gave him DOES count as an outfit! ^^ Did you order the fish tail outfit, too? Or are you making him his own by yourself?

      I didn't strictly need the eyes or wig for him, but I always like seeing which ones Soom picks out for their fullsets. That is: I THINK we get the special black-and-blue wig shown in the picture, but the eyes will be random-choice. I hope they choose one of their many, many funky blue-patterned eyes (and I hope they pick a color I don't have yet ;D).

      Njord is a lovely name. I've been thinking and thinking of good merman-names that aren't all mythological sea-gods from around the world, but... wow, there's so many, and they're all so beautiful! I wonder why sea-gods always get such gorgeous names, no matter what language. ^^ I'm having a fantasy-writer friend help me invent a name. Whatever I pick in the end will have to sound just right (even if its meaning doesn't have anything do do with oceans or water). I don't want to be calling him "Hey, fishman!" for the next 6 months. :sweat