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Soom Monthly Doll (March) the Second Land: Cuprit - Black Frost

Mar 24, 2009

    1. I dont know if this even belongs in here, but i dont know HOW to put her on layaway? Even after looking on their page for it, I just don't get it. They'd probly take a while to respond and I thought id get a faster responce on here ^^;;
    2. For all who asked for it... Here she is with the Heliot head.. Sorry its not the best but I did it really fast.

    3. That is an interesting combo.

      So if someone would try this....are the male and female Super Gem heads switchable with or without adjustment of the necks or heads?
    4. Basicly you place your order then in the comments section state which layaway plan you will be using. Max of 4 months with a set payment schedule.

      For my MD orders I usually use the 4 month plan and make 4 payments via PayPal. Take your total and divide by four to get the amount due each time. You can pay off sooner if you can. The first payment is due within a few days of placing your order. Reference the order number in your PayPal payment. I usually put an update note in the comments section of the order page with the transaction ID/date/amount paid.
    5. hmm heliot head looks interesting indeed on her. But wonder how the fitting is on the neck since the males are a tad larger in general.
    6. Wow that's actually really interesting! I wouldn't have thought it would work so well, but it actually does!
      I particularly like the idea of Cuprit having a horn!
      Definitely a hybrid worth trying though!!! I know I'd love to see pictures! :)
    7. hmm i also wonder, if the wings are attached with elastic bands around arms, then how can we put the cape on as it looks in the pictures unless the cape is open in the back
    8. :(I won't be joining in getting this one after all, hubby said no amoung other things I can't mention here and house taxes to pay.......that's okay I still have a little demon coming during the summer and a Flower Elf here to cheer me up.
    9. Oh, thank you! Looks pretty nice, actually, I think it could definitely work with a girl-makeup Heliot. :) About male/female SG heas swapping ~ I've definitely seen females on male bodies *coughDiacough* and I'm quite sure I've seen a female Io around the forum, not sure if she was on a SG female body though (I think she was, though).

      Sadly it looks like I too will be passing on Cuprit, unless I am struck by inspiration at the last minute. She is so amazing and I would love to own her, but I really can't justify dropping $1000 on a doll that I can't get to fit into my doll plans. :( Good thing she's not a tiny . . . ah well, maybe next month! ;)
    10. Oh thank you soo muchh!!

    11. WOW she is gorgeous. I seriously need a job... ^^;; Congrats to all the lucky people who get to buy her though! *envious* I can't wait to see pics when she arrives! :) Gosh, I love her legs, and her face is just so beautiful...

      Also, I agree that the Heliot head looks really interesting (and pretty!!) on her! Thanks, Phoenix Rising!
    12. Hey guys pictures of Cuprit from Soom's shop has been posted in the waiting thread thanks to midnitestar7. :aheartbea

      For those who can't decide on Cuprit. Hopefully this will help!
    13. Hubby changed his mind and said layaway was okay for me to use, I can have my Queen and raise havock for my resin crew here after all:)
    14. Wonderful! Hugs to Hubby!
    15. Angelguardian- Oh yes he is wonderful and I'm glad he understands my doll habit, it's baaad. Now to get her some clothes.
    16. Layaway is a great option....unless one has more than one going....LOL. Trying to resist this one but think I am failing.
    17. Anyone noticed that the cuprit ice hooves are pretty different from the mold used for Beryl and Sard hooves?Definitely,don't kill me please,i don't like that much, i rather prefer beryl/sard hooves.
    18. I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but does anyone know just what makes her 68cm? I mean, is she that tall with her hoof legs on, and regular SG girl size, 65cm, when she has her human legs on.

      I tried asking directly and this is what I got:

      "And also, the CUPRIT leg parts is only for her.
      She is based on the Super Gem girl body, but her leg parts made little different"

      Not sure just what that means as far as her height, maybe I shouldn't have asked in an email. :|

      Also, has anyone asked if Soom would pierce their dolls ears? When I ordered Topaz, I was told that they can do that, but when I asked. this was the reply:

      "REgarding the MD dolls,
      They are the special limited edition dolls, that means they designed specially.
      It can't possible to change anything"

      So, I'm kinda confused, and a little annoyed. I mean, my manual dexterity is poor at best, so I'm not going to try to do the piercing myself. Is this a new stance they are taking?
    19. Cuprit is 68cm when wearing the hooved legs. So far the replies from Soom have been poorly worded enough that it's open to interpretation on whether the human body has actually been changed or if they've just made changes to the joints. My guess is that they've changed the knee joints, which would explain why the legs aren't interchangeable with the other girls.
      As for the ear piercing, they probably have changed their policy to avoid more slowdowns in production. :sweat
    20. As for the hooves :maybe as cuprit is a MD limited edition soom made not intercharable hooves,that means that works for cuprit only.
      But no one assure us that the SG female body was changed in the joints.
      As for the custom request, it's even logical tha soom do not allows custom service on a limited edition dolls.