1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Soom Monthly Doll May: Bazael - Rauco of Pain

May 13, 2011

    1. I need to see the face uuurgh why soom why do u have to shoot looking down how can i see the facial structure hoooooow...ow well gotta wait for more pictures
    2. So if I get him in grey skin with wig only no face up...I *might* be able to squeeze him on layaway....WHAT AM I SAYING

    3. WHYYYYYY??!! D: I was so safe with the tiny grey fairy man and thought if he was SG then I would have bought his head as an open-eyed head for my greyskin Spiritdoll Dark, and now this gorgeous boy! I love his wings, I'm wondering how much modding it'd take to get them to fit in my Dark's wing slots for his bone wings (maybe I can pray the slots are square!) I think I'll need the hands too, damn... >.<

      Ha ha ha! Yes Soom! I need to see more pics, but I expect for a SG grey boy, I am doomed. :)

      My guess is also that he is a dragon after a dragon woman and tinies have come along and with the similar horn things. *sigh* Since I'm getting an Ender head, I way as well keep the Soom ball rolling!
    4. Heyyyy, he's up!
    5. Come on sooooooom, a price but no pics! update the pics damn it! haha
    6. Great link Cat ^..^ - Thanks so much for that and thanks to KittyFields for taking the pics in the first place! :)

      The price is up, but no more pics as yet...? That seems a little odd when itchy fingers are itching to place a possible order! :lol:

      He looks like he has a serene face...
    7. Soooooom!!! where are the pics?? We are waiting for hours!!! O.o
    8. I've been refreshing the Soom page since morning. Lmao.

      The last time I did this ridiculous stalking was when they released Sphaler. I just have this thing with white haired "demons". I promised myself not to buy any 1/3 sized dolls anymore. But this!
    9. The pics aren't up yet, but you can add him to your cart! :? What's going on Soom?!?
    10. Looks like I have a loooong night of refreshing the Soom page ahead of me >_>

      I just want to know what he is :...(

      *hits refresh*

    11. Woooo he's up! His sculpt reminds me of Lazule (<3), but his feet and face-up leave a lot to be desired, honestly. Also his wig is lol.

      It looks like he takes the same wing system as Amphibel, I wonder if that's the style we can expect for wing-attachment from now on.
    12. *breathes out sigh of relief*

      Not particularly drawn to his face or his feet or his silly wig. I'm safe!
    13. Hmmm... I'm not feeling a WOW factor here like I felt for ID York or Chrom facially. I want to like him more, but will probably pass and regret it later...:sweat
    14. wig...LOL..
      i have to admit i scrolled down excitedly and was left kinda....meh ._.
    15. He's up... *mobs soom website*

      Well, I have to agree with rottedgirl about his feet, face-up and and wig. Weirdly, in these pictures, he reminds me of Angell Studio's older dolls, but much more mature and realistic. I think it's the slightly turned up mouth, pointy nose, and long, slightly closed eyes that is doing that. No doubt, he's got loads of potential. I love the subtle, soft things going on in his face under the face-up.
    16. That's what I thought too.. even though I guess we will all regret it when someone comes up with a differently painted Bazael ^^;; but.. I might be able now to use my money in some other way XD.
    17. I knew it! : D A dark Nephelin X3 I'm safe :P But I've been that since the beginning : D hihi...

      Love the wings tho ^^
    18. His face is lovely, I like those lips, I bet with more natural face-up he could look amazing :) An it's good to see that he's super gem too :)
    19. Six claws? really? O_O and again those wings fastening... it is a pain to look at dolls back.
    20. I think if you get him away from that wig, he'd turn out beautifully. However, his face has that generic look of so many recent male sculpts, both MD and Idealian. I wonder what he'll be like without that faceup. It's difficult to know how much the faceup contributes to this similarity in appearance. Interestingly, he reminds me too, a wee bit, of Euclase, perhaps because of his thin nose. Anyway, I think he could turn out to be one of the nicest male MDs once people put their own stamp on him. I was getting a bit tired of all the Mega Gems and their impossibly thick necks. It's great to see a Super Gem again. But he's far too expensive for me.

      P.S. Oh yes, and I love those wings of his.