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Soom Monthly Doll May (Taurus) the Third Land: Sard - Night Odyssey Discussion

May 15, 2008

    1. Haha... I was kind of thinking the same thing for the last couple weeks. A part of me was like "I hope his face is butt ugly!", that way I could just stick to my plan of having one doll and babying him. But in this case, it was so much the opposite that I think I would be very sad if he had turned out any other way.
    2. I love that Soom has lay-away. I wish some of the other doll companies would offer it. I probably won't be able to leave this guy in lay-away for long though...I'll need to get him home ASAP. Looks like his wings are like Beryls from the bits I can see in his photo. I am interested to see what kind of outfit they have him in.
    3. Yeah, I was considering layaway, but then I saw his face and now I just can't wait to see him. We'll see what I decide to do. I might decide I can tough it out and put him on layaway. I kind of doubt it though. :sweat
    4. I have to say that I am still boggling over the fact that I have just discovered that my dream doll is being sold only hours before a limited run goes on sale. I guess I haven't had the fun of the few weeks looking forward to it, but now I can't concentrate on work I am that excited! I haven't even had a chance to look for clothes (not that he would need any in his incubus/satyr form, I guess). I'd better get on to that Soom site.
    5. I'm excited because I know I CAN'T really go shopping for clothes and shoes for him! Lord knows it's cost me enough to buy clothes and shoes for Blisdon! I wonder what his optional outfit will look like?

      I'm so excited too! I'm going to be hanging around the Soom site like a vulture until he goes on sale! He's my dream doll too! :love
    6. Oh bugger. Oh Soom, why couldn't you have gone and made him ugly. I knew you would do this to me. :lol: *insert details of current poverty here* :lol: I love his open mouth...damn. And I'd just got Flynn's body in the country, and was all 'yay, my family are all about me!"....and here is temptation.

      :) C'est la vie!
    7. Well, as I say, if you keep him with the goats legs, he could happily be naked until such time as you could afford clothes. If the option outfit is the one we can see peeking in the picture, they can keep it, as far as I'm concerned.
    8. omggggg... *fell deeply in love and fell VERY hard >.<...*

      i was actually thinking, does he look like a modified version of a Spinel or what??? and does he seem to have elf ears as well 0__0???

      (and oh my... that slight smirk...this guy is sure welcome haunting my dreams anytime XDDD!!)
    9. Hmmm, no, I definitely vote that it looks like Dia.

      But it's good to see I'm not the only one around here who is absolutely in love with this guy. :aheartbea I wonder if he will be more or less popular than Beryl?
    10. madammaumau, he is Taurus... so have to be kinda Incubus...
    11. I read today in the Beryl thread that someone just recieved her and she has little elf ears!
    12. Yeah, from the looks of it that outfit won't do at all for what I want him to look like. It looks like he has the same wings as Beryl, which I didn't really like either, so they can keep them as well. Honestly, I would be perfectly fine with just having a blank doll, but I think I will get him with a face up. If he has that same greenish tint to his hooves though... no body blushing for me either. :|
    13. Oh, I have to get him blank. Half the fun for me is doing the face and body and I can't wait to try blushing those legs! I think he would look great with big bat's wings, not the feathery ones that Beryl has.

      Does a taurean have to be an incubus, Vanilla.Sky? I know a number of taureans, none of whom are incubi.
    14. i ordered beryl and i was hesitant because i really wanted a male version but i didnt want to miss out...so i will be getting both i think. i will be selling more stuff yet again and i will do lay-a-way too. gotta love soom for their lay-a-way otherwise i could never swing it.
    15. madammaumau, Vega was Pisces, and I never thought about them as a Merman))
    16. I may decide to try giving him my own makeup. I'm sure I'll do the body blushing, since I'm so picky. I doubt he'll end up with the outfit, wings, wig, or eyes though.

      I think he reminds me more of a satyr than an incubus. I don't know. I think he would make a good kerub, the angel rank that is described as half human half animal. Of course I think the kerubim are the opposite, with an animal's head and a human's body.
    17. kathrynmary ~ I got Beryl for the same reason you did. I really have been waiting for this guy more, but just think how awsome they will look together! What a pair!!
    18. Yes, he does look like a satyr (which I personally love. One of my favourite mythical creatures). However, the idea of an incubus is a good one. However, I'm not sure what one would look like. All I can think of is the painting by Henry Fuseli, and he looks nothing like that!
    19. Mmmm, I was thinking the same thing. Although Beryl was not quite my cup of tea, I would definitely like to see the two together.
    20. AnnieStar, hope tomorrow I will know what's going on with my money - going to bank)
      lizjayliz, thank you, I read that already) will be nice to see pictures soon!