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Soom Monthly (Zodiac) Doll Speculation thread '08 Part 2

Oct 30, 2008

    1. I wish they would do a Unicorn maiden... I would be so over that!... With cloven feet like Beryl but since it<s already been done... I don<t think they will do it.
    2. All I can hope is that whatever they do, I DON'T like it!! Please.

      (So not likely .... their work is just amazing. I love the creativity.)
    3. I will go crazy, you got it right XD

      Gah, I am so soomed, and they will own my soul if they make a centaur. And I bet it will be male too >D
    4. lately i am into sooom dolls.
      fav is topaz cuz of the transparent resin esp the fingers part, the ears and the feet.
      she look gorgeous.
      another fav is the scorpio sign..wohhh hot!

      ace << with their skills , i am sure they can do a veri nice unicorn maiden.. *tries to imagine*^^

      tis is the first time i see a doll company havin monthly dolls, they sure know how to do business. wakaka
    5. *crosses fingers for boy scorpio with scorpian king body* i don't want to hear it!! i can dream can't i!! ;P lol.
    6. I'm really interested in their Lazule, but I keep holding out for a MD to catch my eye, as I know I'd bang my head on my desk if I spent most of my dolly savings on a standard doll during an event. Either way, Soom's getting my money. XD

      Centaur certainly sounds interesting. I can't help but hope for a male, but all their monthly dolls are so gorgeous that, well, all I can say is I'm excited to see what they do!
    7. I'll be honest, and I know this will sound so weird, but I haven't cared for any of them so far except for the head sculpts (only heads, not the rest of the bods) for Beryl and Sard. I was kind of hoping I'd like Euclase as I'm born in October, but the bird wings and the overly peaceful expression weren't my thing. So I'm holding out hope for November as I have all my major planets in Scorpio.
    8. I on the other hand, would have loved to buy the lot of them :(
    9. It was the other way around for me. I can't say I really like any of the head sculpts. Maybe Sard, but I mostly like what they come up with the outfits and bodies.

      When will they put up the sneakpeak? ._.
    10. bunnydots: I kinda agree with you. I don't really like any of them either. Topaz had me for a while but then they released more images and I fell out of love with her.

      Snow: I also agree with you. I'm watching them more for the outfits and extra stuff.

      I hope they release the preview soon.
    11. I would buy a Sard in a heartbeat if they released him in basic-version-- that sculpt is so incredible. Vega and Bix and Io, too. Of course I loved all their critter-LE versions, so I would rather just have the room to collect the whole zodiac. ^^ But I would also take those guys plain. Those sculpts would stand up to any look you gave them.

      I can't imagine Soom are looking forward to having to supply another monthly doll, when they're scrambling so far behind on the existing ones already... but still... gah! C'maaaaan, who's Scorpio gonna be? :whee:

      I second the nomination of it being somebody foxily-clad in that Coppola/Dracula red plate armor. <3 That look seems right up their alley.
    12. Urk... They're all beautiful. Does anyone know if Soom plans on making a general release of these molds or am I doomed to stalking sales threads? I love all the extra parts but I'd love the molds more.

      (The website where I get my Horoscopes from says that Scorpio a water sign is ruled by Pluto)
    13. I loved the Bix face sculpt, and his body too. I wish I had won the lottery the month they released him.

      I want to see Scorpio too. I won't be tempted by her, but I still want to see!!! :D
    14. I hope all the new releases are lame as hell so I don't have to shell out more money xD I'l prolly be save though. My only true crush was Bix and eventhough I have an Onyx it was just pure luck I ran into her in the marketplace. Could have lived without getting her eventhough she's much loved now.

      I hope Soom releases the new teasers soon. Eventhough I won't buy Scorpio I just love following the threads and seeing people ponder and angst about buying the new MD or not. And maybe there will be something fun to split off again.
    15. I am just hoping it's awful. Really. I can't overspend at this point and Soom keeps tempting me to. *laugh* If they do an armored doll, though, I really am screwed unless it's truly hideous in some way.
    16. Yeah, yeah! I vote for hideous!


      No I don't.... I am weak, I want to see another hot monthly. I can't help this obsession. Just please, o gods of BJD, don't make me have to buy it.
    17. No! Don't pray to the god of BJD! I'm pretty sure it's a Soom. lol ;)
    18. Oh God. *Covers eyes* It makes me glad I don't collect SDs. XD I'm a Cap, and a hardcore supporter of my sign. ^_^ I love it. If they really do come out with some gorgeous representation of my sign, especially a female, I may cry. XD If not swoon all over it and add it to the Impossible section of my wishlist. XD
    19. Just in case you hadn't already noticed the hysteria in the Large Doll section, it looks as though Souldoll might have beaten Soom to it in terms of producing a 70cm centaur. Looky here for the discussion thread for Souldoll's pending Chiron.
    20. Personally, I think Soom's doll will be a SATYR and not an actual centuar... Only needs two hooves that way...