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Soom Super Gem Covell

Jun 25, 2010

    1. I second this, even if he don't impress me that much, and also Monzo sculpt is quite boering....
    2. I want a girl one! That head fits so~ well for one of my characters * 3*
      And the height.... and I need more girls... and its so~ pretty > A<

      First basic I really want > 3<
    3. He definitely looks like Luts or Crobidoll, I definitely think they've hired a new sculpting artist. I just hope they didn't LOSE the one who did their previous semi realistic molds! They haven't had one in a while, all their dolls lately are becoming more stylized. :\
    4. Myabe that one mooved to Idealin project?
      I sow the last one still avaible hes' quite resemblant to Chrom....
      Alos Covell reminds me in some facial details Nanu, maybe his eyes and lips too...
    5. I immediately forgot I was looking at a Soom doll the minute I saw the face. I thought Luts too. Very cute, if younger looking than I expected for the Super Gems, but it looks like Soom is trying to cater to a wider audience, bringing in as many people by creating sculpts that are appealing to them.

      June is almost over, and they decided to release another doll! It's just one surprise after another. XD
    6. I think he is cute and I agree that it doesn't look like the typical Soom doll. I really hope that Soom isn't getting in too over their heads with all of the doll releases.
    7. Echoing other people's disappointment that they've replaced the old mature sculpts for a younger sculpt like this. I hope this just means they're producing a more varied range of face scuplts and they're not completely going down this vein for their Super Gems.
    8. He looks so cute! At first I thought he was a newly released Gem instead of Super Gem because his cuteness doesn't really suit the big body of Super Gems.
    9. In fairness, it could be the same sculptor. Apparently the same sculptor at Iplehouse did the more stylized and realistic faces of the EIDs, so it's something that is easily within the range of one very talented individual. I don't question for an instant that Soom's previous head sculptor has demonstrated talent that, well, it leaves me in awe for a number of reasons.

      Though this sculpt is in the more 'sweet and youthful' category, it isn't bugging me the way Coquina's did/does. I am trying to pin down why, exactly, beyond the proportions just seeming to be more balanced. I really like this one, easily as much as I had the reverse reaction to Coquina.

      I'm really, really hoping that this becomes 'an option' to expand the options in the SG series -- and not the new look of it, with the more realistic and slightly older faces left by the wayside.

      One thing, again, I'd love to see, is a slightly more a la carte option that would allow us to choose male or female body with the SG series. I'd love this head on a girl, I bet others love it as a guy, and I'm sure they'll release female heads that many people want as boys -- it just seems like an option that would serve them very well if they offered it. I'm adding this one to my wish list, though I'd be finding a female body for the head, and using the body for one of my floating Chrom heads, most likely. That's later down the road, though, because there are some of the older SG sculpts I'd like to snap up first. (Hopefully one of them this coming month, or a payment can at least be put down on one... nngh.)
    10. Personally he don't hurts me, but i'll be a liar if i say that i'm mad about him....sorry if i hurst someone, juts my thoughts, luts are far away worse then covell....
    11. I agree. Just because the aesthetics of this sculpt differ from previous SG sculpts, doesn't mean Soom has changed sculptors altogether. I do recognize Soom's signature style in him in any case. I actually thought that he could pass off as Lupin's younger brother! Hah!

      Although he does have a more youthful look, I don't think Soom's intention is to replace the entire SG line with youthful looking sculpts. If anything, he should have been part of the Gem.
    12. hes cuuuuuuuuute x3
    13. I also had a moment of, "is the Super in there by accident and this is really just a Gem?", but I don't think that the sculptor is necessarily different. He still reminds me of Soom, just not the Soom I was expecting to see when I clicked on it.

      Eh, I started out loving Iplehouse...and was momentarily distracted by Soom...so now I can just refocus! I don't have a large enough dollie budget to get too many dolls anyway, so it's better if I like less of the new dolls. ^_~
    14. Ugh, I much prefer the more realistic sculpts :s This + Coquina makes it seem like Soom is going a different direction, one that doesn't really appeal to me :<
    15. Hilariously, Lupin is the one I want to try to order before this guy comes up in the budget queue. ;) I hated Lupin when I first saw him, but the more I looked at the images -- and especially user pics -- he grew on me very quickly. The detail in his face is just amazing. I'm not seeing quite the same level of detail here, but I'm seeing the same beautiful sense of proportional balance, and the "emotion" seems to have returned in part.

      I wonder if maybe they're doing some variation in the SG line over all. His body doesn't look as bulky as the normal SG males to my eye. He does look a little... softer. It's hard to tell from the teasers, but it almost does look like a more youthful male body. If they've decided to go that route -- with perhaps a 'gem youth', the mega gem, and the super gem body as options for the men, I have a feeling they may as well just start printing their own money, because I'd see that as being a very good way to draw in a LOT more fans.
    16. One of the reason I loved soom is because they didn't have the pre-pubescent man-boy dolls typical of sooooooooo many other BJD companies. I am so not into that "pretty boy" thing. Definitely not a direction that I care to see Soom going... Maybe it's just one of different styles for their Super Gems?
    17. Umm... I am a little concerned on how much this boy looks to a Luts boy... With all of their other sculpts they sure are cutting it close to being accused of something. I always was concerned about how close the Soom Gem bodies were to Luts as well...
    18. ...all of their other sculpts? *_* You mean the ones half the people in the thread are going on about hoping they don't abandon because they're so different than anything else out there? :lol:
    19. He does have a bit of a Crobi/LUTS etc look to him, but he's not that far off the look of old Gem sculpts, IMO. I am curious to see if it is a new SG body.

      ETA: The Korean companies often seem to react to each other - Iple does well with EIDs, Soom comes out with Idealian and Mega Gem; Soom does well with MDs, LUTS and Iple come out with LEs with special parts. I wouldn't imply that's really copying, but just following market trends.

      Soom had the Gems, which were similar to most popular SDs out there. That's as much Soom as the MDs or more realistic SG sculpts. Many people were disappointed by the Gem line going, so obviously some people do like this kind of look from Soom, and I'm betting some of them will be delighted by this pretty new fellow.
    20. Everyone's knee-jerk reaction is "Luts!" it seems XD He does seem to sort of lack the attention-to-detail factor some of the other Sooms have (Lazule, anyone?) but parsing apart his features really show up Soom characteristics. He's got Heliot lips and I am seeing droopy-eyes very similar to the ones Olivine had. Part of what's throwing me off is his fluffy wig-with a straighter or more 'relaxed' wig, I think his Soom-ness would be more obvious XD
      He's certainly going to appeal to a certain group of collectors. With the right styling, he could be fantastic.