1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Soudoll High Priestess Celina

Oct 29, 2009

    1. She's wonderful! I think she looks better than the promo pics.
    2. Wow, I got her blank, but the default pics didn't do the faceup justice, she looks quite lovely there, you must be thrilled! :D

      But...OMG, I love what she's sitting on as well, where did you get that?! :)

    3. cheers vinge and MiniVega, I'm over the moon with this girl. :)
      heidipay, the sofa is by Kingstate, I've had it for about 4 years - I don't know if they are still being produced. It was sent to me from the USA.
    4. pianissimo: Congratulations on her arrival! She's so pretty. :) Thanks for posting a picture of her nude - I was wondering how some of her joints would look, so it was very informative. :)
    5. pianissimo congrats face up is lovely : i definitively love her mouth so muchhhh!!!
    6. Thanks Andrastea and lyderic :)

      Well last night I unpacked all the little packages in her box, there was a pair of high heeled feet, a second pair of hands, her outfit etc, and -
      a very disappointing pale blue wig with bangs, which quite honestly looked awful on her :o
      I can only imagine Souldoll ran out of the original wigs and sent what they could rather than send nothing.

      I also found the pale blue colour rather nondescript, I evenually hunted through my stash and so far this is the only wig which gave her a rather more feminine appearance and has any impact, probably because it's such a contrast to her blue skin *_*



      sorry the photos aren't wonderfully clear, but it gives you an idea ...

      I'm looking forward to seeing how others wig out their blue girl! :daisy
    7. Thanks a lot for all the pics, pianissimo!
      It gives me patience to wait for my girl :)
    8. :oOMG she is so awesome!! I love that color!! Congrats on getting her, can't wait to see more of her!
    9. still trying to find her perfect wig...! LOL ! I'll let you know when it happens!
    10. Wigs !!!!!!

      My husband asked me why I had put a blob of candyfloss on celina's head :lol:

      She has a name and a character now, she is
      Azulinya, Empress of the Northern Domains

      I've been looking through my wigbox and I think this may actually be THE one...
      What do you think, folks?

    11. Good choice for the wig ^^ She looks like she has a strong personnality!
    12. Thanks MiniVega, she certainly is an iron lady!
      I do hope it won't be too long before your girl arrives. :daisy
    13. Thanks! Seeing your beauties makes me want mine ^^ I hope I will receive her early February.
    14. pianissimo: really nice choice for the wig

      REALLY bad news here ..french post office has lost my blue head :...( ( i sent it to a french artist for face up ) a ns or ws head would make me sad too but this one ....blue LE and sold out head :...(:...(:...(:...( i really hope they will find it somewhere grrrrrrrrrrr
    15. Woooow lyderic, so bad news *_* When was sent the head?
      J'espère que la Poste remettra la main dessus rapidement >_<
    16. ( merciiiii:( ça fait une semaine qu elle est sur la plateforme briarde ... et quand on tape "plateforme briarde" sur google on pleure ....la réclamation est deja deposée maintenant remboursé ou pas je risque de me retrouver avec un corps bleu et rien a lui mettre dessus : je suis degouté !!!!)
      it s a shipping with insurance and tracking number ...i can t understand how this kind of loss can happen :|
    17. If finally the head is lost, I really really hope Souldoll will be able to send you a new one! But it would be great to find the package =___=
      Je croise les doigts pour toi!
    18. Here are some more photos of Azulinya, I thought they might be of interest to anyone who has ordered her with the default wig.
      I was disappointed with the wig sent, it had bangs which I felt dwarfed her face, so I have "doctored it" LOL, it's actually quite versatile after all....


      The object was to make visible her lovely little elf ears... sorry they aren't too visible on my photos!

      Her staff is rather delicate, while putting it together I managed to snap the stem, have hasitly glued it together...
    19. lyderic sorry to hear about your lost head, I would be heartbroken too. :(

      I do hope it will arrive.

      Have you heard any news about it?
    20. lyderic: I hope your head reappears soon! That's terrible. :(