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Souldoll Vito (50cm) Discussion - Part 4

Apr 26, 2017

    1. souldoll summer event and New Vito boys!! I want Yoongi as the free gift head, but also want the gift dress :(, while I only need a vito doll body for last year summer gift head sean. I wonder if I order 2 separate vito doll body in different order time, will I able to get gift dress for one order, and the gift head for the other doll body. :(
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    2. I've been waiting for the summer event announcement as I can FINALLY buy Eilam now that I've found (and bought) his husband, Rhas-Khan (he's a Soom ID51 Gluino). I'm going to use the 7% discount as the CAN$ sucks hard and any little savings is made of awesome to my wallet. It's still going to be a good chunk of money though *sigh*. $470US (full doll+default face-up) works out to roughly $615CAN before shipping. With the 7% off, it's $437.10US/$570CAN and that combined with shipping will pretty much wipe me out on dolly savings again. I'll probably wait until closer to the end of the event to order though as I have several other dolls that need face-ups and I'd like to get them finished ASAP.

      I had thought about getting Ra-Sui his body at the same time, which would qualify me for 10% discount but my total would be just over $900CAN before shipping (my total order with shipping would likely be over $1000CAN *winces*) and my wallet can't take the strain. I so need a money tree growing on my balcony.
    3. sad to see them discontinuing Haim and Sharicks. Haim's nose I still find fantastically characterful.
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    4. Oh yay! :D That's why I've been holding off on a Vito girl, because I really didn't want to have to do another boob-job on a Souldoll body! XD
    5. I am squeeing over those extra fist hands! Which are apparently not for sale seperately, boo :(
    6. i bought Cynthias head... haha and now I can get her a body if my hybrid plan fails
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    7. A small chest is a step in the right direction, but before I buy another Vito girl I need a small butt, too. I wonder why they're offering two human versions? The only difference I can see is the makeup and different outfits, but version 1 doesn't have the clothing option while version 2 has the option for human and animal versions.
    8. I think their human version one is their version of a basic. Kinda like Fairyland offers a fullset and a basic of all their releases. It's just the body with the option of adding makeup. I guess it's nice they show her in a different outfit so you can see a different way to style her, but I don't see where you can buy that outfit. I don't particularly care for that outfit though so I didn't search too hard for it. The human version 2 is part of the fairy tale series and is a fullset and has the options of adding human clothes and the animal clothes if you want. I really like her and I love that they added the smaller bust option. I'm either going to see if there is a way to add the shoes to the animal version or see if they will add the staff to the human version 2. You can add the human outfit to the animal version as well as heel legs and heel feet, but you can't add the shoes and likewise with the staff. I bet they would let me add those on to my order. I also wonder if they would be willing to put the animal faceup on the human head too. Haha. Cause really if they would be willing to do that and sell me the staff with the human version 2, then I don't the animal version. Her animal legs are cool, but I probably would keep her human most of the time. I just prefer the faceup on the animal head so I think that is what keeps drawing me to her, but I also really want that staff. And I definitely would want her in milk cocoa skin because I'm super curious to see how different it really is from sandy brown skin. I'm convinced they changed their formula for sandy brown skin in the last few years because my last sandy brown skin boy that came home I swear is actually the milk cocoa skin. So I would love to actually have a milk cocoa skin to compare it to.

      She would be such a good match to my Paw Vito fullset who hopefully should be coming home in the next few weeks. I'll have to think about it, but if Souldoll can make some of the switches (they have been pretty awesome at accommodating my requests) than I think I might go for her.

      Is anyone else thinking about getting her?
    9. @Meggethann - I found it. The short dress shown on Rae human ver.1 is the Vito girl gift dress. So if you order any Vito girl you'll get that dress, like it or not.:lol: I prefer the ver.2 outfit myself. I really like the boots, but I had so much trouble with Freya's boots--she couldn't stand in them. I really like Rae's face and the small breast option, but that butt belongs on a much bigger doll.
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    10. I love my grey Riris, big bosom and butt look nice together. with small breasts, that bubble butt would look rather generous, but it's fashionable these days.
      those boots are gorgeous. I wish I could get them. two outfits are calling me, but not for $37 shipping. I wish SD would do registered, tracked air mail.

    11. Wow, I didn't actually believe they'd do the small bust option so soon/ever.
      That big bust was one of the big off-putting factors for me. And now they've gone and released a small bust option and ruined all my careful planning! :lol:
      Agree with others though that the butt is still a bit much... Hmm, what to do, what to do...
    12. I would love to see pics of the whole body like in that sector where you can get the vito girls body... hope they gonna put up pics soon
    13. [​IMG]

      My Azrael is baaaaaaaaack! <3
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    14. @Roterwolkenvogel He's awesome looking. The swirly detail on his face is gorgeous. Is there a little symbol over his bone eye? I love seeing the Azrael skull and what people are doing with it.

      It'll be a while before I can get my guy painted but you just gave me a fantastic option to having his skull part airbrushed white and then painted (my head is also in NS). I never even thought of working with his resin colour to make the bone looked aged into a creamy colour instead of stark white. Thank you for that.
    15. @Iron_Dog yes indeed! It's the Roman number two as he is the second of seven 'beings' in my story and I am a dork :lol:

      And ha glad to be of help! I really really wanted his skull part to be aged cause I prefer my skulls to be weathered instead of pristine white xD
    16. @Roterwolkenvogel Nah, I think that adds depth to him.

      I guess for my guy I was thinking of bleached bone instead of weathered bone. But when I really think about it, he would be more weathered looking than bleached as Ra-Sui is thousands of years old (he is a god) and he doesn't typically hang out in a desert or bright sun. Also, as the God of Decay, and the colours that one would typically associate with that state, it does make a ton more sense for him to NOT be pristine white.
    17. My Paw fullset is finally at item processing. Hopefully it will switch to shipping very soon!
    18. wow! he looks amazing! btw, what body he is using?
    19. @Meggethann oh congrats for your paw. did you also order the Vito clothes?
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