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SoulDoll Zenith Discussion ~ Part II

Nov 12, 2014

    1. @Ian-KunX Congrats on Chiron, he looks great! Ugh yes Souldoll and wigs :doh. My Zenith girls have no trouble with Monique Gold 7/8 but I don’t know if the guys have slightly larger cranium sizes. Hope you find the right wig that fits:thumbup.

      @Ashemanu Congratulations on Federer he looks awesome :thumbup. That wig suits him well too.

      @Mizya Congratulations on securing Lyme :thumbup. You’re so right... there really aren’t many options for brown or light brown eyes out there :sigh makes finding the right eyes pretty difficult. I hope you find what you’re looking for :). I’ve had some pretty good luck with Monique Gold 7/8 wigs on my Swinte. It isn’t too small and it stays in place without a silicone wig cap. Here she is with a Monique Gold 7/8 style Paris wig.
      #601 PennyDes, Aug 5, 2018
      Last edited: Aug 5, 2018
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    2. I love Lime so much!! I have a Souldoll Hye, but always wanted a Lime as well. This is a great opportunity to scoop up many sculpts that weren't offered as individual heads before.

      Your Swinte is so gorgeous! Definitely one of my all-time fave sculpts from Souldoll. The lower foreheads do make for some limitations in choices in wig choices sometimes. But, I agree, I have had a lot of luck with the Monique 7/8 wigs on my smaller headed Souldoll boys and girls as well as Supia Rosy and Zaolls.[/user]
    3. Thank you :) Swinte is one of my favorite Souldoll sculpts too. I put a little bit of cotton under her wig to try to give the illusion of more cranium height and less of a forehead slope. It seems to do the trick but has to be at the edge and sometimes peeks through :lol:. Will you be getting Lime in this head sale?
    4. Hah!! I will have to try your cotton trick for Hye! I am hoping to get Lime in this head sale because I do love a great grumpy sculpt! I really miss my Souldoll Ize that I had before, but sold (and wish I had bought Killian).
    5. I hope the cotton helps Hye :). I use round cotton cosmetic facial pads as they are just the right size and flat. I’ve never heard of either Ize or Killian before so looked them up... both very cool face sculpts. Fingers crossed you can get Lime :thumbup.
    6. oh i like the cotton idea...have to try this on other low head dome dolls now XD
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    7. Thanks for the idea!! I wasn't sure if you meant cotton balls. The pads make sense! I have my fingers crossed for Lime as well! ;)
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    8. I find myself always going back to Soul doll to look at Agnes, her face and upside down lips are very attractive to me, but Im still debating if I should get her or Iplehouse Soo instead.
      My dolls are "realistic" and I love that look more, but Im not sure if Agnes would look good with realistic looking dolls, so I hope to hear from people who own both Iplehouse and Souldoll together and what their opinion is if they mix well together haha
      .. so serious:sweat:roll: The good thing about Agnes is the two head option, so it is like having two looks in one doll, maybe Ill mod the other without the elf ears so she can have a dream look

      Is anyone else getting Agnes or the armor?

      @Mizya I would look at soul in a box doll eyes, they have the best brown eyes for dolls and are in actual different shades of brown instead of just brown eyes
      I love how realistic they look
      I have hazel olive eyes and their pecan pie is identical, I feel the owner must have brown eyes because they do them so well haha

      I just now noticied the different head shapes from the graveyard sales here on DoA, I can see it becoming a problem :(
      You are right about the new bodies, I looked for reviews and some were having weird inner torso, a sharp cut, but souldoll told me they fixed it when I asked about it recently, but i wish they give small bust option

      @PennyDes Your swinte is very pretty and she fits the iplehouse body nicely!
      I think it is more nice with the wider shoulders and smaller chest, it gives her a youthful look
      They really should give their Zenith girls different bust sizes
    9. Thank you :) I really like how the Zenith girls look on the Iplehouse body too... nice proportions overall. It would be great if the Zenith body had bust options... the last time I asked (last year) they said that if they redesign the body in the future they will definitely consider different bust size options.

      Oooo if you get Agnes I hope you share a lot of photo spam. The two head options are always a plus and modding the elf version to a human version (dreaming) sounds like a great plan. I considered getting her but lack of doll funds have made that impossible :chomp:.

      I personally have difficulty with how some of my Souldoll sculpts look next to my more realistic Iplehouse dolls but overall its not bad. It really will depend on the Iple sculpt and if it’s more realistic or styalized. More realistic Iplehouse sculpts and Souldoll don’t always look natural together. I’ll try to get a photo to post sometime this week to better show what I mean :).

      @Lady Tiku :) I hope the cotton helps... most dolls only need one pad but I did have a doll that required two.
      #609 PennyDes, Aug 14, 2018
      Last edited: Aug 16, 2018
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    10. [​IMG]
      I just finished my Souldoll Briseas Iplehouse SID hybrid and had to pop on for a quick share :). @Yenna you were so right... the second mod is so much faster :dance. Although still not brave enough to to try the hack saw yet I did use a much courser grit sandpaper this time.
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    11. @GreenTeaSlug Here’s a photo to show how natural (or not) Souldoll and Iplehouse sculpts look together. It really does depend on the sculpt. Also, neither of my Souldoll girls have a Souldoll Zenith body so that needs to be taken into account too :).
      https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1812/43376748924_e68aacba2e_z_d.jpg this link is a group shop
      In this photo collage I am comparing Iplehouse Rex and Isabel with Souldoll Briseas and Swinte.
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    12. @PennyDes Thank you! I'm definitely very excited for Lime! :D Yeah, it's quite curious how a normal colour like brown can be so difficult to find in a variety of shades. But maybe it's so common that it's not very inspiring to eye-makers, unlike all the fantasy colours? :sweat Too bad because I have several dolls that would need a bunch of different brown shades... I don't want them all to have the same basic dark brown or light brown eyes because that would be a little dull. :'D Thank you for the suggestion about Monique Gold wigs. :) I don't think they would be my first choice due to the fiber, though... I've understood that Monique wigs have this thinner fiber than most other synthetic wigs and it's more prone to getting tangled. I'm so neurotic about my dolls' wigs that a Monique one would probably drive me crazy with all the flyaways. xD But if I can't find anything suitable from another brand, I'll try Monique!

      Oh, and great job on the neck mod! :D I really like the more curvy shape of the Iple bodies, but unfortunately I didn't get along with the joints (I've had a JID boy and SID woman and sold them both). It seems like size-wise they're a nice match for Zenith heads, the propotions seem quite realistic. :aheartbea

      @masala_chai_tea Oh, it's nice to find another Lime fan~ :D I hope that you'll be able to get her as well! It's very lucky indeed that Souldoll is selling them as heads only this time around, it's definitely easier to come up with funds for a couple of heads rather than full dolls. I've also been eyeing Madalyn but money is a bit tight at the moment, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to get her (head). I prioritised Lime since I already have a character in mind for her.

      @GreenTeaSlug Ahh, yes, I actually ran into Soul in a Box eyes a few months back when I was browsing for olive green eyes. I didn't pay attention then, but indeed - they have a nice selection of different shades of browns as well! I also appreciate realistic eyes, especially since nowadays the popular trend seems to be putting glitter, jewels, flowers and whatnot in the eyes... I mean, sure, they look pretty and all, but most of my dolls are just regular humans so I'd rather not have anything extra in the irises. :sweat I'll have to keep Soul in a Box in mind, for sure~

      @NoDivision Congratulations, Federer is a very handsome sculpt! May I ask for your impressions about the new Zenith male body? :) I like how the body looks clothed, but I'm a little unsure about the torso as the joints look quite sharp-edged (I have a Vito male and his torso has an unattractive & sharp chest joint that I really don't like). I worry that I might not like posing the body due to the joints...

      Yesterday I finally got around starting a face up for my Swinte, after having her head for nearly two years. I haven't been terribly inspired with painting my resin dolls recently, I've been more focused on my Dollfie Dreams. :sweat I didn't get very far before I wiped everything else but the lips, as it wasn't turning out the way I wanted. Today I started again and while I made a couple of mistakes, I'm happy with the face up so it can stay until I have energy to do a new one. Possibly when I get a body for my girl, but that's going to take a while, still (I need to find a 63~65cm tall body with small breasts and preferably no joint right under the breasts, so not an easy feat these days). I didn't have a black wig in a size or style close enough to what she should have, so I picked this 8" Crobidoll wig and pinned the wigcap slightly smaller because the style was close enough. Actually, if Souldoll sold the wig that they have on Swinte in her promo photos, my wig hunting problem would get solved right away. xD But they've only sold a bangless style in white, gray & light brown, and not in black at all. ;__;

      Anyway, despite not having a body nor wig of her own -- and having eyes borrowed from another doll too -- here's my Sang Mi:


      It's the first time that I managed to paint a dark red lipstick look on a doll, my past attempts have all been terrible failures. xD Sang Mi is a girl who prefers a natural look for eye make up, but she loves lipstick. Now that she has a face, I feel more motivated about hunting down a wig and eyes for her. :D
      #614 Mizya, Aug 17, 2018
      Last edited: Aug 17, 2018
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    13. Thank you for the compliments :). I’m super happy with the proportions and Briseas finally has a body of her own. The Iplehouse bodies are definitely difficult to pose. I’ve been meaning to hot glue suede for ages and it still hasn’t happened :lol:. I love how Monique wigs look but they do tangle super easy and I always have a frustrating level of flyaways even after I’ve smoothed the wig out. The curly ones are even worse. I have had ok luck with an Iplehouse JID 7/8 wig. I might try one of their 6/7 sizes sometime but I’m afraid that could be too small.

      What a fabulous faceup you did for Swinte :D! She looks amazing and a beautiful photo composition too. Unfortunately Souldoll seems to always have a short supply on wigs. One of the wigs I got from Souldoll still had its original company hang tag attached. If I can find it I’ll let you know the name. Perhaps they have Swinte’s black promo wig in stock. :)
      Edit: I found the wig... it’s from the Luts doll company.
      #615 PennyDes, Aug 17, 2018
      Last edited: Aug 17, 2018
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    14. @PennyDes You are amazing, an angel :aangel:

      That neck modification is so well done it looks like she came out that way :D Looks like Ill definitely have to modify their neck to fit Agnes your work is amazing theres no signs of it ever being a modification it looks so natural :aeyepop::nosebleed

      I dont think we hold our breath for newer bust sizes, it seems that Souldoll really likes their mini sized dolls because they have more options and that cool cyborg msd body. I think in general, msd dolls are more popular with buyers.

      Also SD and Iple go well together, the sculpts you chose atleast looks just as realistic, they just look more smaller? small framed, but still natural and part of the same world I think. Also I am in love with your Swinte and soooo in love with your Briseas, they both look so much better outside the promo shots, so beautiful! Also now you are an enabler, I want Isabel in pale skin, dark hair and dark eyes very lovely nose and lip shape, plus the new iple SID model body is a great poser from my experience :chomp::chomp::chomp:

      You helped me a lot, I will place my order on monday, because I need to decide if I want the armor or not. I think it will look cool in chrome black

      @NoDivision Your boy looks amazing and I like the aged look of his clothes, very natural and great scaling in making that outfit

      @Mizya Sang Mi is beautiful and the red lipstick looks nice with her complexion I like that tone you chose for it, not to bright but not dull just like she ate a lot of fresh cherries very nice and cool :chocoberry
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    15. Aww you’re welcome and glad I could help (and enable;) lol ). Thank you for the compliments about my dolls and the modification work :). I couldn’t be happier with how they turned out. Briseas is my fav <3. The Souldoll girl heads are definitely smaller than Iplehouse dolls... I would say Swinte is smaller than an nYID head but larger than a JID. Briseas has an abnormally large head for a Zenith but I think all 3 of the epic series dolls heads were sculpted a bit larger than normal. Judging by Agnes’ features I think she should fit in just fine with your Iplehouse doll :thumbup. Oh, one thing to be aware of that I forgot in my last post... the Zenith body is tall and if wearing heels could be taller than your SID man doll. The Zenith girl is 64cm tall and Iplehouse new SID man is 66cm tall. I knew Zeniths were taller but I didn’t realize how much until she was next to my other dolls :aeyepop:. I don’t have my Souldoll body anymore otherwise I’d get a comparison photo for you.
      The smaller BJDs do seem increasingly popular don’t they?
      That armor is pretty incredible. Souldoll really did an amazing job... such ornate and intricate detail work. They definitely excels at beautiful designs and details. Good luck with your order tomorrow! :dance Yay!
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    16. Does anyone happen to have a blank Hae-Bin or a pic at all? I'm trying to decide if her sculpt itself is cute, or if its the faceup that's attracting me.
    17. If you click on the link in my signature you can see some pictures of her, albeit with a face up. The girl in the blue dress :) She doesn´t have the default face up.
    18. @Ashemanu I saw your pics of your HaeBin! She's lovely with a different faceup, but a clear blank sculpt can make or break my decision.

      Like looking at Sevi with her faceup, she's divine!! But her blank sculpt just gives me alien huge head vibes and I just can unsee that anymore when I look at her :XD: and I don't want the same thing to happen with HaeBin