1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Spirit Doll - 2nd ver. Proud Girl Body

Aug 26, 2011

    1. Ok it seems they listened and the old body is available too now!

      In the bad news the prices went up :/
    2. At least their listen to customers,that's good in the end!
    3. That makes me HAPPY. XD
    4. Yay, I'm really happy too :D
    5. I can't tell if the new Proud girl body has double jointed knees or not. I thought not at first but then what is the line on both sides of the calf just below the knee joint? If it isn't a cut, why is it there?:?

      What is everyone's opinion, double or single jointed?
    6. It should be double jointed, it's the exact same style as the other three body's updated new knees (if you go look at any of their pictures I think most of them do show it bent all the way) - a picture of it being utilized on the new girl just wasn't photographed~
    7. Actually i like double joint better, as to me it's impotant to psoe my doll. ;)
    8. I must say I'm soooooo glad Spiritdoll put the old body back for sale :fangirl: But a price increase, bah!!
    9. People but if spirit doll makes the V1 body avaible..that means that they read our comment here or onto their board..then why their communication is sooo slow?Maybe they need a translator or something like that?
    10. There's a teaser up on spiritdoll web page,
      a new limited female doll to 50 peaces, name white queen,
      and i've find even this pic, surely the doll will be different than this but i think that the dress could have the same style:

    11. Hi all...
      I've just received my Spiritdoll girl Proud 2nd ver body and I got a lil' problem with her feet :doh
      She came with heel feet stringed and I straight away changed them into flat feet. After I changed the feet... it seems that the ankle S-hooks are too big so that the ankle's balls doesn't work (I took the S-hook from the heel feet). The S-hooks stuck inside the calfes (near ankle) and can't get further inside... I'd like to know whether is it me the one who got mistake in changing the feet part... or I do really need to buy smaller S-hook on my own.
      Thanx' a lot and I love this body a lot.. it got beautifull shape :D

      Here's my girl with Spiritdoll Proud ver.2 body :)

    12. I love the new body! it poses really well, I just got it on my spirit doll Jade. But I want to get the old body too. must save for that :P
    13. For those who have the new version body, does she fit into the same clothes the earlier version did?

      Thank you!
