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Staring instead of playing

Aug 18, 2006

    1. I'm like that, too. ^_^ I sometimes change their clothes and their poses (e.g. have Micchi read a book rather than climb the sofa), and sometimes I fuss with them for photos, but mostly I leave them be and just look at them now and then when I'm taking a break from whatever it is I'm doing (reading, typing, etc.).
    2. I'm definitely one of those people who much prefer to look at the dolls (after having posed them in sweet, loving positions), and just admire them from the futon. Sometimes though, I will pull them down and have them sit beside me while I play on the laptop.

      They're just really wonderful to have close to you.
    3. I've been thinking about it a lot recently and wonder if I should do more things with them. I'm glad I'm not alone on this. Thanks for the assurance, everyone. =D
    4. i put my boys in my lap and feel their hands( i love their hands) stroke their hair and stare untill my eyes hurt xD mostly looking for stuff like scratches and imperfection though
    5. I'd play with my doll rather than just show purposes. I still have dolls from when I was a kid and I played them to death. I don't mind that these cost more. Dolls are for playing. The first time a little bit of paint on Ryan's head came of I was dissapointed but then I got over and keep on playing, he stays on my pillow, even when I sleep and guards my room when I'm gone.
      I love the feeling of a doll that been played with, they are more cuddlesome.
      We watch tv together, I take him to my best friends house, he sits on my lap when I surf sometimes. (He even used to come in the bath with me when I went to my best friends house)*embarrassed* lol She doesn't like dolls but never said a word, she'd stay in the room and talk to us.
      Doll are fun. Play away!
      I understand why some people just look at them though as they cost so much and are so pretty.
    6. Lol, same here! Of course, mostly when I find myself staring at them is when I have something else that I really should be doing. ^_~

      I hold and cuddle Lucifer all the time, and just gaze into his eyes a lot. ^_^
    7. I stare, but I'm more of a cuddler. And this isn't even my doll, it's a friends.
      If he looks cute in the way we pose him I just have to stop and cuddle him for a bit because they're adorablllllle.
    8. I also prefer doing that :daisy
      Maybe because I am 35 and I think my dolls are rare and expensive works of art... Who knows? ;)
    9. lol, I do play with them but not that often, but I do change their clothes and/or wigs, and very often change the way they're posing, an put them in a different place. I usually grab one or 2 and sit them on my computer desk while I'm doing something, and feeling their wee hands and feet with my left hand while surfing or reading.

      LOL, just a week ago my 9-year-old niece came to my room and asked, "what are you doing? Are you giving Ryuuga a foot massage?" lol, cause he was sitting on my desk right next to me and I was grabbing his right foot in my hand and I was moving it up and down while reading emails ahaha! :D

      And yeah, she knows their names :P
    10. Oh, yeah, I stare. They are just so beautiful, I can't take my eyes off of them.
    11. I usually have all of the dolls in my bedroom when I go to sleep at night. I've realized that instead of going to sleep I'll sometimes sit in my bed with the light down low and just look back and forth between them for an hour. This is actually a very good thing. I've had insomnia most of my life but this bedtime ritual has helped me stay in a calm enough state of mind that my insomnia hasn't been that bad in several months! Instead of being up until 4 or 5AM, now I'm asleep by 1:30. :daisy
    12. I'll be surfing on DOA, and happen to glance over at Imari... only to remember how freakin' gorgeous she it... so I can't help but oagle her a little longer. Then, when looking no longer satisfies me... I have to go and pick her up. :P I rarely JUST stare at my girl... she's too pretty not to touch. So, I suppose I'm not a starer.
    13. I bring Kai almost everywhere I go when I'm at home, but I don't really play with him. He just sits on my lap or whanot while I'm watching TV and on my computer. I do stare at him alot.. and pose him, but that's playing.
    14. Normally, I set her up so she can watch whatever I am doing until bedtime. She gets handled the most during photoshoots and when I fail at making her clothes.

      I think I'll start playing with her more when I get some clothes for her. Because then I won't be as worried about messing up her skin.
    15. I really want to play with my dolls more, but with 2 human kids and working at home, well, there never seems to be much time to just ~play~....sigh. So, I set my dolls up nicely in comfortable poses on their furniture and stare at them often. Then, every once in a while, I find some time to spend with them and I'm very happy :)
    16. Not at all! I just like sitting and looking at my doll for ages, tilting its head, looking at it from different angles...I would say the closest I come to 'playing' is just having it on my lap too whilst watching TV, or of course, when i take photos and pose it. I just love looking at the doll more than anything and I cant figure it out either!
    17. I like to stare at Arnold's face a lot (mostly his eyes). So it's not just you :)
    18. Oh yes, I love looking at and cuddling my boys whenever I can, and even though I enjoy photographing them I can take a great deal of pleasure from just arranging them beside me on the settee so that they're both snuggled together comfortably. No need to take photos of that - it's simply something I do for myself to appreciate them and admire how beautiful they both are.
    19. Mostly mine sit on a shelf in my closet staring out at the rest of the room or at eachother. I'll take one down to bring with me when I go somewhere, occasionally if I'm playing video games or something I'll set them up around the tv. XD

      I mostly physically play with them when I'm out somewhere. Like when I'm waiting in line at the post office or at school. Also when I feel like being crafty and start removing more seams or making clothes I play with them. :)
    20. Posing, Dressing, Eye Changing, and Pictures... That's all the playing I do with my kids (and that's the way they like it) The rest of the time they just sit There looking GORGEOUS in thier Glass Palace where I can stare at them in Awww:sweat