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Starting them young... what age to collect BJDs?

Dec 26, 2005

    1. Ten isn't such a bad age...I know that I was only two years older than that when I got my first doll. :)

      I know that I've gotte a few friends into bjds, most being my age, and my little three year old brother LOVES my Danny. When I wiped off Danny's head and body for a new faceup and bodyblush, my brother came into my room and helped me put him back together. :lol:
    2. While I'm still getting into the hobby myself, I can see my 8 year old growing into it too. She's a responsible girl (and an only child, which might help >_<) so I don't imagine her treating them as "toys."
    3. When Valentino came home, my 5 year old sister "ooh'd" and "aah'd". She really likes them, and when I get a job, I want to get her a Chocopuki; The Cupid version looks just like her. Although, she's not very responsible with her things so she'll be the owner and I would be the caretaker.

      My 3 year old brother, although not directly interested in dolls, is kind to Valentino and says hi to him. But, my brother has a thing for living up to the name "Destructo" and I can't keep my doll around him for long periods of time.
    4. My nine year sister has a AF's doll :3
      But it used to be mine, so she bought it off of me. She is taking great care of it so far :'D
    5. I'm trying to get my 5 yr old brother into them. My 17 yr old brother likes the Puki's, cause they are so small, but he's not crazy into them. But my 5 yr old brother has potential. He gave Lestat a new name as well as gave my other doll (no idea what she is) a name when i got her as well, and he always says how pretty they are, even when poor Lestat is wigless and half nekkid while i'm dressing him or styling his hair. XD
    6. I'm not the youngest member on DoA by far (17), but I wish I could get more of my friends into BJDs! I've showed a few of my friends who I think have "potential" DOD's website and they had fallen madly in love with the dolls or were mesmerized by how real and beautiful they looked. :XD:

      One of my friends even tried saving money, but no dice because she's too much of a spendthrift to be patient and save up for one. >.<
      Another of my friends got into BJDs through DOD as well, but when I showed her the website, she said she had already seen them and was very interested in them. However, because of how expensive they are, she never said she wanted one.

      For her 16th birthday (when I was 15), I bought her a DOD Limited Sleeping Elf Pitts that went along with my Sleeping Elf Yen. :) Originally, I planned to keep both Pitts and Yen, but decided that 2 in my room were enough for the time, and I was sure she'd be able to provide enough love and appreciate Pitts probably more than I could ever. :sweat
    7. My sister's been shown BJDs from an old nanny of ours, which I didn't know collected until I saw her at a doll meet. My sister thinks they're pretty, and I wish I could get her started on one if it wasn't for the fact my ex-stepmum is psychotic and I don't know how she would take it. ^_^U

      They also live out of state, which sucks also. I love my sister, even though we can't live together. D:

      I've attempted to convert those who show any doll interest into them, but so far I only got one friend who can't afford one right now but would love to have one. Another friend thinks they have real souls and will cause bad things if you don't care for them properly. When I get my dolly I want to prove her wrong. <3
    8. well if i get anyone eals i would be happy!

      my mom forbids anyone esl to get into bjd....sadly..
    9. i discovered bjd when i was elven, but wasnt that impressed with what i saw. I knew my parents wouldnt of gotton me one,so i just acted like it was nothing. BUT when i turned 13 I SAW DOLLZONE. my whole bjd addiction was because of nina from dz. i talked my dad into getting me one after 3 months(and my mom saying yes but lying) and so, now i have one nina and a nina head! the end.
      and now, at my box opening i think i got a 4 yr old wanting one! TEEHEE!
      and my frend wants one.
    10. Part of me feels it's a bit mean to try and get other people's children hooked on BJDs, if their parents don't approve and they don't have any money of their own, they'll be set up for a ton of disappointment. Friends and siblings are a different story though! I've got no problems trying to influence my brother & friends into getting dolls, it hasn't worked yet, but my brother has already admitted one of my dolls is 'cool' and my friend told me my Yo is cute :D
    11. Iv mentioned this on a few other child and dolls posts. Im not to fond of the ider of giving a young child, under ten, a BJD. This thought was solidified by my youngest niece who is 7. I had planned on showing her my dolls, since Im sure she would love them.. But then I got the chance to see how she treated her own toys. Iv seen her play with toys on christmas that she gets, she goes from one toy to the next, usually just tossing the first aside to ooh and aww and fuss over the new toy before another present is offered. I figured that was just because of the excitment of christmas, but then I had her to my self when I went shopping for groceries. She had with her a pink stuffed bear that she called her "little sister", and for the most part, treated it very well.. Then after we were done and waiting for my mom to pick us up, she set it on the table in the cafe area, and just out of no where punched it, sending the bear flying across the table. I decided then to never show her my dolls until she was way older. Also, I changed my mind because she has no respect for other peoples property. At my mom's house my niece had snatched my hat from me and ran off with it, dropping it and stepping on it. Just imagine if that was a BJD. So yeah, I know it depends on the child and how they act, but for me.. I personally wouldnt get a young child a BJD.
    12. I plan on getting my kid on a semi addcition as soon as possible. I just hope they end up actually interested in some of the "weird stuff mommy likes'. XD
    13. I love hearing everyone's stories!! I got both my younger sisters hooked (at 13 and 10) and my cousins (6 and almost 2). My sister have their own dolls and whenever my cousins come over the first thing they ask is 'Where's Miki?' :mwahaha
    14. My daughter could very easily get hooked on these -- she's an adult and an artist -- but I hesitate to even mention it. Guess who would wind up making all the clothes?? That's right, me! I'm not ready to start wardrobing resin grandchildren, my own are enough of a challenge!
    15. My seven-year old sister wants one. Considering her dangerous personality I think it'd be best to start her off on vinyl. I think age is a good factor to bring in, but a child's personality (and whether or not it is destructive) should be first on the list. :)
    16. I'm the youngest one of our family. I'm 13. That's quite young, I think, but I don't have own doll. And nobody hooked me, I found some stuff from internet and hooked me by myself. :)

      So, I have nobody younger to hook for BJDs. (Or if I think, yes, there is some relatives, but I'm not going to make them want own one. They are too... Wild? err, I don't know.) One of my best friends (same age than me) is now interested, because I showed some pics, but I don't like that. She makes sometimes me mad... And she has money for doll (but her parents don't want she buy. But if she makes them believe, that she would do something with it, maybe she can buy...). I think, that she is not going to be interested long time. And I don't have money! .___.

      There's lots of cute stories! ^o^ It's nice to read them.
    17. Heheh my three year old niece adores my dollies. We explained very carefully that she can touch them but has to be very careful with them. Unfortunately... she seems to be a very paranoid kid and now refuses to touch them altogether. Instead she makes me line them up on my bed so she can lay and stare at them. I finally got her to hold my tinies and she seems to be ok with holding them :sweat .... In fact she's a little addicted to putting my pukis feet on their heads(because of the magnets) She so sweet though, always saying she loves the dollies.

      Then my 11 year old cousin is in love with my dolls, she's very mature for her age and is very responsible. She's been wanting one since she was 9, So since her birthday and Christmas are in december, she'll be getting a Flocke for her birthday/christmas present :)
    18. My nine year old sister really loves them. I told her if she can save half for a MNF Shiwoo I'll buy the other half and we'll share him. He'll live in my room as it's safe and he can be kept out of light, she'll get to play with him and have a doll of her own to pick clothing and hairstyles for. It'll let her have the fun of a doll without mantenance worries.

    19. Ummm, officially the cutest thing I have EVER heard!! You are one awesome older sib. :) Since I'm currently a freshman in college and my only sibling is a 15-year-old boy who calls my BJD collection "the creepy dolly hobby," I doubt I'll be "converting" anyone soon. ^.^ Plus I'm pretty paranoid about my peers holding my doll, let alone little kids!