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Stupidest thing you've ever done with your BJD?

Aug 17, 2005

    1. Almost the same thing. XD When Ashling arrived, I was in such a panicked rush to open the door for the postman I fell and banged my face on the thresh hold. The postman almost dropped my package and asked if I was alright, and I thrust the C.O.D. at him and snatched at my box. My lip had split a bit and my nose was bleeding (I have severe issues with bleeding from my sinuses anyway), and I scuttled into the house like some creepy little troll and shut the door on him.

      Then I opened the box, all shaky and excited about my first doll, and...Ashling kicked me right in my bleeding nose. XD He was a hell of a kicker for the first little while, booting my girlfriend, booting one of my friends in the back of the head, and kicking my face every old way.

      The stupidest, STUPIDEST thing I did was try to restring him...by pulling his head up and cutting the string that comes out of his head into his neck. His body parts went flying, and he was pathetically strung with too-short ghetto string. zoi_no_miko came to my rescue, thankfully she had spare Souldoll string. :oops:

      And at least he doesn't kick me anymore. XD That's Glanconer's job now.
    2. ::giggles:: You amuse me soooooooooo much! x3 If you have an LJ I'm so adding you. xD
    3. Oh I've done many a thing. I think he's fallen a total of five or six times. Most nothing major, just slipping off the arm of a low chair onto carpet, etc. Once he fell off my window sill onto a hard floor, but no damage was done.

      I was silly enough to ask my sister to watch Gabriel when he was standing in the garden one time. I had him in the perfect pose, but my camera died! I went to run and get batteries and came back into the garden just in time to hear him collide with the grass. He snapped a finger and had a big grass stain on his nose! T___T

      Once my friend dangled him from the ladder to my bed with nothing supporting him but the strength of his legs. :oops: I still don't know how he managed to stay unbroken!

      Reading these have been pretty hilarious XD
    4. :D ..lol..these are great..I think the worst thing I ever did was when I was taking a pic for the unconventional props challenge..I was takin a picture of my AR Ren with my pet turkey (tommy) My three year old starts screamin bloddy murder..so I run off to find her cornered on the other side of the house by a grandaddy longleg (she dies when she sees one) By the time I got back to my Ren..Tommy had pecked one of his eyes loose and pulled off and eaten his nose chain *_* ..lol..turkeys love things that shine.. :daisy
    5. I managed to miss Bastion's first birthday...

      So to make it up to him... I made him the stupidest little party hat- EVAR.

      "MOOOOOOOOOOOOM~ Why do I have to wear this stupid thing?"

      The worst thing was standing Judas on some concrete on a windy day.

      Needless to say, he still needs a rhinoplasty, and is decidedly pissy. *_*
    6. I thnk putting Leknaats wig in sap was the one stupidest thing ive done. As of yet..... :oops:
    7. Hurray for me! 8DDD

      LJ ID is same as my sign-in name here. :3
    8. I'm gonna say that the stupidest thing I have probably done with my dolls is... Leave them anywhere near my cats! X_X

      I have four cats (one being an overly-advenureous kitten), and they have (among other things) destroyed one of their wigs, chewed on Lolli's leg (thank god there wasn't even a scratch), tried to eat just about every dangly thing off of their clothing, and smushed them in various ways (including pouncing them, trying to sleep on them, and falling on them). I literally turn my back to get another wig or take a sip of soda and my kitten is on them. I swear, when I move into my new place, there will definately have to be a "no kitties" room. *_*
    9. there is no such thing as a no-kitty room XD
      luckily my cat only likes to sleep on the clothes and occatioanly try to pic up a button. she's not too impressed with anythign that doesn't have fur, feathers or catnip thankfully..
    10. *guffaws* Great story.
    11. Okay that nearly gave me a heart attack.. o_O *Ro twitches*
    12. Nah... Viktor stripping naked and touching himself in the halls of a hotel during a con. One of the Japanese Pop bands (full of girls) walked by and just kinda looked at us. I waved.
    13. I put Juniper's head on a beer glass when I give her a face up because it's the perfect size for her neck hole. One time I wasn't paying attention, and her head fell off onto the hard vinyl floor and spun around like crazy. Luckily, she wasn't hurt. My dad was like, "I'm glad you didn't drop my beer!" >_>

      I dropped her head once on concrete too, but she's a trooper and only got a small mark which a wet finger took care of. I do better at handling her with a body, 'cause there's more to hold on to.
    14. :oops: I took Kouta to college with me today and found a caterpillar... he spent the rest of the day (and in my psychology class) with the little guy crawling around on him...

      :| He wasn't amused by it.
    15. These stories are all so funny! Not that getting hurt is funny, but the reason behind it!
      I'm still waiting for my first BJD. I didn't realize they're so easily broken! I'll have to be really careful as I tend to be a klutz!
    16. I was wiping my doll down with a damp patterned paper towel when I noticed that the ink that made up the design was running (paper towels are meant to get wet so I don't know why anyone would make one with dye that runs when wet). A bit of dye ended up smearing across her chest giving her GREEN nipples. It was extremely funny.

      Luckily it came right off with Mr Clean Magic Eraser.
    17. These are too funny...I've enjoyed reading them all and couldn't resist adding my own!

      Luckily for me, the only time any of my dolls has fallen is when Dorian's legs gave out of him and he fell onto concrete.... but he wasn't damaged.

      However, I've put my dolls in rather dangerous situations for pictures...

      Like sitting Dorian on a narrow railing above a busy highway (his little dollbutt was actually very well supported...it just looked dangerous and gave all my friends heart attacks because of the height), or taking a picture of Loosh on a railing so narrow I had to hold him tightly or he would have fallen into the Mississippi River. :oops:
    18. hey featherfire can we see your pics you took?

      ive never done any stupid things with my dolls... im extreamly careful with them
    19. Trying to pose him on the dining room table while my father was sitting there.
      I was standing Gabriel up and as I was holding onto his legs, Dad touched his back or something and he bent at the waist, headbutting me in the forehead and giving me a lovely headache.

      Removing a faceup while Gabriel was sitting next to me. I think I got a drop of acetone on his face, and he's got a teeny spot near his eye where there's no makeup/Testor's. o_O;

      Covering him with a blanket on my bed to keep him out of the sun because I didn't have the time to put him in his box before I went to class. When I got back, I threw my bag on the bed...RIGHT ON TOP OF MY BABY :crushed *cuddles him* I'm so sorry, sweetie...