1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Sun and dolls: Which skintone do you use the most caution with?

May 18, 2007

  1. White

  2. Normal

  3. Tan

  4. Colored (i.e. Blue, Red)

  5. I use the same amount of caution regardless of skintone.

  6. I don't use caution regardless of skintone.

  7. I only have dolls in one skintone.

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    1. It's one of two things:
      A) A chemical added to the resin to make them more resistant to UV rays (Volks does this). It is obviously permanent. or
      B) A spray, like MR. Super Clear UV cut that puts an anti-uv coating on your doll. This is removable with acetone.
    2. Nooo, don't let it turn you off them entirely!! I was pretty freaked out when I first read it too, but that was quite a while ago, and the problem was entirely batch-specific. It was limited to a few companies who happened to have the same problem happen at the same time with a VERY small number of batches, and as far as I know since everything came out nobody else has had any problems. I have a tan boy and I certainly haven't had any problems. Don't give up on them just because of some really centralized issues. :)
    3. I take Takuya everywhere so... but then again I'm always going somewhere, and It's usually in doors so it's not too bad. Of course while I'm inside I won't put him near sunny windows or anything like that...
    4. You know, I've been wondering with regard to indoor exposure, since I've been getting energy compliant and switching incandescent bulbs to the screw-in fluorescent bulbs -- I know the lengthwise flourescent bulbs produce some UV. True, you have to be 18" or closer, but still--

      I also freaked that a NS doll was getting really pale, but realized it was the resin looking different in the color light produced by these bulbs, which supposedly looks white to us, but really has a tinge of greenish cast.
    5. I have dolls in all skin tones and I'm careful with them all. I keep them in my bedroom with curtains closed. Lots of times they sit with me on the loveseat in the den area and are only exposed to a very limited amount of indirect light and are never near the windows. I prefer to be safe than sorry.
    6. I'm equally cautious with all my dolls. A yellowed white, normal or fantasy skinned doll would be just as sad to me as a greened tan doll. I try to minimise heat and UV exposure for all my dolls, regardless of their skin tones.
    7. I wouldn't say I take any caution with any skin colour. All the dolls I have at home at the moment are NS and they don't get any sun light or anything, so they are well looked after!
    8. I don't think I'm more cautious with a particular skintone. I think I tend to protect all equally when there's a need to... I'd like to keep yellowing to a minimum for all my dolls~
    9. I keep them far from direct sunlight. But still...I'm more cautious for my white skin dolls because without sunlight, they are still yellowing and the speed is different from which companies. I guess it's naturally and I can do nothing much for them. Yellowing isn't that bad, I guess. :)
    10. I take care of all my dolls equally and put them away from light when I don't do anything with them. I'll take any of them outside but never leave them in direct sunlight.
      When working on them I prefer white skin, because sanding or scratching the resin is not as visible there. ^^