1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Surprisingly Positive Things People Have Said!

Oct 7, 2007

    1. I brought my Ferran to school once, and I actually got a lot of people coming up to me and complementing him, which was surprising, since I know a lot of people who are really scared of them!
    2. I've had a couple of surprisingly good experiences with my dolls, both of which were associated with meets I attended. The first was when a worker and customer at a local fabric store complimented my MNF girl. Another was at the most recent meet I went to, where a group of people that were filming something came up and conducted an impromptu interview with a couple of the people there. It was really nice to see such a warm reception to the dolls. :)
    3. A friend of my boyfriend came up to my workspace in the attic, looked at the doll I'm busy working on, and said: "Holy sh*t... That looks... AWESOME!"
      xD I expected him to freak out, but not in that direction.
    4. Not quite sure if this fits here, but...

      When I first met my fiance, the dolls were kind of the first big thing that he saw when he came to my house. It didn't occur to me at the time, but they made him feel a bit... awkward... one didn't have a head, one I think was naked, one was flashing a boobie. After that, I made sure not to talk about them too much because I thought he was a bit creeped out by them.

      Recently I was going through a bout of... I don't even know what you would call it... I was wondering if I should just sell them for the money because we sort of needed it and I haven't touched them in like a year because of house renovations and school. He complained that the boxes kept getting in the way, so I thought I should just get rid of them completely to make it easier for us. He came in one night and saw me staring at them sadly and asked what was wrong. I told him at I decided they were all going and he just goes a little pale and lets out a little "nooooo~", so I go "why? what's wrong?" and he said "but you love them so much, and they're... awesome...". Completely suprised, I said "but I thought you didn't like them and they were a nusence..." and he said "No. It's a little weird how they have... detailed... parts... but I love Cinnamon (Pipos Mac), you're not selling him are you!?" and I said no of course not because he's extra special to me. So he sighs in relief and drops this bombshell:

      "Can you show me the site you got him from, because ever since you first showed me him and the other one (Luts Zuzu Fenny) I've been thinking I'd like one too, so I can have something to share with you that you're interested in, rather than it always being the other way around." :D :aheartbea
      • x 3
    5. Everyones's stories are so touching and sweet. Many of them made me tear up a little. I didn't realize how attached to my dolls I was until I read this thread. Thanks everyone for sharing. I don't really have any stories my husband is really my only supporter of my doll collecting but then I don't really share with many others. My grown kids just think they are creepy. Maybe one day they will understand.
    6. thats so sweet :)

      ....but the first reaction is just priceless.
    7. The best experience I've had is when some friends and I took our dolls to the Aquarium of the Americas in New Orleans. We figured it would be pretty awesome to get some pix there.

      I did not hear a single negative comment the entire day. In fact, many people were asking about them and telling us how neat they thought they were. I had a kid ask if he could take a picture with Noah! One particularly sweet lady started asking us questions about where we got them, and seemed really impressed that we "made them ourselves" (her words, not mine. XD).

      It was one of those things that just made me really happy, you know?
    8. It's not just 'said'-- I expected my brother to say positive things about my dolls, since he's a toy guy (and a sculptor), and was the one who introduced me to BJDs. I didn't expect him to be quite as helpful as he is, though!

      With Vince, who was my first doll and first faceup, he helped me get even coats of MSC sprayed. He's helped my sister and I set up a makeshift lightbox for her doll photos, and when it comes to OT dolls, he's more than happy to take his tools to ABS plastic (he hasn't yet worked on resin at all, when it comes to sculpting or sanding, but I think it is a material he's interested in working with someday). He loves looking at the different joint systems (and, uh, playing with the eyeballs), and he's really cool about doing so while being useful.

      I just think it's really sweet of him. Especially when he's hanging out nearby and I can pass a fussy doll over to him and have a stronger pair of hands than mine fix the problem!
    9. When I got the guts to tell my boyfriend about my doll hobby, his reaction surprised me. Instead of the usual "that's creepy... dolls?.... ew.." reaction that people have, he asked to see them. He really liked my Doll Chateau Alberta because "her moose ears are cute!"

      I was glad he didn't get creeped out by it.
    10. Just had a lovely day out in public! Well, it started with a doll meet, so during that part of the afternoon, it didn't feel so odd, since I was in a group with dolls out on the tables, and a woman came up and asked a few questions. I was mostly nodding in the background for that, but when we left the meet, we headed to Super JoAnn's, where I found some great fabrics for boy clothes.

      As I'm at the cutting table, the lady asks 'oh, what are you making?', as I'm asking for quarter yards, and I've got Vince in his carrying bag, so I say 'doll clothes' and pull him out, try to fix his wig. So I answered her questions, and showed her how the wig can be changed, said I wanted to make some more boyish clothes since I've got this boy doll and mostly find girly clothes (not that Vince doesn't enjoy a little pink and purple), and she gushed about how beautiful Vince's eyes are.

      She thought it was interesting that you could change them out, and that his were stunning, and she gave me an extra inch or so on one of my fabrics because it likes to curl up and is hard to cut/work with and she didn't want me to come up short on it.

      I didn't pull him out at the cash register when the check-out lady asked me what my project was, because I didn't want to hold up that line, but I really had a lovely experience with the woman on the cutting counter. Felt nice to be able to take Vince out beyond just the meet and get compliments-- and she told me to be sure to bring him back when I finished making his new clothes so that she could see! It was so sweet. I'll have to be sure to bring him the next time I know I'll be going to Super JoAnn's so I can look for her.
    11. When I first got my dolls my mother absolutely hated them. She made me keep them in my room and was afraid to touch them. I wasn't allowed to do anything with them around her. One night I came home from hanging out with friends to find my mother sitting in our family room with Coco (my former MNF Chloe) fixing her hair! More recently though I had to sell my beauties because I am moving soon and I was really depressed about it. I only had one body left to sell (no heads at the time) and she told me to keep it and just go ahead and buy a new head because she knew how much I loved them. It made me cry. She's getting me, I mean it took 25 years but she gets me all thanks to my dolls :)
    12. My husband is supportive of all of my hobbies (and there are many!), but he's one of those people who can't deal with the "uncanny valley" aspect of dolls. He is, however, more creeped out by anthro dolls. They are, by and far, his least favorite ... so imagine his despair when he realized how much I adore anthros.

      I was recently puttering around on various dolly websites when I went to MOC and saw LoongSoul's LE White Tiger. I started freaking out. My husband and I hadn't really talked about Christmas presents yet, so I put on my begging eyes and asked him to pre-order one for me for Christmas. He shuddered and then he said, "If that's the one you want, then that's the one I'll get for you."

      Also, my MIL called my husband a while back and all of a sudden I hear, "[Yuru] has started collecting dolls! Yeah, they're called ... Asian ... ball-jointed dolls. She has two really small ones on their way home now." Before long he passes the phone off to me and I'm being barraged with chatter, "Oh wow, I bet they're going to be so cute! You know I have these adorable furniture patterns here. Send me their measurements so I can make some furniture for them! Make sure to take lots of pictures!"

      My own mother won't be nearly as excited whenever she finds out, so it's nice to know that my MIL thinks it's cool.
    13. I brought my doll over to my boyfriend's house when I was visiting this past weekend. I told him that if I had time, I would like to take a few photos of her in the backyard. I told him he could just work on his school work while I did that so I wouldn't get in his way. Not only did he say, "I'll go with you on your photoshoot," but he even looked up a nearby rose garden we could go to instead, drove me there, and helped setup and even took photos for me with his camera when my battery died.

      What the heck?? Best boyfriend ever! :D
    14. My parents didn't like my dolls when I first got them.

      About a year later, my mom did start saying some positive things about them. She said they were cute. She passed away a couple years ago, though, so she did not have much time to like them.

      When I got my DD Yukino, my dad said that he thought I had problems and was worried about me :( He's never said anything nice about my dolls, but he has helped me with a couple things, so at least that's nice.
    15. I don't feel confident in my face-ups. They are okay, but not professional grade. However, I have gotten a few complements on them and that is always a good feeling. Also, when I see other doll owners and they see my dolls, they have only ever said nice things about my dolls, though I am sure my dolls were not always their favorite choices, I appreciate that the doll owners I have met have always been respectful about each others dolls.

      Also, my mother asks about my dolls. When I entered a photo contest recently for BJDs, she asked about it and wanted to see the entries.
    16. My girlfriend and I were a little nervous about introducing our parents to the dolls since we weren't sure what they'd think of the financial side of the hobby. We were hoping for them to like them, but not expecting it.

      Her stepmother (an awesome lady in her early sixties) is an absolute twihard and convinced that all of our boys look exactly like Edward Cullen, especially Jasper (a DollFamily H LingFeng) no matter how wildly different from Edward they are. She loves Jasper to bits and always wanted us to bring him over and show him off. We never expected her to love the boys as mush as we do!
    17. This is actually how I got into the hobby! I caught sight of one of these dolls and sort of unconsciously followed the person around because I was that fascinated. My fate was thusly sealed.
    18. One of the best things was when my grandad on my mum's side saw my first bjd for the first time. Originally, he just wouldn't accept that he was a boy (hewas wearing a skirt at the time) but then he asked to take photographs ^-^ It was simple, but amazing. xD
    19. The nicest thing that some one has ever said to me about my dolls was right here on DOA. They said that my Stasia's lips were Delicious. It was so nice because I had done the face up myself
    20. My husband is really good about my doll hobby and is happy that it makes me happy. He's supportive and patient if I happen to go on about them--I know he really isn't interested. The other night though he was in my room and said, "I won't say this very often but I quite like that doll--she's very pretty." He was talking about my Volks Elena, who is the first bjd I ever loved and is super special in my collection. If I could have afforded her at the time she would have been my first doll. I've gotten compliments on my dolls but it was so nice to hear it from him for once!