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That one turn-off

Aug 2, 2012

    1. Dolls with duck faces! Really really obvious duck faces!! Especially when the eyes are set too close together, it makes them look like they're hopped up on something :\
      And when they have eyes really far apart and really wide noses
      I also don't like dolls with eyes that are opened too much, it makes them look like they're always surprised to be seeing whatever their looking at...
    2. Usually it's the face that makes me say no to a doll.
      Noses-They can't be too small or too big; too pointy or too curved. The nose has to match the doll (mostly an opinion thing >.<)
      Eyes and Lips- I cannot do the anime eyes that are huge, they really freak me out D= and sleeping heads, thought they look great sometimes i just can't imagine getting one... the lips have to be somewhere in between a smile and a smirk I will not have anything to do with teeth or to extreme expressions
      Hands- As someone said before, jointed hands creep me out; I understand their usefulness but I don't like how it looks; Also, I like hands to be a bit delicate (but proportional) and not too large
      Body- Most of the things other people have said applies to me as well; Too big thighs, balloon ta-ta's, pear shaped, unproportional, young body/face mix, ugly joints... One thing that really throws me off is that malnurished and starving child body that is so thin that the ribs could double as an instrument. *sigh* Somewhat disturbing... >.< Think that's all for now!
    3. I really hate it when dolls are ruined by an open mouth. If I can see teeth- its a no go. I don't mind little vampire teeth if they are classy, or crazy face molds that include an open mouth is okay if its quirky, but just that open slack jaw. Its terrible.
      And idk why but I dislike closed eyes.
    4. ...I don't like dolls with tongues.
      • x 1
    5. Although I do like all dolls and would never dis anyones doll I personally don't like the really tiny dolls. I'm also not particularly fond of the dolls with the thin faces and long thin noses, its sort of off putting to me. I'm also not fond of the 'anime' dolls; don't think I'd ever get one of thoes. I don't think I'm particularly picky when it comes to dolls I just choose one that suits what the character should look like.
    6. Weird breast, lol. Bothers the heck out of me...
    7. Ohoho, now, do I have a list of these things? I read through this ENTIRE topic, and I'll TRY to mention points that were not mentioned, at least not so many times that I'd remember.
      And I apologize for the unawoidable wall of text, I really have the bad habit of rambling..

      - The overabundance of pretty faces. I have a LOT of characters and I always want them to look different; some are supposed to be unrealistically pretty and others less so. But.. I'd say that most doll-heads you see around are always sculpted to be REALLY pretty, no matter which gender. I understand if a company wants to have a couple really pretty faces, but do they ALL have to look like gorgeus goddesses and gods? Especially Soom and Luts are guilty of this. |D I have a few pretty-faced dolls already, I don't need more.
      - The almost character-less facial features. I reeeally like dolls with huge, angular noses, semi-large eyes and a natural-looking mouth. All these almost invisible mouths, nonexistant chins as well as small, straight and thin noses drive me up the walls! I like heads in which I can recognise it's character without it even having a face-up, eyes nor a wig. Iplehouse-heads are something I really like, ah, those gorgeous Roman noses~. I still wish to find a nice head with a fleshy nose. VuV But this doesn't mean I like the unnatural, overexaggerated facial characteristics ether! Those glazed, huge anime eyes and mouths that reach from one ear to the other just aren't for me..
      OH. And also, has anyone noticed how almost all BJDs have a MASSIVE overbite? Just imagine a skull and teeth inside your dolls head, would the teeth be even close to meeting? I know most of mine aren't. |D Well, luckily that's not really much of a turn-off for me. I can live with it as long as t's not on one of my really masculine characters. x'D
      - TONGUES ON A DOLL. No, I just--, ev, gahhh.. Sorry, I just really dislike tongues in general, and if the doll has a visible tongue, I am likely not to want it. The only exception to this is if I think I can sand the tongue off and the head is othervise perfect for a character. |D I don't mind visible teeth though.. I quite like that slightly open-mouthed look if it suits the character. I know even I tend to slightly droop my mouth open so that my upper front teeth tend to rest on my lower lip, like with a rabbit or something. x'D
      - Anatomical inaccuracy. Be it too short arms or too long torso, I just can't live with it. Though my biggest annoyance is when the heads are of a wrong shape. Especially when the small is really small and then there's this HUGE alien-like forehead and the doll looks just like those creatures from the Star Trek TOS pilot-episode, Talosians. O^O Hair covers it up on most parts, but what if the doll does not have hair, like Anthro dolls? Especially with those I am often bothered by the heads. ;A; Also I've seen some dolls that have the face's proportions so wrong.. Like ears too low/high. That's just so annoying to fix yoursel and I just can't stand dolls having ears in the wrong spot. >A<
      - Single- or overall not-too-flexible joints. I am more than ready to sacrifice appearance for movability. I would not go as far as that Dikadoll-body with like 5 torso-joints (At least not now.) but I can live with a bit angular-looking joints if it adds to the range of poses, nothing that clothes can't cuver up, or at least that a computer can't fix! Jointed hands? I love them. They may look awkward, but all the poses. If a body does NOT have double joints everywhere and at least one joint on the torso, I am likely not to want it. That is also my only big turn-off with Iplehouse bodies; the single-jointed knees.
      - All this EVERY BOY MUST BE MUSCULAR AND GIRLS PRETTY-craze. It's just.. How many boy-bodies can you find without visible abs? Or how many girls do you see WITH abs? Especially with SD-sized men this is a real dilemma for me; I can find more than enough gorgeous muscular bodies for my muscular man characters, but when I wish to have a less-fit character? Nothing, nowhere. But luckily there is sand-paper.. Nothing that I can't just sand off even if it's an awful lot of work. And I'd also love to see really chubby SD-dolls, in both genders. Why are all doll-bodies so.. So 'perfect' when I want something 'imperfect'? ;u; I want my pot-bellied characters as dolls too. ;A; Right now, I already have most of my muscular characters, but only two of my non-muscular ones (And both are little girls) have their right bodies, if that gives you some scale of the situation. >>'
      - Dolls that look like me. Yeaah. Someone mentioned this. And it's so true. I just have trouble bonding with girl-dolls that have a rounded face and tiny mouth like mine, a babyface. I don't mind it on a guy, but on a GIRL? Ironically though.. I do have a few characters like that. But two of them are supposed to be kids anyways. And the rest are supposed to be chubby.
      - No blank photos not profile view of a head. Like I mentioned earlier, I want heads to lok like it's character before it's even been given a face-up or anything. And I also have this obsession for noses; no profile view of the nose, no deal. Actually, I have even decided to get certain dolls, based purely on how AMAZING the nose looked! XD Also, ears are something I want to see. Sure, they can be modded to your tastes, but still. Certain doll-ears that I've seen have just been so sloppy and looked swollen. I just can't-..

      Then I also agree with all the talk about the silicone-loving ladies and last-minute vampire teeth that rest on the lip like the Vampire should be a toddler who's finally losing his milk-teeth.. Soom Gluino actually had quite nice vampire teeth, but then in his case the mouth was always open, which was awkward as well. XDD

      But that's enough for now. XDD I could come up with more, but those are my worst annoyances. =u= I hope I didn't detour from the topic too much in my rambles. : o But let's see if anyone agrees with me or if I'm just a weirdo. 8'D
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    8. I think doll teeth (excluding fangs) are just creepy.

      Also on my list of deal-breakers:

      Unattractive joints
      Scowling (not cute!)
      An upper lip that is sharp like two triangles (creepy)
    9. I don't like dolls with closed eyes- unless they're in a pose that makes sense. I wouldn't buy one.
    10. I'm getting an unpleasant mental image from this. :lol:

      I'd say my turn-off is lack of variety. I likely have at least one doll with a feature someone here has mentioned hating. But I like to see a little of just about everything in my collection--various joint types, open eyes, half-closed eyes, winking eye, big boobs, small boobs, tall, short, skinny, muscular, teeth showing, or not, happy, sad, dark, light, etc...
      So, hopefully, I'll have a model ready for any photo concept.
      Plus, they're just fun.
      • x 2
    11. You can pick your dolls and you can pick your nose but you can't pick your doll's nose-Oh wait.
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    12. I also have a long list :D
      I don't really like super skinny girls or girls with a tiny hip that makes her shoulders look big. haha (this is what I don't really like about my body as well)
      and yeah I don't like huge boobs either!
    13. 1. Open mouth/showing teeth.
      They seem so expressionless and it just bothers me so much. It's like that face people make when they watch television. Open mouth and bland.

      2. Boys.
      I have yet to see a boy that actually interests me for longer than 5 minutes. I get over them way too fast. Meh.

      3. Too thick of bodies.
      I like my girls to be very thin. Thicker bodies creep me out.
    14. Laughing dolls annoy the crap out of me. And any doll dressed up as a clown. I don't play around with clowns.
    15. the list starts with:

      1) screaming expression (I call it) -,- with wide open mouth, closed eyes!! like really!!


      2) dolls with childish face YET huge boobs!! I don't want to get started with this! it's just disgusting -,-

      3) very pale white skin WITH bad face up

      4) boobs that are: perfectly round and look STONE hard/ SMALL that look like early teen years boobs/ WIDE apart (basically anything that does NOT look normal)
    16. Dolls with teeth is a huge no-no for me. The same with dolls with open mouths/tongues sticking out etc. I just find it horribly off-putting.
    17. Latefa That doll scares the crap out of me, I am sorry to anyone who had this sculpt, but I wouldn't let it into my home :shudder Each to their own I guess...
    18. I hate thick lower calves/no ankles. I just can't do the fat lower leg thing.... :p
    19. Long, thin longs/arms, Squinty eyes, and thin faces. Doll Chateau is pretty much everything I detest in a doll. I generally pay more attention to faces over bodies, so body issues I generally ignore. Long spindally limbs is something I get get over. It makes the doll look like he/she is anorexic. *shudder*
    20. I agree whole hartedly! I also don't like dolls with open mouths or really really smiley dolls :XD: