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The Latidoll yellow clothing thread

Jul 11, 2006

    1. I've bought several wigs - the size to get is 5-6. :) I wouldn't leave the wig on for long periods of time, though - after a few hours, my girl had a stain around her head. SO NOT FUN. So, at least be aware that the wigs can stain. :(

      Yup, Pury and Lina are both LE and terribly expensive to buy from someone else. The other Lati babies are just as sweet, possibly sweeter. I wanted a Pury really badly and then I got Lucy.... she's a million times better than any Pury I could have every gotten, and was about $400 cheaper.

      Lati is stopping orders on the 21st of the month and won't "reopen" until the middle of June. I'm think about putting in another order, just in case. They've blocked my IP address, so it's really difficult .... I have to find a public computer! Drats. I'd love to order Benny. Lucy needs a sister!

    2. Morning!!

      Yes, Lina and Grown Up Pury were limited dolls. Pury now lives in Vermont - I had ordered both dolls with the intention of only keeping one - They were $450. each, and worth every penny. Their outfits are stunning.

      Lati Yellows are very sturdy, and stand well alone - no need for a stand or support. Very good quality dolls.

      When we go to the Ball Jointed Doll convention in Austin I hope to pick up wigs and little things like shoes for Lina - I have a foot fetish - love shoes for my girls.

      Mary-Lee :-)
    3. They didn't stop, just ran out of what they had made. So they stop selling while they make more, then open up buying again. I think I heard they plan on starting again the beginning of June, so save up your money! <g>
    4. Kemper has some very cool Blyth shoes that should fit
    5. I have bought wigs from Kemper, never looked at Blythe shoes though. My Blythe's foot is much thinner than Lina's (lati Yellow) I can't imagine them wearing the same shoes!! I have Barbie boots on Blythe right now. Will have to dig out the shoes and try them all on!!!

    6. [​IMG]

      Made this last week - just getting around to photographing it.

    7. Oh, poor you with your computer blocks! I hope you get your Lati.

      I checked the website and I'm disappointed by how few wigs there are available. I guess I could get just the doll and buy a wig when they get more. But it seems a shame to have a bald girly-girl.

      Does anyone know if they are bringing out new Yellows in June when they start up again?

    8. I got Mayas wigs from Audreys. They have a couple of others that will fit as well. You have to kind of search through to find the right size, but it's worth it!
    9. Wigs are sort of like clothes....we change them, right? What size wig is everyone using for the Yellows? I measured her head and get 6". Seems big to me. So would I get a 5/6 or try to find just a 6 ? Suggestions?
    10. acording to the people at cherish doll
      blythe and lati yellow clothes fit thier dolls so
      anything that fits cherish dolls should fit
      the lati cerish has the cutest bear and puppy
      pj's for i think 30$ and a nice yokata(sp) and
    11. Blythe is so much taller. And much different shape. I have both dolls here, I will see - I don't think so though.

    12. Blythe is also wider - if it's tight on Blythe, it's fine on Lati. In other words, if it doesn't fit your Blythe then you might be in luck...One example is the lati hoodie - it's funny on a Blythe and obviously ill-fitting.
    13. I have found a site (www.monique.com) that sells shoes that should fit Lati Yellow (I haven't ordered/tried them yet since I don't have a Lati Yellow yet), but they seem very reasonable and some of the styles are quite cute.

      I just went through the site looking for shoes that were 25/12mm (for without socks) or 25/14mm (with socks). Here is a link to a pair of sneakers that should fit and they are only $5: https://secure.wavi.com/monique/cgi-bin/shopper?key=MT755&preadd=action

      I purchased sneakers from mimiwoo on ebay and had a great transaction, to find the micro version in her shop you just need to look at the size of the shoe, they are 3.8cm long and 2cm wide. http://cgi.ebay.ca/12-Blythe-Pullip...9QQihZ002QQcategoryZ36546QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
    14. Thanks for this thread! I was wondering what other dolls I could raid for clothes...
    15. We just arrived home from a Konvention in New Jersey - wow, am I tired! I sold out of many items, must get my stock back up this week!!

      I wonder if the new (smaller chest) barbie clothes would fit. They do fit the Amazon Kelly, so they may just fit. At the Konvention I did receive a Shriek Barbie outfit on my Amazon Kelly, so it may fit Lati Yellow. Will try that this morning, and take a photo. I know there is Elmo Barbie (I have seen it on Hana Angel - who is taller and thinner than Lati Yellow).

      Nothing like raiding the closets of other dolls for our Yellows!

    16. My first book for Lati Yellow dolls is out if anyone is interested in darling knits. I love hand made knit clothes!


      If anyone is interested, we can do a knit a long.

    17. This is such a great thread! Thanks for all the tips for finding clothes, shoes, and wigs for Lati Yellow. I think I'll have a nice little wardrobe built up by the time I can get a Lea! :)
    18. What great information for the Lati Yellows - the photos are fantastic - Miel is on my wish list.
    19. Oh Miel is on my wish list too. So sweet.

      And Latches, and, and, and. I think I am ordering the Orange in June when they are offered as well. So many dolls, so little time . . .
