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Things about this hobby that you find hilarious?

Apr 30, 2021

    1. We need photographic evidence. For science. :wiggle
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    2. Ask and ye shall receive :wiggle

      oops, I accidentally uploaded a huge image, edited :XD:
      #302 Novalyna, May 24, 2024
      Last edited: May 24, 2024
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    3. Bless.

      I have so many questions.
      Like - how do those fit into pants?
      And - why so big?
      And - why so many pointing the same way?
      Are there any, um, parade rest parts? Like just hanging down? Or do you just - not attach anything when dressing your doll?
    4. @MaleficentMrsofEvil I have a Loongsoul 73cm boy and his default part does fit into most pants...if not I can just remove it
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    5. Who says they are there to be fit into pants in the first place? :abambi:
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    6. This thread almost makes me want to consider buying one of the 70+ cm guy dolls one day just for the amusement factor of opening the bag of appendages. And figuring out how they actually engineered this stuff. Lmao.

      Honestly, I love that people in this hobby have fun with the details. It's both awesome and hilarious and at times baffling (like the creative range of doll appendages, lol), but also makes this community unique and special, and I'm really enjoying landing here!
      • x 7
    7. @Kaerra - do let us know if you decide to invest. There are (I believe) two running favorites in this thread:
      Doll Family A - elephant peen.
      Telesthesia and Dragon 83-cm Male-Mom Boy body - just magnificent in every possible way. Moobs. Multiple eggplants. A true delight to the senses.
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    8. You also don't have to go for the big guys to get a bag of appendages. I got a bag of dicks with my Huajing boy and he's MSD sized. They were still delightfully funny to open in their delicate little nude organza bag.

      Granted they're a bit less funny than the snenis above but they swing around very amusingly.
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    9. The snenis :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
      This made my night.
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    10. LMAO, @Crissaegrim, The Snenis is my indie band headliner, with @MaleficentMrsofEvil's Parade Rest Parts opening for them at the next BJD Absurdity Music Festival. :lol::lol::lol:

      But in all seriousness, that's great to know there are MSD variants with the same appendage engineering marvels. I might have to one day create a group of Creative Appendage guys, and see how salty the mood among them gets, lol. I'm sure my girl dolls will be sitting there wondering whether they should be relieved that they just get the usual disproportions or wishing they had more creative thought put into their body parts, too.

      Seriously, thank you all for the laugh, it's been a long week.
      #310 Kaerra, May 24, 2024
      Last edited: May 24, 2024
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    11. So, going on with the same topic - if anyone has bodies with detachable weens from several different companies, are they interchangeable or are the magnets' polarisations sometimes swapped? Imagine wanting to... hybrid... a little... and the dong will just push away from the crotch :(
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    12. Tight pants, and zipper up real quick. As a bonus you can unzip to take down a burglar.
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    13. Indeed :mwahaha I don't think these were made to be contained!! LS must have wanted them on full display! :nosebleed

      To answer your other questions, MaleficentMrs, I may have to bring them out for examination again, I thought I got duplicates too, but maybe there are some nuances between the parts that I didn't notice :blush

      When my friend showed me, these parts were fairly new and exciting. I guess mid 2010s? There was still some debate about whether they were too perverted, but we both thought it was cool to have options. There was also some debate as to whether the beans should be attached to the pork in this configuration. Since she's a proud yaoi fan I'm sure she enjoyed them for other reasons :wiggle But she was also thrilled that she could switch or rotate them to avoid a point and eventual hole in the crotch caused by the classic molded tictac. And make her guys look more excited even with his clothes on:abambi: She only lamented that they fell out of the pants leg sometimes and got lost (no peg like my boy's. pun not intended but... well, how else do I call it), which is why she cleverly tucked them into the head when not in use. Hers were only about the size of my knuckle so the whole crew could rock it in the brain case. How far we have come since then! My lucky boy :o

      Oh my god :lol::lol::lol: You are a genius
      on the topic of hybriding, I recall some hobbyist producing custom optional parts for sale, not sure if that's still a thing.

      SNENIS :...(:...(:...(:...( does it, does it bite :horror:
      Idea for a photo story: charming the snake...
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    14. "Now here's a sight rarely seen in the wild, an immature snenis has emerged from the nest, ready to venture forth into the big wide world on its own for the very first time. Let's observe how it interacts from a safe distance."

      --Not Exactly David Attenborough, But Close Enough


      Honestly, a nature documentary, plus burglar deterrence in one photo story would have me absolutely rolling. Especially if someone got a little unlucky with detachment syndrome, like your friend's dolls sometimes experienced. LMAO :lol:
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    15. Oh dear my currently memberless Ringdoll hybrid is feeling more insecure than usual after the above handful. I don't feel too sorry for him though. I've already gotten used to making good fun of him rather than try to string the darn thing back on.
      Which brings me back to the topic that the joy of bullying my dolls a little with my closest friends is definitely something about the hobby that cracks me up.
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    16. I'd love to see not-David Attenborough have to say about Ring Doll's "Peter" Peter
      I thought I've seen enough resin "extra" bits (looking at you, Granado "Handy"!), but this one... dang it, this one takes the cake. What the heck is that?!

      Mutated sneis? Cobrenis?
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    17. "Moving downriver, we seem to have stumbled upon a snake's den of rather peculiar species. We've hit the jackpot, because these are species rarely sighted in the wild: a duos snenis anguis--or duo-headed snenis--sunning itself, alongside a sleeping cobrenis, and horned viperenis. They are joined by a... oh my. What on earth is that thing?"

      Not-David pauses awkwardly, and clears his throat.

      "This is a new breed, never before seen on television! It appears to use suction cups to move about, rather than slithering over scales like its snenis brethren, and it chirps as it moves, because its head is in fact a bird... How is that even possible?"

      Seriously, WHAT IS THAT THING? :XD::XD::XD: It's like someone combined a kraken with an innocent little finch minding its own business and turned them into a chimera!dick and I am utterly speechless. So damn funny, thank you for the share! :lol: (Bonus points to whomever at Ringdoll titled the whole page as "Peter", lmao)
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    18. And now not-David Attenborough is permanently stuck in my head, narrating snenis narratives.
      Non-snenis: saw this reel on Instagram. Beautiful eyes. Watch the middle one when jioba98 starts moving them.
      I jumped in my chair. Then I laughed at myself.
      I am both amused and completely freaked out by moving eyes, and I have no explanation.
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    19. That's great! Now I wanna know what kind of "Auxiliary tools" they have used to move those eyes.

      @Kaerra : That was great. Thanks for the belly laughs!
      ... to Not-David Attenborough: I'm sorry. But I am not sorry. Sorry. (Sorry, I'm Canadian, so... um... sorry?)
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    20. Cackling at this thread.
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