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Things about this hobby that you find hilarious?

Apr 30, 2021

    1. I'm amused for no clear reason by the Evantasy body pics because half of them she's in her birthday suit with random heels. Like... why? Most doll body listings actually show you their feet, too! Why heels and nothing else? Lol.
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    2. @Kaerra - I think they are just showing off the heel legs - dolls can't stand on them without shoes so hence the pumps for non-sitting poses :sweat not sure if it's just Legenddoll not putting up all images or if Evantasy didn't take any with flat feet... although looking at the posing on the promo images I guess it's just a stylistic choice.
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    3. Oh, heeled feet makes sense, thanks for the reminder! I never think about that, since I guess I just think of them as a supplemental part that comes with a lot of doll bodies. But it would be useful if they included a shot of the actual heeled foot without the shoes as a reference, at least for me. I like having the overview of every component I'm buying. I guess that might be a little weird to some people, lol.

      Either way, I bet you're spot on that photographing the doll in heels is an aesthetic choice. Probably based on the kind of people they think would be interested in a doll with silicone parts up top to begin with.
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    4. I sometimes contemplate the possibility of making jointed boobs. Even if they couldn't sqish, it would probably be possible to do a segmented cup joint that would allow changing the position and direction of the bust that actually could be useful for making the bust sit right in different garments.
      Other that that slight potential for usefulness, it would purely be a joint engineering excercise, of course. A bit like that time I made and optional tentacle arm for a doll that really didn't need it... but you know. :lol:
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    5. D-Lace (I think) did make a jointed boobie girl. I can't seem to find her though!
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    6. I can't remember who, but there was a maker on instagram who somewhat recently did jointed boobs. I think a chinese one? It was, uh... A look:sweat
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    7. Haha, Nothing new under the sun, I guess. Well at least now I don't have to. Post a link if you ever come across it again, because I'd love to see how it looks and works. :XD:
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    8. I think it's this one - ig link . I think there was post that shows the boob jointing a little better if anyone wants to dig further :)

      Edit: found it - here.
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    9. Oh, that's interesting! From the first image it looks like the boob is a cup shape and it's end piece is the nipple. That's a neat idea. I wish there were picures showing the range of movement.
      I was thinking more the other way around, with a socket into the torso, a shallw cup or two for the base and the the boob iteslf like a flattened ball, with the hook holder on the inside... Does this mean I still have to do it?
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    10. I'm afraid so.
      I've got Ursula's body stuck in my head, so... we can commiserate, lol.
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    11. I actually do have a doll with soft body parts made of silicone. She's not as well-endowed as Honk-honk, I don't think. (Then again, she's a bit on the chubby side so it's actually hard to tell... It's not like I'm an expert on doll boobiage or anything...)

      One thing that gr3ynia mentioned is absolutely true. Silicone body parts are sticky! Very sticky! I swear she's literally collecting dust at home. Baby powder is a must for silicone boobies! ( ...I should start calling it "Booby Powder"...)
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    12. A dealer website has “body parts” for male dolls listed and the photo showed them in a bag. It just made me laugh because I had a friend from high school that used to say eat a bag of d**ks when she was mad at someone, so I had to send the link to her.
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    13. For those interested I have seen a really cool mod to make the soft vinyl bust more squishy. None of my dollfies have a big chest though to try it with.
      The modder warmed up the part enough to flip inside out, then shaved the vinyl from the inside with a blade until it becomes thin.
      I think they were inspired by the Angel Philia but wanted something less bold.
      The thinness of the sofubi allows it to squish:abambi:without stickiness! And you can localize it to the necessary areas only. Unlike my hybrid who I gave an AP bust, she has a squishy neck that i had to stuff to keep her head stable :huh?:
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    14. I own silicone eyes, and bought them before I realized how much of a thing that can be. Is it worth using baby powder on eyes, or do we just dust them the way we'd dust anything that accumulates it, with dust cloths? These eyes are only 11mm, so not super big. For an MSD doll whose head is closer to YoSD sizing.
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    15. I
      I've never had silicone eyes, but I will say it's worth a shot. A very fine dusting with baby powder can do great in keeping the eyes dust and hair free. I know they're tiny so the chance of them tracking dust won't be quite so visible. But it's also because they are tiny that any dust clinging to them would make them look cloudy and messy. You can clean with with a dust cloth, but that won't prevent anything sticking them right after, which is the problem in the first place.

      Good luck!
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    16. Thank you, I will do my best! Plan B is backup glass eyes if these drive me up the wall with dust bunny collection.

      Now there's something hilarious about this hobby I never expected to think about, lmao--eyeball dust bunnies. :XD:
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    17. I sometimes imagine other people getting my doll orders by mistake and opening them up... Imagine thinking you got something from Amazon and it ended being a bunch of magnetic peens! :lol:
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    18. Lol, some poor person ripping open their package, "Thank God, my painkillers arrived, I've got a splitting headache--what the hell is this?!" *holds up bag of peens, their eyes bugging out in horror at the sight of multiple snake heads staring ominously back at them* "Either this is AI taking over warehouse inventory, or that mushroom quiche I ate at lunch had something in it I didn't know about. I gotta go put this up on my IG and file an Amazon return for the ages."

      Who knew a bag of magnetic parts could cure headaches so fast? :XD::XD::XD: (or increase someone's visibility on social media at the same time? Magic! Lmao)
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    19. It's not just any mushroom quiche! It's magic mushroom quiche! (kitsch?)

      Although, I gotta admit, the first time I got a doll with a bag of d*cks, I must have sat there in disbelief for a whole minute, too. Like... who the hell needs something -that- big? We're not talking about snenis or anything like that, just normally shaped eggplants that look like it's been genetically modified to be three-times bigger than it has any business of being...
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    20. I have yet again found myself giggling at pp parts... but this one comes with an extra function!


      edit: didn't even see the hand back there for scale at first! apparently not actually a doll dique, although listed in a bjd dealer's shop. I think my brain only sees what it wants to see.
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