1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Things that annoy you... *Rant Thread* - pt.2

Jul 13, 2017

    1. Yes, I agree - I dislike when companies don't state measurements or sizes.
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    2. *cough cough* Soom, Dollmore *cough*
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    3. Soom's Gem size names don't match BJD standards. Tiny Gem are MSD sized and Mini Gem are mature tinies. I don't mind learning the size names for the doll companies I'm interested in, but it sure is confusing.
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    4. Similar to the size thing, I hate when companies don’t have photos of their dolls without faceups and nude. I guess it’s a bit of a cultural thing, since nudity might be seen as more or less indecent in certain places, so some companies want to cover their dolls up, but like… if I’m going to pay hundreds of dollars for a product I better know what it looks like. And sometimes doll lines that only come in fullsets don’t even show you the body at all (looking at you, Dollmore. Put some photos of Trinity bodies on your site, if I’m gonna buy a doll that’s larger than the average 6 year old I am probably gonna want to see it nude before dropping nearly three thousand dollars, despite the super awesome and beautiful clothing).

      And a face sculpt can be used to make so many different characters, but if they don’t show the heads without any faceup than it can be hard to get an idea of what you could do with the sculpt. You’ll sell more dolls if you just add some photos of the bare heads, I promise you!
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    5. People that are unnecessarily mean to newbies in the hobby. New people do tend to ask a lot of questions and that's good, they're trying to learn and want to be included in the hobby. But there are certain people that like to play gate keeper and act like if you don't automatically know everything there is to know about this hobby then you shouldn't be a part of it.
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    6. I've had this! I joined a doll discord and asked some questions - like what's the best eye putty, what's the best way to buff out new spots/stains - and I got cursed at and told if I didn't already know this info, I shouldn't have BJDs

      Luckily I was also in a nicer group and left the mean one, it didn't make me leave the hobby - but it did make me more cautious with asking questions for sure
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    7. That's horrible! I'm so sorry that happened to you. I've never had that experience but I understand that it's more common than most of us would like to admit. If you need questions asked, DoA is a great place to do it!
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    8. @VickiBee57 That's horrible. I'm so sorry you were treated that way. D:
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    9. :ablink: Whoa. I'm so sorry that happened to you. Everyone has been incredibly kind to me - I've found most people to be welcoming to newbies, and I try to be the same.

      That's awful. I hope that never happens to you again.
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    10. Yes - this - Absolutely!

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    11. I don't get the rudeness towards Newbies, I happen to really love it when new people join the hobby! It helps me recapture some of the feeling and memories of when all this was new to me. And my head is so full of otherwise useless bjd info, I look forward to handing it out to people who need it tbh! I don't need to hoard what I know.

      What I have today is not so much an annoyance but a hobby sadness. At this point I have had several doll friends pass away and as time goes on, I know that number will increase. I miss people who've gone.
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    12. Now postage in the US has just added a $4 surcharge on packages over 22” long and $15 for over 30”. This makes shipping dolls msd or above even more expensive. Not that I’m buying much anymore anyway, but it just makes the hobby a little bit harder to afford. :(
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    13. BjdConfessions.... the worst and most toxic bjd site yet. I already get anxiety from wondering what people in my normal life think of me, so I use my dolls as an escape. Some people get mad over anything and everything, now having a place to voice that without backlash. It's not to say what is discussed on there is wrong, but it seriously sucks my happiness and soul away even going near that site.
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    14. I still get kinda peeved that most companies use "normal" to describe their second lightest shade... Like, I get it, most of those who do are based in Asia but its like... come-on. get creative with it maybe, light beige, or cream, peach. maybe describe the undertone?
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    15. Customs in my country. Customs are what I despise since I started in this hobby, specially because they are so random.
      I'm pretty mad at them right now. I just had to pay almost half of what my clothes order originally costed for the package to be released from customs. And I'm more angry because half of that amount are supposed to be a "handling fee".
      Don't kidnap my package and you won't have to handle it.
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    16. @Eggenthusiast I think this naming caught on because Volks was the first company making BJD and they only made two colors - normal and white. Other companies came along and used the same naming conventions. But even Volks has changed the name for this color now (it's called Fair), hopefully others will catch up with this.
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    17. I have a few that I can think of off the top of my head...

      1) Trying to find an SD girl I like. I either end up loving the face and hating the body or vice versa. I don't want one with a huge chest and most of them seem to have that. It's been such a pain trying to find any that even remotely catch my attention. SOMEDAY maybe...but after 8 years, I have still yet to find an SD gal I like...

      2) Finding "cute" or pastel clothes for SD dudes. I can't sew to save my life and it is impossible to find cute SD clothes for male dolls. I would love it if they had more than just black/grey/white/beige clothing. :sigh I have yet to find much that will fit 70+ sized males. A handful of sweaters and that's about it. It's really disappointing because I want my guys to be cute sometimes too :c

      3) Along the same lines as above, finding the perfect outfit for a character and it's in a size that isn't going to fit your doll. One of the worst feelings ever to me.

      4) STRINGING TINY DOLLS. Like man I love my little Lati dolls a ton but lord they are so hard to string. I've tried at least four times to restring one of them recently and she's still pretty loose even after measuring right. Drives me nuts. I can manage with YOSD and MSD dolls...haven't tried SD ones yet.
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    18. Finding clothes for Volks SD10 and MSD/SDM bodies that aren't an arm and a leg is really frustrating. Everything is sized for Smart Doll and Minifee...
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    19. THIS SO MUCH
      I legitimately bought a Minifee just so I could actually have a doll wardrobe I didn't have to make myself.
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    20. I’m having the same issues of finding “standard” msd clothing, like as not slim or minifee. Years ago it was everywhere when I was looking for slim mini….seems like I’m always just a bit out of step with bjd trends. I have a couple gals who are very difficult to find outfits for in the styles I want due to their msd sized bodies that are 50cm tall.
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