1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Things that annoy you... *Rant Thread*

Dec 11, 2014

    1. Brown is what I always hope for! I wish companies would send dolls as they look in the promo pics. It's not like they couldn't place a bulk order for one colour of eyes.
    2. @Dezarii This is a real "one mans trash..." moment!

      Exactly! How is random eyes benefiting anyone?
      • x 1
    3. When Taobao Agents don't check to ensure the wig or pant size is correct and you get nice clothes or a pretty wig and it just won't fit!
    4. "How is random eyes benefiting anyone?"

      B-But I like random eyes... Because I'm indecisive about them... and enjoy the mini gamble.
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    5. lol I'm glad someone enjoys them!

      Speaking of eyes, if 2nd hand sellers would stop posting pictures with eyes and then saying "doll does not come with eyes" that would be great.
      #765 Mittzle, Mar 8, 2017
      Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2017
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    6. Resinsoul seem to match the eye colour to the skin tone, which is random. So my blue boy has these pretty purplish blue eyes, blue girl had blue eyes, but brown skin seem to get yellow or brown eyes.
      I feel like they must pick eyes they think look best? Which at least is a nice thought.

      But yeah, being able to select colour of eyes would be useful, otherwise you end up with a pile of eyes you don't want/need and can't get rid of. There's gotta be enough variety for people to not just all pick one colour right?

      Oh the other thing that drives me nuts is not offering tan or darker skin tones ALL the time. Like Souldoll who only offer their tan skin periodically and only for one size or line at a time. WHY!??? just.. why?
      Seriously, if they offered tan at all times across their whole range I could order all 4 dolls I need in tan, done, dusted. But nooooo, you gotta sit and wait till their random tan casting period and hope they pick the line you wanted the doll from (will it be kids? will it be vito? will it be zenith? who knows, it'll be random! and then a few months later we'll do the next one... and the next. Just do them ALL simultaniously omg.)
    7. @purple_monkfish Exactly!
      I understand that dark skins can have a chance of marbling, but if you can do SOME dolls in this weather, whats stopping you from doing ALL dolls in this weather??
    8. I really don't like it when a company shows their doll all dressed up, with a nice wig, but don't sell clothes, wigs, etc. I fell for one sculpt and wanted the complete look, but the company doesn't do fullsets, and this doll is an unusual size. He is a baby doll sized yosd, so finding anything is near impossible! I so would have gotten the outfit and wig if it was offered, sigh. If they don't offer it, then put a disclaimer saying so.
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    9. Refusing to sell bodies and heads separately. Drives me up the wall! LET ME GIVE YOU MY MONIES!!

      Super dark pictures where the doll is covered in wig and lace fluff so you can't actually see anything about the sculpt
      Likewise, not posting blank shots of the head, including a Profile. I hate getting a head and finding out it has a severe overbite and a swoopy nose.

      Dolls strung super bloody tight. Like, Folks, understand: I can always tighten the stringing, but if you ship them super tight, I cannot LOOSEN it because I can't get the doll apart to even reach the elastic!
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    10. Companies that don't list where their display wigs/eyes/clothes come from in the company photos.
      I can see that a lot of you hate it when they don't offer the clothes, but I don't mind so much as long as they can provide info on where to get them!! It's also just giving credit where credit is due to be honest.
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    11. No good blank head photos. and not being able to buy heads and bodies separately.
    12. When they release a new dolls size and are missing necessities to go with them, Like Shoes *CoughMyIpleholuseFIDGirlneedsshoes*
      Or when you want to have everything ready for your new dolls arival only to discover the page had the eye size listed wrong.. *CoughIplehouse*
      Iplehouse really is my favorite company, but with their sizes so different than the average BJD, i really wish they would keep some of the stuff in stock.
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    13. People who don't do their homework... by that i mean learning about the doll they like and dolls in general then complain when an outfit marked MSD comes no where close to the doll they have.... Learn the terms and what they 'really' mean before spending money and then complaining about how horrible a company is. It is up to doll owners to make sure something is the right size before buying it.

      BLANK PHOTOS - For example, my Souloid Lavi... looks quite different in person than she does in the company photos. That's frustrating. The company photo was so edited that you can't really see what she looks like...

      NOT SELLING PARTS SEPARATELY - This one I understand. But it's still frustrating at times, particularly when you can't stand the body, but the face sculpts are absolute perfection *coughiplehousecough*

      NOT TELLING YOU VARIOUS DETAILS - When selling a wig, mention which of your sculpts it's on, or at least the size, because I've now fallen in love with the model and I want her. Please credit the clothing, or at least say something like "clothing belongs to our photographer and is not available for sale."
    15. When people don't put any effort in taking photos. I can understand lighting problems, but just, pose it nicely. Fix the wig, move the hand into a more natural postion, anything! I hate it ehen it's obvious people don't care.
    16. It's not really something I hate, but it really bugs me when the companies put the dolls' measurements right at the bottom of the product page. Sometimes I just want to grab the measurements quickly without having to wait for the images to load completely. DX
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    17. Still putting up sold out dolls! I mean, it's cool and all to see those limited dolls, but when there are, like, 30-something of them how am I supposed to find one that is actually for sale???
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    18. I'll pop in about random eyes too... They annoy me only slighly, because I do like the surprise, but like...when I got Ilya, I was hoping for blue or green that might actually work for the character, or brown that might be better than Aelic's current eyes that he could use. I figured those were pretty common colors, right? Not asking for too much?

      I got bright yellow. :doh
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    19. THIS. A MILLION TIMES. And not only that, but some sites list pages, and pages and pages of sold out dolls and the final page may have one available option, and it's not even a full doll, it's like, leg options.
    20. When I shop for dolls, I want to see their faceups clearly. I want photos without wigs, or at least without long bangs that hide the eyes. I'm not going to spend $60 or more on a faceup if I don't know what the brows or eyeshadow look like. It's such a turn-off that I'm unlikely to buy the doll at all.
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